80s: Daughter-in-law Is Sweet and Sassy (My 80's Wife Is Sweet And Cool)

Chapter 654: Stop pretending to be innocent when you go to sea

Zheng Wei's face changed slightly, and her sweet smile immediately froze. Her face was filled with anger and she was gnashing her teeth with hatred. That damn bitch Chu Qiao must be jealous of her, so she was wary of her like a thief.

Originally, she didn't have much thought about becoming a piano teacher, but now she was aroused to be competitive. The more Chu Qiao was on guard against her, the more she wanted to slap this bitch in the face.

"Mr. Tang, are you kidding me?"

Zheng Wei forced out a sweet smile, her watery eyes couldn't help but look towards Tang Yaozong. The water was shining and seductive. These days, Zheng Wei was among all kinds of young men. Zheng Wei didn't learn any other skills, but she learned a lot about charm. few.

But she had forgotten that Tang Yaozong hung out in song and dance halls all year round, and was in charge of a large group of beautiful ladies. He was already immune to such childish and charming tricks, and even had some resentment.

Seeing Zheng Wei's coquettish look, Tang Yaozong frowned and said angrily: "I'm so full that I lied to you? I don't want to play the piano anymore and come hang around backstage!"

Now that we have all gone to sea, we can just float peacefully on the sea. How can we pretend to be an innocent girl?

Tang Yaozong disliked women who had to erect chastity monuments even if they were their cousins. He didn't look down on them like A Mei and Zhang Shu Rong. They went to the sea in a serious manner and didn't put a label of purity on their faces. The most important thing was , when A Mei and Zhang Shurong worked in the dance hall, they were big wine sellers. They earned so much money for the dance hall every month that Zheng Wei could not even keep up with others.

He finally saw through it. Zheng Wei, this girl, didn't come to work. She clearly came to catch Kaizi.

Tang Yaozong would definitely have a bad face as an employee who couldn't make money for the dance hall. He wouldn't have the time on the plane to spend time with this bitch.

Zheng Wei couldn't help it anymore. After all, she was still shallow and not that thick-skinned. Being scolded by Tang Yaozong in front of so many people, her eyes suddenly turned red and she was crying.

A few boys in the band couldn't bear it, but they didn't dare to speak up for her. Tang Yaozong was the boss and had a bad temper, so they didn't have the guts.

"I...I went to work."

Zheng Wei couldn't sit still. No one could speak for her. She had no hope of Jian Yun and Tian Tian. These two women usually ignored her, but those men didn't even say a few words to her. She was so disappointed.

From now on, she won't get along with these weak-minded men. They have no money, no power and are still cowards. There is nothing that she can like.

Zheng Wei got up and was about to go out. Tang Yaozong seemed to have thought of something and stopped her: "You have been the last one selling wine for several months in a row. The money you sell is not enough for your ticket. Are you here to sell wine?" Are you here to take advantage of me? You come here first every day and perform a lot. Where are the wines sold? We are a dance hall. Your main business is selling wine, not wine. If you want to do it full-time, don’t do it here. If so, you can still sell wine next month. If you don’t drink, don’t come to work!”

Tang Yaozong didn't save any face for this woman. She was already in the sea, so what else could she do with face?

He has wanted to talk to Zheng Wei for a long time. Sales have been at the bottom for three consecutive months. The few bottles of wine sold are not enough for this girl to enter the song and dance hall. His song and dance hall is not something that can be entered casually. Yes, the tickets cost five yuan.

Employees could come and go freely. Zheng Wei came early every day and performed every night, but the sales were the worst. Tang Yaozong suspected that this girl was using the dance hall as a platform to catch a good guy.

Huh, what a beautiful thought!

With Zheng Wei's beauty, those young masters are not blind, they just take her out to satisfy their greed. Those who really want to keep her for a long time will look down on someone like Zheng Wei.

Either pure enough or beautiful enough.

Zheng Wei was not pure enough and beautiful enough. She couldn't get a good price even if she wanted to sell it, so she could only play guerrilla in the dance hall.

This woman's ambition is written on her face. Although Tang Yaozong is not smart, he is rich in experience and sees clearly. He is too lazy to point it out, but this woman is just doing nothing at work and doesn't sell wine well, so don't blame him for speaking poorly. Show mercy.

The color on Zheng Wei's face disappeared instantly, and she really wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in. She didn't dare to look at the boys in the band for fear of seeing contemptuous looks.

She told the people in the band before that she was just hanging out with friends, and she would never admit it when it came out.

Once she admits it, it is equivalent to admitting that she is selling herself. Zheng Wei is not that stupid. She is still comforting herself that she is making friends with those young men. She just has more friends and has wider contacts.

"I...I didn't...didn't show up. They are my friends, going out for a late-night snack."

Zheng Wei cried and defended in a very aggrieved tone. Several boys in the band looked a little pale and felt that Tang Yaozong had gone too far. How could he use such vulgar language to talk about a girl who was working hard to make progress?

Because Zheng Wei told them that she came to work in the dance hall because her family was in financial difficulty. She wanted to earn more money to reduce the burden on her parents, and she would also send money home to make her parents live a better life.

In the hearts of the boys, Zheng Wei is the angel of truth, kindness and beauty. Even if she goes out with those young men at night, it is just for work and entertainment. They all understand that people can't help themselves in the world.

Jian Yun sneered, with an undisguised sarcasm on his face. Only these fools would believe Zheng Wei's cousin's lies.

Tian Tian's expression was still cold, and her eyes were a little more impatient. She hated crying, especially fake crying like Zheng Wei's, which was very annoying.

Tang Yaozong was even more annoyed, and shouted with a fierce face: "Put away your cat urine. How shameless do you have to be to make friends with Mr. Ma, Mr. Zhang and others? Those who work here must abide by my rules. You and the guests at night When you go out, you will be called out. As for whether you go out for supper or other things, I don’t care. I only care how much wine you sell. Besides, if you can’t sell wine next month, get out of here!”

After speaking, he waved his hand vigorously and glared impatiently. Zheng Wei's face turned even paler, but she did not dare to defend herself, for fear that Tang Yaozong would say something even more unpleasant.

Looking at the boys in the band with grievances, Zheng Wei covered her face and ran out like a willow shaken by the wind.

Tang Yaozong snorted coldly, pointed at Tian Tian casually, and shouted: "You go and try it first. If Chu Qiao is not satisfied, then replace him!"


Tian Tian's voice was colder than ice. She happened to be short of money and went to teach the little kid to earn some extra money.

Tang Yaozong gave her the address of Chu Qiao's home, "Make a call before you go, don't embarrass me, teach me well!"


Tian Tian's answer was as concise as ever, and his expression was as cold as ever.

Tang Yaozong completed the task and left with his hands behind his back. He suddenly turned around and stared at Tian Tian in surprise. He remembered that this girl had been coming to work for a long time, but in his impression, this girl had never said more than three words. Rarely even a word was spoken.

He used to think Tian Tian was mute.

"Do you always speak word by word?" Tang Yaozong asked curiously.

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