Although the people who caused the trouble were not satisfied, they still accepted it. They were even confident that they would be able to sell the machine tools within a month, earn tens of thousands of yuan, and buy a small car to drive.

"Chief Gu, I'm going out to sell machine tools today, please take care of me!"

Gu Ye went to work in the morning and met Technician Xu in the corridor who was dressed like a dog. He had a briefcase under his arm, his hair was parted three-quarters and styled with a lot of mousse.

"I wish you a fortune. If you sell a hundred machine tools, the commission will be more than 200,000 yuan. You can retire early!" Gu Ye said with a smile.

I really thought it was so easy to sell machine tools, so he kept saying this today. If this guy named Xu could sell a machine tool, he would go around the machine tool factory like a bastard.

"I'm borrowing the good words from Section Chief Gu, haha."

But Technician Xu believed it, and laughed so hard that he couldn't close his mouth. One hundred units sold would be worth more than 200,000 yuan, and one thousand units would be worth more than two million yuan. Oh...his head was going to be dizzy.

Gu Ye and the others suddenly had ten or twenty machines, which gave this guy the illusion that selling machine tools was like selling dumplings. There were dozens of machines at every turn, and it was too easy to make money.

Gu Ye turned sideways and let this guy go first. We will see the result in a month.

In the sales department office, Xu Sanqiang and the four of them were there, and seriousness was also there, sitting quietly reading the newspaper, as if they were passers-by in this world, and the noise outside had nothing to do with him.

"Lao Gu, those people are all selling machine tools!" Xu Sanqiang said angrily.

These people only see them eating meat, but they don’t see the pain they suffer when being chased by dogs or looked down upon by others. Do they really think that money is so easy to earn?

"Why are you in a hurry? Just sell it. It's only for one month. Unless they have relatives of a big boss, they will definitely not be able to sell it!" Gu Ye was very calm.

Even if you get lucky and sell it, it's still money earned based on your own skills, so there's nothing to be angry about.

"I just can't get angry. We charged in front and opened up the situation, but they just wanted to eat ready-made." Xu Sanqiang was very unwilling.

The current market is much friendlier than last year. In the past, no one cared about Xingda Machine Tools. Now that it is well-known, many people will take the initiative to ask about Xingda Machine Tools. This is the country that their brothers have worked hard to build, and these pink-eyes pounce on them like dogs. How can you not be angry when you grab ready-made meat?

"You have to endure it even though you're angry. There can't be only a few of us in the sales department forever. We have to recruit troops. We eat meat every day, so people can't be jealous? Think about Shen Wansan. How did he die? It was because of the emperor's red eye disease. Yes, you can’t make enough money, you have to make a steady stream of money, don’t just stare at your eyes and nose!”

Gu Ye thought about it for a long time last night, and the more he thought about it, the more he realized that what his wife said made sense. If he was riding a bicycle and a car was running in front of him, and he fell further and further behind, he would definitely be so angry that he would throw bricks at it.

He cannot let people throw bricks at him, he must find ways to reduce the gap. It is better to be rich alone than to be rich together, so as not to appear too abrupt.

He raised his head seriously and glanced deeply at Gu Ye. This kid had quite deep thoughts. Although he was a little naive, he had a stronger mind than many people and could achieve great things.

"Who is Shen Wansan?" Xu Sanqiang didn't know Shen Wansan. He hadn't even graduated from junior high school.

And I didn’t study well in elementary school. My head hurt when I read books.

"Does Cornucopia know, that is Shen Wansan, a rich man in ancient times? The emperor was jealous of his family's money, so he found an excuse to raid his house, and the whole family did not end well." Han Shizhong explained.

Although he also had a primary school education, he loved listening to operas. Shen Wansan knew this from listening to operas.

"This emperor is too cruel." Xu Sanqiang's back felt a little cold, and he suddenly became less angry.

Although he is not as good as Shen Wansan now, he is still a householder worth ten thousand yuan. From now on, he must keep a low profile and not reveal his wealth. What if he attracts bandits and robbers?

"Lao Gu, what if they sell it?" Xu Sanqiang was a little worried. He didn't want anyone to come and snatch the meat.

"Just sell it, the country is such a big market, everyone makes money based on their own abilities, what's the big deal!"

Gu Ye disagrees. There is a huge gap in the machine tool market now. It is far from being saturated. The Shanghai market is not even saturated, let alone the national market. Xu Sanqiang's narrow-mindedness is a bit shallow.

But he still understands his brother. Xu Sanqiang's parents have been partial since he was a child. If he didn't fight, he might not grow up. The living environment is different and his personality is different. As long as his character is okay, he can be his brother.

After they all finished speaking, Baofushan took out a contract from his bag and handed it to Gu Ye.

Gu Ye was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed, "Did you sell the machine tool?"


Baofushan nodded, smiling slightly, still unfazed by honor and disgrace.

Everyone gathered together to look at the contract, but they were serious and didn't move. He intuitively felt that Baofushan's order was a big one, and this guy suited him very well. If he were asked to choose a partner, Gu Ye would be his first choice, followed by Baofushan and Qian. Six pounds, Xu Sanqiang was the last thing to consider.

Although Xu Sanqiang is very social and lively outside, he is too short-sighted and not broad-minded, so he is not a good partner.

Han Shizhong is not bad, but his behavior is too dull. He is a real old scalper and not suitable for cooperation.

Although Qian Liujin is stupid, this guy is very lucky. Just like Cheng Yaojin, he is a lucky general who can often achieve unexpected gains.

"Forty units? Damn... Fushan, you signed for forty units? Your uncle's fell apart without making a sound, you kid can do that!"

Xu Sanqiang saw the numbers on the contract clearly and started yelling. He was so shocked that it was actually forty units. It was indeed the late blooming flowers that were the brightest. This guy was trying his best.

"Well done Fushan, I can pick up your parents." Han Shizhong said with a smile, very happy for his brother.

He was very anxious these days. They had all sold, except for Baofushan. If he couldn't open a store, Baofushan might have to leave the sales department. Now it's good, and he finally opened a big store.

"Well, I'll pick them up after I buy a house." Baofushan's smile grew thicker, he was finally reunited with his parents.

My parents have worked hard all their lives and are finally able to live a good life. I hope my parents can live a few more years so that they can fulfill their filial piety.

"I'm going to go through the formalities now. When will the money be transferred?"

Gu Ye punched his brother hard on the shoulder, and the stone in his heart fell to the ground.

"Tomorrow." Baofushan replied.

"Why did you go to Zhejiang Province? It seems that the market there is huge. Fushan, keep an eye on that place, don't let those bastards from Southern Machine Tool snatch it away!" Gu Ye warned.

The manufacturer of the forty machine tools in Baofushan is an auto parts factory in Zhejiang Province. It is quite a big deal. Gu Ye is full of confidence in the future. The gap in the machine tool market is larger than he thought. In addition to Zhejiang Province, there is also Jiangsu Province. .

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