"Where is that house? I want to go and see it. I heard from grandpa that he used to have a good relationship with his aunt and grandma, and he lived at her aunt's house most of the time." Chu Dingxiang was secretly happy. As expected, the herbal diet book was there. In a dilapidated house.

Chu Yuanzhi was a little touched, this niece was interested.

Then he said: "The house is now dilapidated and dilapidated, overgrown with weeds and cannot be entered, and the key to the house is with Xiaopeng."

Chu Dingxiang frowned, seeing that things had turned around and another cousin appeared.

She didn't inquire further for fear of arousing Chu Yuanzhi's suspicion. Since the house was with her cousin, she would go to the capital to visit the cousin named Chu Peng to see if he was that powerful.

Chu Qiao heard clearly from the side, but she didn't answer a word. Chu Dingxiang probably thought that the book of medicinal diet was in the old house, and the next step was to find Brother Dog.

Call Xiaopeng back to get the reminder sound.

Chu Qiao was not worried at all. The dog brother was so cunning, even ten Chu Dingxiang could not defeat the dog brother.

"The food is really good, much more delicious than what my cook makes." Chu Dingxiang said suddenly and smiled.

It looked like a sincere compliment, but comparing Chu Qiao to the cook was obviously a mockery. Chu Qiao was not angry and couldn't do anything wrong.

Tian Tian, ​​who was nibbling on crab claws, raised his head and asked coldly: "Has your family hired a cook?"

"Well, there is an aunt at home who specializes in cooking." Chu Dingxiang's superior tone appeared again.

She knows that people in the mainland are very poor now, with a salary of only a hundred yuan, and a piece of her clothes costs more than that. Obviously, this rude Tian Tian's family is not too rich.

"Your aunt's level is too low."

Tian Tian was so unceremonious that Chu Dingxiang's face froze with a smile. She couldn't adapt to such a direct way of speaking for a while, and she felt even more dissatisfied with Tian Tian.

How can there be people with such poor quality? They are so disrespectful.

"My aunt is mainly older and was very good at cooking when she was young." Chu Dingxiang explained to her cook. In fact, she disliked the food cooked by that cook and rarely ate at home.

"Why don't you retire when you are older?" Tian Tian asked again.

Chu Qiao lowered her head and tried not to laugh. What this girl said was so interesting.

"Auntie thinks she can still do it and doesn't want to retire. She has worked in my house for a long time and has feelings." Chu Dingxiang explained, feeling very blocked.

"Auntie doesn't want to retire, and your family doesn't want to hire young people, because young people are expensive and old people are cheap. I understand."

Tian Tian spoke a rare long sentence, and after finishing speaking, he continued to chew on the crab claws without looking at Chu Dingxiang.

She made her point very clear. She couldn't even afford a decent chef. Where did this sense of superiority come from?

Did it fall from the sky, or was it given by the ancestors in the grave?

Chu Dingxiang looked stunned and was speechless for a long time. It took a long time to come back to her senses. She was so angry that she wanted to pour the food in the bowl on Tian Tian's face. She was simply a female bandit. How could she talk like this?

How could a pauper with only a salary of a hundred yuan have the confidence to look down on her family?

Although her family is not considered rich abroad, it is not bad at all. At least they can afford a cook. This bandit named Tian looks so ugly when he eats, as if he has not eaten for hundreds of years. His family must be so poor that he can't even afford meat. Can't afford it.

She was so angry that she, a top student who graduated from Cambridge University and the eldest daughter of the Chu family, was despised by a pauper from the mainland. It really made people laugh to death.

The corners of Chu Qiao's mouth were sore and she didn't dare to raise her head, fearing that Chu Dingxiang would find her snickering. She silently picked up a few large tongs and placed them in Tian Tian's bowl.

This girl talks really energetically, and the more she looks at her, the more she looks like Brother Gou. Chu Qiao is really looking forward to having a debate between Brother Gou and Tian Tian one day to see who is better.

"You don't understand. The reason why my family doesn't change the cook is because she has been working at home for a long time and has feelings. That's why we don't change her. It's not because it's cheap." Chu Dingxiang explained.

Tian Tian didn't even raise his head and asked coldly: "Does your family want to support the cook in old age?"

Chu Dingxiang was stunned for a moment and nodded: "Yes."

"Then why not hire a young chef to let the old one rest? My Grandma Wang has been working in my house for more than 20 years. Now she can't do it any more, so she is taking care of herself at my house. My grandparents hired a young aunt again. Don’t let Granny Wang do the cooking.”

Tian Tian compared her own family with a very disdainful tone. It was clear that she wanted to take advantage of the old cook. If she really wanted to support her family, she should not let anyone work.

What I hate the most is this kind of hypocritical person who takes advantage of her and makes people think she is of high moral character, yet doesn't forget to show off and steps on others. How can there be such a disgusting person? Even more annoying than the appendix.

Chu Dingxiang's face changed, and her heart felt like a big stone was blocking her, making her feel very uncomfortable.

She misjudged her. This female bandit named Tian could afford a servant in her family. She was not an ordinary family.

"My cook is not too old to work yet, and she can't be idle either." Chu Dingxiang explained reluctantly.

Tian Tian twitched the corner of his mouth and said nothing. Chu Dingxiang felt that she had explained a bit too much. The female bandit must be laughing at her.

"Where does your family live?"

Miss Tian is very talkative today.

Chu Dingxiang mentioned the name of a city. It was a big city in country M and the city with the largest concentration of Chinese.

"My cousin was also there. He said it was very interesting overseas. The places where people live are divided into three, six or nine classes. The communities where the upper class live are different from the communities where the lower classes live..."

Tian Tian talked non-stop. She changed from her usual reticence and talked a lot about the city where Chu Dingxiang lived. She sounded very knowledgeable about the city. Chu Dingxiang looked ugly because everything Tian Tian said was right. .

Her family lives in an ordinary community. It's not a slum, but it's not a high-end community either. Her family can't live in that kind of place. Tian Tian actually knows that place so clearly. If she had known it, she wouldn't have said much.

Sure enough, too much talk leads to mistakes. Although the inland areas are poor, there are still some hidden dragons and crouching tigers. She will have to be more careful in the future.

Tian Tian recited all the knowledge he learned from his cousin like a memorization, then gave Chu Dingxiang a cold smile and continued to nibble on the crab claws.

I have been saying more than I can finish today, and I am a little tired. I need to eat more.

She won't buy any gifts next time she comes over, and she'll spend her money sparingly.

Chu Qiao brought some more vegetables to Miss Tian. I really saw that this girl was cuter, and she spoke so nicely. She wanted to eat more.

This Chu Dingxiang just wanted to show off her superiority, but when she met the connoisseur Tian Tian, ​​she was exposed and lost her face.

Although the eldest brother-in-law is considered a wealthy person at home, it really doesn't matter if he goes abroad. He has been sitting on nothing for these years, and he probably doesn't have much money left. Otherwise, why can't he even afford a decent cook?

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