80s: Daughter-in-law Is Sweet and Sassy (My 80's Wife Is Sweet And Cool)

Chapter 634 I won’t buy an urn even if Xu Bilian dies.

"You are my mother, and I will fulfill my support obligations stipulated by the law. You can rest assured about this, but Xu Bilian has nothing to do with me. Even if she dies in front of me now, I will not buy her an urn. You don't have to cry anymore." Even if your eyes are blinded by crying, my thoughts will not change. Just save some energy to recuperate, Xu Bilian still needs your care!"

Chu Peng's tone was extremely sarcastic in the last sentence. Although he was very calm, what He Jihong did these days still hurt him a little bit.

"You are relatives, you are blood relatives, how can you be so heartless..."

He Jihong was extremely sad. She couldn't accept that her son said such cold-blooded words. He was like a robot without emotions. To her, her biological mother, it was only an obligation stipulated by the law.

How could she feel relieved like this?

She must be ahead of her daughter. What will Bilian do after she leaves?

"Xiaopeng, I asked your sister to apologize to you. It was her fault for throwing away your book. I will scold her and ask her to apologize!"

He Jihong struggled to get out of bed, her face was deformed with pain from the wound, but she still walked down.

Xiaopeng is the only person she can trust. She has to ease the relationship between their siblings. They are blood relatives after all. Xiaopeng must only be talking about it, but in fact, she still has Bilian in her heart.

He Jihong felt that her son was angry at those books, and she blamed her for not handling it well that day and not speaking up for Xiaopeng. She was making up for it now, and she could not let the siblings separate anymore.

Chu Peng's temples hurt, as if there were countless needles pricking him. He could cope with any exam and handle many things in life. It was very simple for him.

But the only thing he couldn't handle was the mess at home. He couldn't communicate with his mother at all. He was even more angry with He Jihong for not caring about his own body for Xu Bilian.

It's like the Buddha cutting meat to feed the eagle, but for the Buddha, this is called sacrificing one's life for righteousness. If you cut the meat, you can become a Buddha, be famous for generations, and be worshiped and respected by future generations. The meat is not cut in vain.

But his mother is overextending her body and worrying about such a taboo thing as Xu Bilian. What is this called?

If you sacrifice your life to feed a dog, and then get bitten by a mad dog, you may get rabies and affect other people.

"Do you want to go to the crematorium now? If you die now, Xu Bilian will only have one end. She will work as a hostess in a nightclub. It's not like she has never done this kind of job before. At worst, she will go back to her old career. You will also be able to do it on Qingming Festival. Don’t expect Xu Bilian to worship you, a selfish person like her will never remember the goodness of others!”

Chu Peng raised his voice, looked at the staggering He Jihong coldly, and did not go to help him.

How could there be such a difficult person to communicate with in the world, but it was still his mother, he was so unfortunate!

"Let me make it clearer. I hate Xu Bilian. Taking care of such a shameless and selfish bug. I would rather donate money to impoverished mountainous areas. At least I can cultivate some people who are beneficial to the country and society. What can I do for Xu Bilian? ? Let her do evil in society and bring disaster to the country and the people? "

Chu Peng was really angry and said a lot of things he usually didn't want to say. He had been holding these words in his heart, but he finally said them today.

"Don't always talk about blood relations. She is your daughter. It's okay for you to feel sorry for her, but don't harm me. Those books are just fuses. In my heart, Xu Bilian is just a bedbug, a bedbug who has no need to live anymore. What is he doing with his life? It's a waste of food and resources. There are still so many people starving. Xu Bilian only takes up resources and only stirs up trouble. She should actually die!"

Chu Peng finished what he was saying in one breath, and He Jihong stood precariously, hunched over, looking at his son in disbelief.

I can't even believe that these vicious words were said by my son?

Xiaopeng actually cursed Bilian to die?

He also said that Bi Lian did not deserve to live. How could this be human talk?

"You...how can you say such things, are you still not a human being? Chu Qiao must have instigated you, Xiaopeng, you were confused by Chu Qiao, think about it carefully, Chu Qiao hates me and did this on purpose. She just wants to sow discord and cause conflicts in our family, so don’t fall into her trap!”

He Jihong covered his chest and coughed repeatedly in pain, but there was no need to feel distressed.

How could her proud son become so stupid now?

You can't tell the difference between good and bad, that bitch Chu Qiao doesn't have any good intentions at all.

"Whatever you think, I can't tell you. You and Xu Bilian can have a good time, I'm leaving!"

Chu Peng was helpless. He finally understood the ancient saying that it is difficult for an upright official to deal with household affairs.

I really don't understand that even a smart person like him can't handle it. Housework is the most messy thing in the world. The more you mess with it, the more messy it becomes. So if you just stop messing with it, it can be sorted out by just one person.

Either Xu Bilian dies, or his mother dies.

He still hopes that Xu Bilian will die, but generally speaking, older people will die first. If nothing else happens, his mother should die first, and Xu Bilian, the bug, will still live well.

Chu Peng's head hurt even more. He couldn't stop cutting and it was still messy. The poems of the ancients were indeed exquisite.


He Jihong wanted to call her son back, and she also wanted to persuade him, but Chu Peng ignored her and resolutely left the room. Tang Weiguo and Shou Honghai had already picked up the books, a large snakeskin bag, and half a bag.

"Let's go."

Seeing the two stupid brothers, Chu Peng felt better and went over to pick up half a bag of books.

Shou Honghai hurriedly flattered him and said, "I'll get it."

He neatly put a snakeskin bag of books on his shoulders, lifted half of the bag with one hand, and walked easily in front. Such a small weight was a piece of cake for him.

Dapeng is in a bad mood now. He has to do more work.

They all heard it just now and sympathized with Chu Peng. They didn't expect the top student to have such a confused mother who couldn't understand clearly. For the first time, Shou Honghai felt that his mother was actually quite good, although the beating hurt a little and the scolding was harsh. He's a bit older, and sometimes he doesn't save his face in front of others, but his mother is very sensible, much better than Dapeng's mother.

"Xiaopeng, come back...I'll pay your tuition!"

He Jihong staggered out and ran out, holding a pile of money in her hand, which was the tuition fee she had prepared early in the morning.

Chu Peng had already walked to the door, looked back and said coldly: "I have money, you can keep it for yourself."

He will never spend another penny from the family again, and he will never come back.

When his mother needs support, he will hire a nanny to take care of her.

"Xiaopeng, where did you get your money? Did Chu Qiao give it to you? Don't spend her money!"

He Jihong's face changed drastically and he wanted to chase her out and give her money. It's not like she couldn't afford the tuition, so she definitely wouldn't spend that bitch's money.

"I earned it myself. You can go back to your room and lie down."

Chu Peng is helpless, but he doesn't want to help his mother. He is not a person who shows his emotions, and he can't speak tender words. He hates his mother now.

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