Chu Peng twitched the corner of his mouth, he had turned into a pig.

"What's mom's name? Where do you live?"

The little boy tilted his head and thought, then stammered: "Call mommy."

Mom is just called Mom.

He couldn't tell where his family lived. He was too young to speak clearly.

However, with Chu Peng comforting him, the little boy finally stopped crying and insisted on being hugged by Chu Peng. He lay quietly in Chu Peng's arms and sobbed from time to time.

Others cried when they hugged him. The little boy identified Chu Peng and wanted no one.

"I still have to catch the train." Chu Peng was helpless. He didn't like holding children at all. He was almost overheated when he hugged a warm child on a hot day.

Moreover, the child's body was so soft that he didn't dare to use force. What if he was crushed to death?

Tie Jing smiled reluctantly and said: "This child only recognizes you. Just try harder and wait until you can contact the child's parents."

Chu Peng pursed his lips tightly, not wanting to speak, and felt very tired.

He was traveling, not a kindergarten teacher, but he couldn't abandon this child.

"Zhu Zhu...I'm hungry."

The little boy held Chu Peng's arm tightly and said aggrievedly, his stomach growling a few times.

Tang Weiguo and Shou Honghai kept laughing, Dapeng became a mother, haha.

The iron policeman soaked the milk powder, and the little boy ate it obediently. After eating, he fell asleep, with tears still hanging on his eyelashes, and he grabbed Chu Peng's arm as if holding a life-saving straw.

Chu Peng breathed a sigh of relief and wanted to put the child down. If he delayed it any longer, the travel plan would not be completed.

But as soon as he let go of his hand, the little boy twitched, opened his eyes and started crying. Chu Peng was so frightened that he sat down quickly, not daring to move. His heart was so tired that he was paralyzed.

He will definitely not get married and have children in the future. He might as well raise a dog instead of raising a child.

Heidou is very obedient and never wants to be hugged.

Fortunately, good news came from the Shanghai police and they contacted the parents of the child. However, there is no direct train from Shanghai and it will not arrive until tomorrow afternoon.

"Mom will be here tomorrow. You stay here and be good. I have something important to do when I go out." Chu Peng breathed a soft sigh and discussed with the little boy. His hand was about to break.

"don't want……"

The little boy shook his head vigorously and hugged Chu Peng tightly. He only trusted this uncle and was afraid of others.

"Dapeng, it's not until this day, just wait for his parents to come, the child is so pitiful." Tang Weiguo advised, Shou Honghai couldn't help nodding, what a pitiful child.

Chu Peng rolled his eyes, it wasn't them who hugged him, his hands were stiff now.

In the end, Chu Peng gave in and held the child in his arms. He couldn't even let go of his hand when sleeping. He had to hug the child. Before he fell asleep, Chu Peng gritted his teeth and thought that he must ask for more reward this time. Otherwise, I'm sorry for what he suffered this night.

At dawn, Chu Peng and the others slept in the railway police office all night. They had sore backs and backaches from sleeping, especially Chu Peng. He also had a stiff neck and his neck was stiff at a weird angle, which looked funny.

Chu Peng thought of the method his stupid sister used to treat his stiff neck, which almost scared him to death, but the effect was really good.

"Stiff neck? Let me treat it for you."

An older iron police officer came in. He saw Chu Peng's crooked neck and knew what was going on. He stretched out his hand and grabbed Chu Peng's neck, twisting it left and right a few times. After a click, his neck straightened.

Chu Peng twisted his neck, feeling very comfortable, and thanked the iron policeman.

"Thank you. Go and wash up. The parents of the child will arrive at about two o'clock. Come and have dinner with me first." The iron policeman said with a smile, and also said the good news, "Those gangs have been arrested. You have done a great job. This A group of people killed many women and children.”

"Will he be sentenced to death?" This is what Tang Weiguo was thinking about.

"Sentencing is a matter for the court."

The iron policeman was very cautious and refused to disclose it.

Tang Weiguo curled his lips. There was no point in not imposing the death penalty.

After breakfast, the three of them were bored. Chu Peng still had to hold the little boy while eating, which made him exhausted.

"Call my mom."

Tang Weiguo was bored and missed his mother. He had to talk to his mother about his heroic deeds.

Chang Jinfeng didn't sleep well last night because Tang Yaozu didn't sleep well at all. He tossed and turned on the bed and sighed from time to time, which made Chang Jinfeng unable to sleep. When they woke up in the morning, they had four dark circles under their eyes.

Tang Yaozu didn't go to the company. There was something wrong at the pharmaceutical factory, and he was worried to death. Gu Ye was not in Shanghai, and there was no one to discuss it.

"Call Xiao Chu and ask when that guy Gu Ye will be back?"

Tang Yaozu was not in the mood for breakfast. He had invested a lot of money in the pharmaceutical factory. The factory building was almost completed and the equipment had also paid a deposit. He thought that construction would start next year, but he never thought that Cheng Yaojin would appear halfway. If he can't pass the checkpoint, all his previous investment will be in vain.

"So Director Jin is so difficult to deal with? You can't even give him gifts?" Chang Jinfeng asked.

This time it was Director Jin who was stuck. She didn't know what he was doing specifically, but he could decide the life or death of the pharmaceutical factory. If Director Jin didn't let go, the pharmaceutical factory wouldn't be able to run it.

Tang Yaozu gritted his teeth and said: "If giving gifts could work, I would have solved it long ago. I have been there a few times, and this guy named Jin always talks to me like an official."

"Really so cool?" Chang Jinfeng was very doubtful.

Tang Yaozu sneered, "Liangxiu Qingfeng is a bastard. He just blocked me on purpose. I don't know who ordered him to deliberately go against me."

"Who have you offended recently? I'm sure you won't get stuck for no reason. Why don't you stop looking for Director Jin and give him more gifts?" Chang Jinfeng gave an idea.

Since you are not a person with a clear mind, you can find a way to give more gifts.

Tang Yaozu was moved. He couldn't act on his own initiative. It would be useful to go there a few more times.

He called his secretary and asked him to check Director Jin's schedule.

"Mr. Tang, Director Jin has not been at work these two days. Something happened at home."

"What happened?"

Tang Yaozu was refreshed and felt that this was a turning point.

"Director Jin's family has a very strict oral tradition, but I heard that his precious grandson seems to be missing. Director Jin was running between the police station and the hospital yesterday. His wife has been admitted to the hospital, and the child will most likely be given to a kidnapper. I turned around and asked the neighbors. Grandma took her grandson to play in the park, but one of them disappeared without noticing. "

The secretary reported in detail. He knew that the boss was following Director Jin recently.

Tang Yaozu was very satisfied. This male secretary was very thorough in his work and his salary would be increased next month.

"Has the child been found?"

"Not yet. I will continue to monitor the follow-up and call you if there is any situation."

"Keep an eye on it!\

,"Tang Yaozu hung up the phone. He definitely couldn't see Director Jin today. He had lost his grandson and was not in the mood at all. If he went there, he would be ignored.

After hearing this, Chang Jinfeng said bitterly: "Human traffickers are becoming more and more rampant now. They dare to abduct children in broad daylight. They should all be arrested and shot. Don't you know someone in the police? Call and ask if you can." Help."

Regardless of whether we can do something or not, no matter how pitiful the child is, we should help if we can.

Tang Yaozu was about to call his friends in the police, but the phone rang. It was Tang Weiguo.

"Mom, your son has done something big!"

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