80s: Daughter-in-law Is Sweet and Sassy (My 80's Wife Is Sweet And Cool)

Chapter 624: The way to make big money lies in criminal law


Chu Peng coughed impatiently. Chu Qiao originally wanted to chat for a while, but had to stop. Brother Gou had shown a good conscience by staying with her for so long.

Thanks to Brother Gou just now, I even memorized the criminal law regulations. It would be a pity for this guy not to become a lawyer.

"I went upstairs to work."

Zhang Shurong is very discerning and ready to work. She is good at skills and can speak well. Many customers take the initiative to seek her services. She can earn three to four hundred yuan a month. After deducting rent, water, electricity and living expenses, there is still something left. A lot of money.

Chu Qiao waved her hand, then remembered something, stopped the person, and asked with concern: "Aren't you going to find another one?"

The reason why I asked about this matter is that Xuan Hongxia mentioned it a few days ago. There is a fellow who is not young and is an old bachelor. He has opened a small restaurant in Shanghai. The business is not bad. He is a very honest and hard-working person. Xuan Hongxia I can guarantee that the reason why they are not married is because this man is the eldest son of the family, with three younger brothers and two younger sisters, as well as old and sick parents.

The restaurant owners were both old and young, and they had neither the inclination nor the conditions to get married. After he sent away his parents and his five younger brothers and sisters had their own families, he finally thought of himself.

But he didn’t have a house in Shanghai, and he was not too young, so he would not be able to find a suitable one for a while. Xuan Hongxia was warm-hearted and asked this fellow villager everywhere for potential partners. Chu Qiao knew the owner of this restaurant, which opened next to the vegetable market. Yes, she had bought steamed buns before, and the ingredients were very real. The boss looked average, he was a real person, and he was not very good at talking.

This man can take good care of his five younger brothers and sisters, and they are all very promising, which shows that he is responsible, affectionate, and has a very good character.

The most important thing is that his five younger brothers and sisters are all in pretty good condition now, and their parents are no longer here.

Chu Qiao thought of Zhang Shurong at that time, and explained her situation to Xuan Hongxia, without hiding anything. Xuan Hongxia said that she would ask the fellow villager, and then she got a reply yesterday. The restaurant owner wanted to meet and talk between them. He also expressed that he didn't mind Zhang Shurong's previous job, as long as his current job was clean.

Even if no one was making trouble today, Chu Qiao was still going to come over and ask Zhang Shurong about her intentions. After all, it was really hard for her to take care of the child alone. It would be easier if she had an honest and reliable man to help her.

Zhang Shurong shook her head vigorously as if she had heard a big joke, "Which blind man would fall in love with a woman like me? I don't want to look for her anymore. I will be satisfied if An An is raised and she has a good home." Yes, it’s good to be alone.”

She thinks she is dirty, how could a man not mind?

Furthermore, getting married is a matter of luck. A man is a human being before marriage, but he may become a devil after marriage. She has already made a wrong bet once, and she doesn't want to make a second bet. She can't afford it.

Just live alone.

Chu Qiao smiled and talked about the situation of the restaurant owner, "I know this man. He must be in his early forties. His character must be fine. He is a fellow villager of my colleague. He has no financial burden at home. He also knows your situation. He means I don’t mind, I want to talk to you, please think about it carefully, if you are interested, just call me and I will arrange for you to meet.”

"Does he know what I did for a living?"

Zhang Shurong had a strange expression. Is this man probably mentally ill?

Chu Qiao nodded, "I'm not hiding anything. The man said that you are doing it for your daughter. You are affectionate and righteous, as long as you don't do it in the future."

"Is he ugly? Like Wu Dalang?"

Zhang Shurong still didn't believe it. How could a man not mind?

No matter what the reason is, she is not clean anyway, and no man will mind it, unless it is Ami's lovey-dovey and lazy partner.


Chu Qiao couldn't help laughing and said with a smile: "Although he is not handsome, he has good features and is tall. My hometown is in Zhejiang Province. You should consider it slowly and don't be in a hurry."


Chu Peng coughed again, and there were cracks in his indifferent expression. Fifteen minutes ago, the stupid sister said she was leaving, and now she is still chatting. Is a woman's sense of time so bad?

"You think about it, I'm leaving!"


Zhang Shurong agreed casually, but had no intention of meeting. She didn't believe that man. He said nice words before marriage, but his true colors would be revealed after marriage. When disaster strikes, they would fly away, just like An An's father. Before giving birth to An An, this bastard acted like a bastard. It's pretty good too.

Chu Qiao slapped her lower back and flattered the impatient Chu Peng: "Xiao Peng, you even memorized the criminal law, you are so awesome!"

"Making it up."

Chu Peng rolled his eyes in disgust. He only knew about the criminal law and it was related to finance. After reading it, he felt very heavy because all methods of making money quickly were not allowed by the criminal law.

He stopped reading it after that, and would feel bad after reading it.

Chu Qiao choked and secretly slandered the real dog. He could tell all the nonsense as if it were true.

"Xu Bilian, what are you going to do?" Chu Peng asked coldly.

Chu Qiao sneered, "I'll call my old man later and complain."

She didn't come forward on this matter herself, so she asked Mr. Gu to come forward. The old man spoke better than she did.

Chu Peng's eyes were a little surprised. The stupid sister could actually use her strength. Rotten wood can be carved.

"I'll make a call too."

Xu Bilian lost his book and occupied his room. He must avenge this.

Chu Qiao patted his shoulder with a smile and asked: "You are going to the capital tomorrow. What do you want? I will buy it for you."


Chu Peng blurted out.

He was interested in nothing but cash.

"I'm going to the hair salon, you go home by yourself."

Chu Qiao rolled her eyes. Brother Gou had at least 20,000 yuan in savings. How dare he ask her for banknotes?

"I want to eat lobster tonight." Chu Peng ordered. He was leaving tomorrow and had to have a good meal.


Chu Qiao agreed. Making lobster is the easiest. Just clean it and steam it in a pot. Then go back to Xu Dafa's place to see if there are fresh lobsters.

I took a taxi to Ami's hair salon. It's not too far from the beauty shop. It only takes ten minutes for a taxi to arrive. It has a large facade, and there are cylindrical lights specially designed for hair salons hanging at the door. It looks pretty cool. .

The decoration of the store is also quite high-end, and it is all modeled after the one in the south. Ami invested a lot of money and hired two Tony masters from the south, who know how to do many fashionable hair styles. The store has become very famous in Shanghai within a month of opening. , many repeat customers.

"Mr. Chu is here, sit down quickly."

Amei welcomed her out enthusiastically, dressed very fashionably, with big waves, dyed light brown, and makeup, making her a fashionable urban beauty.

"Stop yelling, I'll wash your hair."

Chu Qiao frowned. Since she became pregnant, she rarely washes her hair at home. She always goes to A Mei's place to wash her hair and get a massage. It's very comfortable.

A Mei laughed and served herself. Chu Qiao lay down and asked to be washed with ginger water.

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