Chu Qiao, who had solved the major issues in her heart, slept soundly at night, and dreamed of Gu Ye, still in the shape of a wolf, so she ran to her from afar, with a bright rose in her mouth, and the petals were still crystal clear. The dewdrops are beautiful.

A night of sweet dreams made Chu Qiao wake up with a smile on her face. She was in a good mood. She stretched out and heard someone talking outside. It was He Jihong and Chu Yuanzhi. Then she remembered that today was Sunday, and neither of them work.

"Xiao Chu, you asked Chu Qiao to get up, it's almost eight o'clock, Xiao Xiao is still waiting in the park." He Jihong said dissatisfied.

"Qiaoqiao worked the night shift last night, let her sleep more."

Chu Yuanzhi didn't want to call, his daughter had clearly stated that he didn't like Xiao Wenjun, and he didn't want to get in trouble. After the fever was cured, his daughter's temper became more and more serious, and he couldn't afford it.

"What class does she go to? She sleeps during the day and goes to work at night. When she goes out, she thinks she is working in an unorthodox place. Chu Yuanzhi, let me tell you, our He family is a rich family. Take care of your daughter and don't do those shameful things. What a shameful thing to see!"

He Jihong's voice has improved a lot. Now she is too lazy to pretend to be a virtuous stepmother. She just wants the neighbors to hear that Chu Qiao is going to do a serious job at night, and a serious girl will not come home in the middle of the night?

"Keep your voice down. Qiaoqiao said that you work in a garment factory. It's not normal for a garment factory to work overtime. Don't say it so badly."

Chu Yuanzhi was even more dissatisfied. In any case, Chu Qiao was his own. He Jihong not only wanted to occupy Qiao Qiao's house, but also poured dirty water on Qiao Qiao's head, which was too much.

What annoyed him the most was that he handed over his salary every month, and the money from the small treasury was his attendance bonus. He was reluctant to spend a penny. He swallowed eighty of him at once, and Chu Yuanzhi's heart was still bleeding.

He Jihong's expression was stunned, her eyes were shocked, Chu Yuanzhi, who had always been submissive, dared to contradict her?

Chu Yuanzhi, who was distressed for the small treasury, couldn't help but muttered again, "Bilian and Gu Jianshe have both made a child, such a big thing has long been ups and downs, who doesn't know about the hospital, don't rush if you have fire. Bump up!"

In fact, he wants to say that if your He family is really a decent family, they won't be able to raise a granddaughter like Xu Bilian. At least his family earns money through hard work with both hands, understands shame, and doesn't do such shameless things. Woolen cloth.

However, Chu Yuanzhi only dared to secretly slander in his stomach and give him a hundred hearts of bears and leopards, and he did not dare to say it as He Jihong.

But even such a light-hearted remark was enough to make He Jihong angry. The matter of Xu Bilian was the deepest thorn in her heart, and Chu Yuanzhi was now hitting the thorn with a hammer, and the thorn went deeper.

"Chu Yuanzhi, can you say it again?"

He Jihong lowered her face and roared at her throat. Now she can't take care of Chu Qiao, she has to tame her husband.

The little sheep husband actually dared to resist. She couldn't bear it and had to surrender.

Chu Yuanzhi shivered sharply, his back was cold, and he regretted it too late, so he quickly flattered: "Jihong, don't be angry, your anger hurts your body, and wrinkles are easy to develop. You see that you are often angry recently, and the corners of your eyes are wrinkled. A few more."

"Don't do this for me, the surname is Chu, the wings are hard, you have eaten and drank mine all these years, and now you have grown up, you want to jump up and go against me? Bah... You think beautifully, Let me tell you, Chu Yuanzhi, don't think about your title, you have been a little doctor all your life, don't think about getting ahead!"

He Jihong, who was burning with anger, was not so easy to coax today. He threw away Chu Yuanzhi and scolded him. The words were especially ugly. Even the good-tempered Chu Yuanzhi couldn't stand it, and his face became ugly.

Although he has no big ambitions and his bones are very soft, he is a man after all. He has succumbed to the pressure of He Jihong all these years.

Seeing her daughter being aggrieved, she didn't dare to speak out. He Jihong was not satisfied, and she was still scolding so badly, it was too bullying.

But even if he was angry again, Chu Yuanzhi didn't dare to challenge He Jihong face to face. He didn't have the courage at all. Five Finger Mountains.

But Chu Qiao in the room couldn't take it anymore. She didn't sympathize with Chu Yuanzhi. This father took it upon himself and had no sympathy. She was just angry with He Jihong and still didn't give up, and wanted to stuff her to the perverted beast Xiao Wenjun.

Fortunately, she agreed with Gu Ye last night. Today, she will go back to the country to get the household registration book and the certificate. Let's see what kind of monster this old lady can be.

"Bang" a loud noise.

He Jihong's scolding stopped abruptly and glared at Chu Qiao angrily. Even if he didn't wash his hair and his hair was loose, Chu Qiao was still so beautiful that people couldn't take their eyes off it, which also made He Jihong jealous and scolded.

But Chu Qiao was faster than her, standing in front of the blue-faced Chu Yuanzhi, and scolded her: "Don't threaten my dad with a job title all day long, isn't it a broken job title, it's just a few more dollars for a month's rating? , what's so great, don't comment, don't comment, dad, don't let this day pass, you divorce her, just rely on your beauty, it's easy to find a rich and beautiful proprietress now, the proprietress of the restaurant opposite a few days ago Ask me about you, there is no landlady anywhere in the world, why would you hang yourself on this old and withered flower, you will be better off without her!"

Chu Yuanzhi was so frightened that his mind went haywire. He had never thought about divorce, and he didn't dare to have such diabolical thoughts. In those years, he was really frightened. One 'ingredient' made him go from a wealthy family to the top. The son has become a lowly and lowly person from the bottom, even beggars are nobler than him. He originally wanted to live in peace with Chu Qiao and her mother, but Sun Yinxiu gave him one green hat after another, and always beat him. I can't stand it anymore, so I will be with He Jihong.

Although He Jihong has a bad temper and speaks in a bad way, he doesn't beat people, and he helped him with his work. After so many years of turbulent life, Chu Yuanzhi is very satisfied with his current stable life and never thought of changing it.

Daughter actually let him divorce?

He also said that there is no place in the world where there is no such absurd and outrageous words as the proprietress, which is too... too wild.

But the restaurant proprietress had really inquired about him?

Chu Yuanzhi's old face was a little red. He went to the restaurant several times to eat. The proprietress was younger than He Jihong, and she was also quite fashionable. I heard that she was a widow, and she was very capable. The restaurant business was very good and she made a lot of money. What did he think about? Chu Yuanzhi quickly shook his head and threw out the messy thoughts in his head. He was forty or fifty years old, and he couldn't bear it.

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