"Well, you have filled out your application. My brother is number one in the school and will definitely go to Tsinghua University." Tang Weiguo was extremely proud.

The boss's expression was more respectful. He was the number one scholar. No wonder he didn't look like ordinary people. Look at the demeanor and appearance that only the number one scholar could have. The boss had forgotten that five minutes ago, he was complaining in his mind that Chu Peng and the others were hungry. The dead ghost is reincarnated.

"If the top pick comes to my restaurant to eat, just give me five yuan."

The boss automatically reduced his salary by three yuan, because his son will take the college entrance examination next year, and he might be able to gain some advantage and be admitted to a prestigious university.

Chu Peng didn't ask for the three yuan discount. This small restaurant was a small business, and he only earned two or three yuan in total. He didn't take advantage of the poor, so he paid eight yuan, under the respectful eyes of the boss and all the guests. , the three of them left the hotel, with more than four hours left before the evening train, and wandered around the train station.

"Your aunt should find a job. Only when she becomes financially independent can she have the right to choose." Chu Peng said suddenly.

Whether it is a country or a small family, it is the economy that determines the power. .

"My aunt only has a primary school education and no skills. She can't find a suitable job. She has been doing odd jobs these years and doesn't earn much." Shou Honghai said distressedly.

"If you don't have skills, you can learn, and you can find a job slowly. Your aunt shouldn't just accept everything, she should resist!" Chu Peng said coldly.

"I can't beat him. My uncle is a tall man and drives a garbage truck. In fact, he is not a bad person, but he can't control his temper after drinking." Shou Honghai slapped his forehead in frustration, if only his uncle could correct himself.

When my uncle is not drunk and crazy, he is actually a very nice person and he even helps my aunt with housework.

"Are you dead? Don't you know how to beat your aunt?" Tang Weiguo rolled his eyes.

Bai has grown so big.

"My aunt refused to let me beat her, and she dragged me hard, saying that I was a junior and could not be younger or older." Shou Honghai became even more upset.

One time when he was a freshman in high school, his aunt came to his house to cry to his mother after being beaten. He was so angry that he ran to his aunt's house to beat his uncle. His aunt and his mother also came and pulled him hard, which made him mad.

"Why don't you let your aunt know? Your big head is full of water? Don't you know how to use your brain?" Tang Weiguo glared in disgust.

He didn't mean anything at all. Fortunately, he and Dapeng followed him, otherwise he would have been kidnapped by a kidnapper and still counting money.

Shou Honghai's eyes lit up, yes, he could beat him secretly, but he soon became entangled -

"My uncle is fine when he doesn't drink. I can't do it."

"You stupid turtle, then make your uncle drunk and then beat him up after he's drunk!"

Tang Weiguo became impatient and slapped the fool on the back of the head. He was very suspicious, how did this fool get his college entrance examination score? How could he be more than ten points higher than him?

The three of them walked around the train station while chatting and laughing. There was still half an hour left before boarding the train, so they returned to the train station. The waiting room was crowded with people, smelling of sweat, athlete's foot, children's urine, and body odor. , food aroma... Various flavors are mixed together to form a very weird smell, which is not pleasant.

"It stinks, but the air outside is fresh."

Tang Weiguo covered his nose tightly with a look of disgust on his face. This train station was too dirty. The ground was full of messy garbage. There were many people sleeping on the ground. It was too unscrupulous to just sleep with newspapers spread out.

Chu Peng ignored him. There was no need to be so particular when going out. The three of them found empty seats and waited to check in.

Fifteen minutes before driving, the ticket was checked. There were still a few minutes left. Tang Weiguo was still complaining, but no one paid attention to him. He muttered a few boring words and automatically shut up. He noticed that Chu Peng was staring at the opposite family without blinking. My son, his curiosity arose again, and he asked in a low voice: "What are you looking at?"


Chu Peng looked away. He just felt that the family was a bit inconsistent, but he didn't find anything unusual, so he stopped looking.

Opposite is a family of three. The couple are in their twenties and thirties, dressed very simply, and look like they are from the countryside. The little boy is about two or three years old, fair and chubby, and very cute. He lies in his mother's arms and sleeps soundly.

The ticket inspection started. The family of three were in line in front of Chu Peng and the others. The little boy was still sleeping soundly. The man was in front. The woman was holding the child and walking forward slowly. Chu Peng quickly glanced at the ticket that the man took out. , actually in the same carriage as them, and right next to each other.


Chu Peng took out three tickets, pointed at the two people behind him, and also took out his student ID card. The ticket inspector looked at it briefly and then let him go.

The three of them got on the train. The carriage was stuffy and the smell was even greater. The three of them were seated in a row. The family of three was next to the aisle. The row opposite was still empty and no one came.

Tang Weiguo opened the window. It felt a little better, but it was still stuffy. Finally, the train started moving, and the wind blew in, dispersing the smell in the carriage.

"I'm finally comfortable. We can go to Mount Tai tomorrow afternoon. We should buy a sleeper berth."

Tang Weiguo stretched out his legs with difficulty. Sitting in such a crowded seat was really uncomfortable. Seeing that the row of seats opposite was empty, he had an idea and lay down on it, sighing contentedly.


Shou Honghai was so envious that he went to look for other empty seats, but they were all occupied, so he had to come back and sit in frustration. Seeing Chu Peng sitting calmly reading a book, as if everything around him had nothing to do with him, Shou Honghai was very impressed. This is scholarly behavior, right?

Tang Weiguo was only comfortable for one stop. Someone came up to the seat opposite the next station. A woman in her forties was well-dressed and wore gold earrings and a gold necklace. The other was a middle-aged man in his forties or fifties, carrying a briefcase.

After getting on the bus, I took out beer and peanuts from the bag, as well as a large bag of pig head meat, a large roast chicken, and five-spice dried tofu. They were all placed on the coffee table. The rich aroma made my mouth water, and Shou Honghai's eyes were watering. I stared at these delicious foods, and then I saw that this man's mouth was full of oil after eating, and I couldn't help but swallow several times.

Tang Weiguo obediently returned to his seat, almost drooling, feeling very aggrieved.

Because he is rich, he can afford to eat these, but he bought Dapeng and Red Sea and can’t eat them. It’s not interesting for him to eat them alone. He is so greedy.

“What kind of books are little comrades reading?”

The man drank half a bottle of beer and ate a few pieces of meat. His dark face turned red and he looked at Chu Peng with interest.

Chu Peng didn't answer. He opened the cover of the book and let the man read it for himself.

"I Ching? This is fortune telling, right? Little brother, can you tell fortunes?" The man's expression became respectful, he put down the beer in his hand, and took out a towel from his bag to wipe his hands.

"My brother is a great fortune teller, and he can predict everything." Tang Weiguo boasted.

The man was dubious. Seeing that this little brother was so young, could he really have such profound knowledge?

The woman dressed in gold also became interested and asked with a smile: "Young comrade is so powerful, can you help me calculate my marriage?"

The corner of Tang Weiguo's mouth twitched. Such an old aunt can be considered a marriage. How many marriages does this have to be?

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