80s: Daughter-in-law Is Sweet and Sassy (My 80's Wife Is Sweet And Cool)

Chapter 620: My face is ruined after using your products

Dabao brought back a large bag of swimming crabs and razor clams, which made Chu Qiao feel embarrassed. These seafood were much more valuable than her meals.

Next time she makes some delicious food, please deliver it to her personally. She can’t ask for things from others anymore. The aquatic products business does make money, but it’s all hard-earned money, and she doesn’t take advantage of it.

Chu Peng went out every day these two days, and Chu Qiao didn't care about him. He was going to the capital on the 31st, maybe to hang out with his classmates.

She found out from Dabao that Jiang Qi had also been admitted to Tsinghua University and had already left for the capital.

The thirtieth arrived in the blink of an eye, and Chu Peng was about to leave the next day. Chu Qiao felt a little reluctant to let go. After all, he was his biological brother. Although he was a bit of a dog, the dog brother in this life still had some conscience.

"There are people outside the world, and there are mountains outside the mountains. I heard that there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the capital. You go to Qingda University and restrain yourself. Don't look down on others every day. Be careful of getting beaten!" Chu Qiao warned again and again.

The capital is at the feet of the emperor, and there are countless children of powerful people. The He family still has some status in Shanghai, but it is nothing if they go to the capital. Brother Gou's temper is really unpopular. If he doesn't restrain himself, I'm afraid it will be true. Will get beaten.

Chu Peng rolled his eyes coldly and said nothing.

"What time is your flight tomorrow?"

"Two thirty in the afternoon."

Chu Peng brought the Book of Changes with him and spent the summer reading it. He learned a lot and wanted to study it in depth.

Chu Qiao wanted to care a little more, but the phone rang. It was from the beauty salon. The caller was Lulu. She said in a very urgent tone: "Boss, come here. Someone is making trouble. They say they used products from our store on their face." Damn it, Xiaojie is arguing with them and is about to start a fight."

"I'll come right away. Don't fight with them. Try to endure it!"

Chu Qiao warned that if they took action, they would be at fault.

"I know, Xiaojie didn't take action and just endured it!"

Chu Qiao hung up the phone and hurried out. Chu Peng hesitated and followed. The stupid sister was pregnant now. If anything happened, the stupid brother-in-law might cry, so he might as well follow.

Chu Qiao's face was sullen all the way. When she opened the store, she thought that someone would make trouble. Her beauty store was doing well. This year, she opened several stores in Shanghai, but they couldn't compete with her store because her whitening products were genuine. It is effective and the price is not expensive. Other beauty shops cannot match it, so I can only do it in a hurry.

If you can't compete clearly, then you will do something inferior. How shameless!

She called a taxi and soon arrived at the beauty shop. From a distance, she saw a group of people gathered at the door of the shop, and there were piercing cries and howls, as well as the arguments between Dang Xiaojie and Lulu.

"excuse me!"

Chu Qiao pushed through the people crowding at the door and finally squeezed into the store. A woman in her thirties was sitting on the ground and acting like a fool. Her face was covered with sores, and there was pus and bleeding in some places. It was disgusting.

Standing next to the woman were two aggressive women who looked like they were not easy to mess with. They pointed at Dang Xiaojie's nose and yelled curses. The foul language was very unpleasant. Dang Xiaojie was so angry and aggrieved that tears flowed out of her eyes.

"Don't speak so harshly. Judges have to rely on evidence when deciding cases. You can just say that our store's products ruined your face. Do you have any evidence? We have been open for so long and have served thousands of customers. , they all say that our store’s products are good, but we are the first one to have a bad reputation, you have to come up with some decent evidence, just say that it is our store’s responsibility, who will believe it?”

Lulu pulled Dang Xiaojie away, stood in the front, and argued with these people in a nonchalant manner. After all, she had worked in a dance hall, and after going through strong winds and waves, she was not afraid of these naughty women.

Since taking Chu Qiao's heart-protecting medicine, her daughter An An's health has improved a lot. When she went to the hospital for a check-up, the doctors couldn't believe it. They kept saying it was a miracle. They also said that at this rate of recovery, she would not have a heart transplant until she was eighteen. There is no problem with the surgery, it can even be delayed, and there may not be a need for a heart transplant.

After her daughter's health improved, Lulu became completely at ease and went through the resignation procedures. She did this business to make money to treat her daughter's illness. Now that her daughter is cured, she must not embarrass her daughter anymore.

When Chu Qiao heard that she had resigned, he asked her if she would like to work in a beauty shop. Lulu was hesitant at first, fearing that the beauty shop would be affected, but she really couldn't find a suitable job, so she agreed.

Not long after she resigned, Ami also resigned. This girl took Chu Qiao's hair growth medicine and grew thick hair. She was so happy. Besides, she had saved some money and was getting older, so she didn't want to fall into the world of prostitution anymore. , opened a hair salon with her boyfriend, and Ami went to the south to learn the craft. The salon business was very good. Chu Qiao went to get her hair done a few times, and Ami recharged her VIP card with a special discount.

Chu Qiao was very happy that both of them had found a good home. Speaking of it, A Mei and Lulu were both poor people. One was forced to fall into prostitution in order to treat his daughter's illness, and the other was forced to become a prostitute in order to treat his father's illness. Relatives at home understand and say that they are dirty, which is really ironic.

Why don't you feel dirty when you spend their money?

It doesn’t matter if you don’t want this kind of relative.

What Lulu said was reasonable and well-founded, and the onlookers couldn't help but nod. It was indeed true. It made no sense to say that the products of other people's beauty shops were poisonous for no reason without providing any evidence.

"It's because of your products that my face got ruined. A woman's face is more important than her life. Who would deliberately ruin their face to cause trouble? You must give an explanation today!"

The two women who came with the bad-faced woman, one fat and one thin, both had sharp teeth and were very fierce. They also liked to point at other people's noses when they talked, and spittle flew everywhere.

"I don't have the face to see anyone anymore. My man wants to divorce me. I can't live anymore..."

The rotten-faced woman on the ground was beating her chest and crying. She looked really miserable, which aroused the sympathy of many people, and the scales tipped in favor of the rotten-faced woman.

What they said makes sense. Who would deliberately mess up their face to make trouble? The price is too high, and there are several beauty shops in Shanghai. Why don't they go to other beauty shops and make trouble in this shop?

If flies don't bite seamless eggs, there must be something wrong with this beauty shop. Furthermore, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the unexpected. Your face is very important, so don't come to this beauty shop for maintenance in the future.

Chu Qiao did not enter the store. She wanted to see Lulu and Dang Xiaojie's ability to deal with things. This kind of thing will definitely happen again in the future. She can't come here to deal with it every time. The store manager must be able to handle this kind of thing.

Now it seems that Dang Xiaojie is still too young to hold her own, while Lulu is older and has experienced more, so she performs better than Dang Xiaojie.

Lulu was not afraid of these two shrews. She sneered and said sarcastically: "I just made it very clear that if you want our store to be held responsible, you have to show evidence of consumption in our store, otherwise there will be random cats and dogs on the road. Everyone is here to cause trouble, do we still need to do business in our store?”

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