Tang Weiguo originally wanted to study abroad, and his father had the same plan, but his mother told his grandmother that foreigners ate raw meat and some smoked cigarettes. His grandmother became anxious and refused to let him go abroad. His father couldn't resist. I had no choice but to agree.

It didn't matter to him. It was nice to go abroad and pick up foreign girls, and it was also nice to stay at home and play with friends. The most important thing was that he wanted to wait for Gu Ye to get divorced and become Dapeng's brother-in-law.

So his father thought of a move, a move that would allow him to go up to the Qing Dynasty.

Chu Peng glanced at him and said coldly: "Your father went to Xijiang to buy a house?"

"How did you guess it, Dapeng? Uncle Gu said it, right?" Tang Weiguo asked with a smile.

Uncle Gu Ye must know that his father went to Xijiang to buy a house.

Chu Peng rolled his eyes and was too lazy to explain. It was such a simple thing. You could guess it without using your brain. As for Tang Weiguo’s bullshit grades, there was only one way to get into Tsinghua University. Use the Xijiang academic record to take the exam. Many people use this method to take advantage of the loopholes. .

The college entrance examination papers are the same across the country, but the admission scores are different. The scores in Western Xinjiang are the lowest. Many inland students will transfer their academic status to Western Xinjiang. In the interior, they may not even be able to enter the university. After going to Western Xinjiang, they can Admitted to a key university.

"Even if you go to Xijiang with your grades, you still won't be able to get into Tsinghua University." Chu Peng reminded coldly. .

"It's okay, I can study at my own expense."

Tang Weiguo smiled. He was self-aware. He didn't have enough money to make up for the score. Anyway, his father was not short of money, and he was an only child. If he didn't give him the money, who would he give it to?

Chu Peng looked calm and did not feel unfair. This world is inherently unfair. Although Tang Weiguo's grades are not good, he will be reincarnated and has a rich father, so there is no need for envy, jealousy, or psychological imbalance.

If you are not reincarnated well, just work hard and fight on your own, and then your descendants will be able to enjoy the country you have built. If you neither know how to reincarnate nor are willing to work hard, then they can only become a stepping stone, and your descendants will be looked down upon.

"Dapeng, what major did you fill in?"

Tang Weiguo came over to look at his brother's form. He would definitely hang out with his brother.

"Finance? I'll fill in this one too. Luckily, we can be in the same class."

Tang Weiguo filled out his application form, and his first choice was Tsinghua University. When the classmates next to him saw it, they looked at him like a monster. With his last-last score, he still wanted to go to Tsinghua University?

I have kept my head against the door eighty or ninety times, and I will never be able to do something so stupid.

"Why do you think you can get into Tsinghua University?"

Tang Weiguo snorted and handed the filled-in form to the class teacher. His grades were not good, but his ability was great. Do you need to look at him like this?

Shou Honghai was still scratching his head. He didn't know where to fill in the form. The estimated score was quite unexpected. It was better than his previous exams, but he was afraid that he had overestimated it and couldn't make up his mind.

"Dapeng, where do you think I should fill it in?"

Shou Honghai came to Chu Peng to make up his mind. He was able to do so well in the exam this time, thanks to the information given to him by the top student, and he met many questions. Otherwise, he would not have been able to score so many points in the exam.

Chu Peng looked at his estimated scores, thought for a moment, and said, "Two options, police college and sports school, you can choose for yourself."

"With my points, can I get into the police academy?"

Shou Honghai has no confidence in himself. He really wants to be a policeman, but the score is a bit difficult.

"A junior college degree is barely enough. Your first choice is the police academy, and your second choice is the sports school. Subject to the adjustment." Chu Peng gave an idea.


Shou Honghai was very happy. It would be great if he could be admitted to the police academy. He liked being a policeman and originally thought about becoming a soldier if he failed.

"Dapeng, where should we go first? How about climbing Mount Tai?" Tang Weiguo said with great interest.

He told his parents that he wanted to go out to play with Dapeng, and his parents fully agreed and wanted him to hang out with Dapeng.

"First go to Mount Huang, then Mount Tai, then go to Qinghai, Inner Mongolia grasslands, Dunhuang, and Western Xinjiang, then go to Sanya to see the sea, and then go to Shaoshan to see the Chairman's former residence."

Chu Peng has already planned the route, and it’s almost a month and a half away.

Shou Honghai was extremely envious. He also wanted to go out to play, but he knew that his family's conditions did not allow it. Such a trip would cost a lot of money, and he could not increase the burden on his family.

In the future, when he earns his own money, he can go out and have fun, so he is not in a hurry now.

"Do you want to go to the Red Sea together?" Tang Weiguo asked.

He likes crowds of people, and Shou Honghai is tall and powerful, and is a good fighter, so he will be safe with this guy following him.

Shou Honghai shook his head, "I won't go, it will cost a lot of money."

"Money is a trivial matter. I have money. I just want you to be my bodyguard. You see Dapeng is so beautiful. If you encounter a gangster who robs someone along the way, you will be able to stop him."

Tang Weiguo laughed and joked about his brother. Chu Peng glanced at him. Tang Weiguo immediately shut up and winked at Shou Honghai.

Shou Honghai was quite moved, but he couldn't spend other people's money. His mother said that cannibalism would make people short of breath. No matter how rich Tang Weiguo was, it didn't belong to his family and he couldn't take advantage.

"With your student ID card, you can buy half-price tickets. The three of us will share the accommodation in the hostel equally. Including meals, the budget is about 500 per person, but we can make money on the road." Chu Yuanzhi said.

He saw that Shou Honghai wanted to go out for fun. It was indeed safer for the three of them to go out, and they could save a lot on the cost of the guest house.

"How to make money?" Shou Honghai's eyes lit up.

Chu Peng pointed at Tang Weiguo and said, "He can play the erhu. When the time comes, he will perform on the streets and you can do somersaults."

"Then what are you doing?"

Tang Weiguo and Shou Honghai asked in unison.

"Collect money!"

Chu Peng threw out two words and looked at the two people with disgust.

You can't let him do somersaults, of course he's getting paid.

"Why do you charge money? We work?"

The two of them were unconvinced and always felt that they were at a disadvantage.

"I have the highest score."

Chu Peng blocked them with just one sentence, his eyes even more disgusting.

"He plays the erhu and I do somersaults. Someone gives me money?" Shou Honghai was very doubtful. Is money so easy to earn?

Tang Weiguo was also very skeptical, and he felt that it was completely unnecessary. His father gave him five thousand yuan for travel expenses. The three of them had enough money to spend, so why bother to make money.

"Just try and you will find out."

Chu Peng actually said this on purpose. He didn't expect these two people to make money at all. He was just talking about it for fun. Anyway, there must be a way to the mountain before the car. There is always a way to make money and he will not starve to death.

Shou Honghai was very excited and asked again: "How much money can I make by doing somersaults?"

If he could earn three hundred yuan, he would only use his parents to sponsor two hundred yuan. Maybe his mother would agree.

"Anyway, since I'm here, I won't starve you. You won't starve to death even if you don't bring a penny with you. Don't worry!" Tang Weiguo assured him, patting his chest. He was a rich man with 5,000 yuan.

Shou Honghai looked at Chu Peng longingly. He still wanted to be self-reliant and couldn't straighten his waist by spending other people's money.

Chu Peng looked up and down this guy's strong body and said calmly: "You can also go to the dock to carry sandbags. You can always make money."

With such a good frame, it would be a shame not to be able to carry sandbags.

Shou Honghai grinned, "Then I'll go home and ask my parents."

He really wanted to go out and play. In the nineteen years he had lived, the farthest place he had been to was his grandparents' house, in the next door province, Z. He had never been to any other place.

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