80s: Daughter-in-law Is Sweet and Sassy (My 80's Wife Is Sweet And Cool)

Chapter 721: My biological mother is colder than my stepmother (Thanks to Yijie for the tip+)

"I'm sorry. I did something bad. I'm really sorry. My death is none of anyone else's business. I was the one who hit the car. But can you please give my sister 10,000 yuan? Just 10,000 yuan." If my sister has ten thousand yuan, she can go to grandma, and I will repay you by working as a cow and horse for you in my next life!"

The note had crooked handwriting and many typos. It was the boy's suicide note. It also included his sister's name, Duan Qiqi, and her phone number.

"What bad luck!"

The driver glanced at the sluggish boy on the ground and sighed heavily. He could only admit that he was unlucky when such a thing happened. Fortunately, Gu Ye reminded him in time and the boy didn't hit him. He would not be fired by his boss.

If he loses this job, where can he find an easy job with high wages and bonuses?

"Why isn't this kid awake yet?"

The policeman bent down to see the boy's condition. Since he hadn't been hit, he wouldn't have been unconscious for so long. He turned the boy over and was shocked by how thin and pale the child was, like a bean sprout that had been deprived of the sun all day long. , so weak that it could be broken with just a pinch.

Chu Qiao came closer, and when she saw the boy's pitiful appearance, she felt like she was hit hard and felt very uncomfortable.

It must be that he was really desperate, so this child would take this dead end, right?

He must be a very warm-hearted child, so he kept apologizing in his suicide note, and also promised to be a cow or a horse in the next life. For such a young child, being a cow or a horse in the next life may be the only promise he can make. Come on.

I don’t know what happened to this child?

How is his sister?

Chu Qiao was full of questions and wanted to meet the sister named Duan Qiqi. The relationship between the siblings must be very good, but she just didn't know what difficulties they encountered?

"They must be gangsters," the driver whispered.

He didn't plan to pursue the case anymore. The kid looked like a gangster, and he wouldn't get any money if he pursued the case. Moreover, the kid looked too evil, and the driver didn't have the heart to hold him accountable. Anyway, nothing happened, so forget it.

The police didn't want to care about it. The driver said forget it, they didn't want it, and went to patrol elsewhere.

The driver was about to drive away. Chu Qiao looked at the boy on the ground. There were many people around him, pointing, but no one came to help. Everyone looked at the poor boy indifferently, as if they were watching a movie. .

"No one cares about this child?" Gu Ye asked.

"It's not easy to protect yourself these days. No one will take care of it. Even the police don't want to take care of it. Mr. Gu, please leave it alone. These gangsters are very troublesome and it won't do anything good if they get involved." The driver advised.

He also pities the boy, but he is unable to do what he wants. This society does not allow him to be too kind.

"Then you can't just watch this child lying in the sun. If the sun is so hot, it will kill someone."

Gu Ye couldn't ignore it, and Chu Qiao couldn't do it either. She went to the roadside to buy water. Gu Ye helped the boy to the shade and fed him water. After a while, the boy woke up leisurely, his eyes blank, he was there. I wonder why heaven is exactly the same as Hong Kong City?

Did he go to hell?

But he didn't do anything bad.

"Just wake up and drink this water."

Gu Ye's tone was joyful. The boy blinked and saw Gu Ye's face clearly. He was an upright man at first glance, which made him feel at ease. There was a beautiful woman next to the man, smiling at him like a fairy.

There was also a little fairy with big eyes in the fairy's arms. She was chubby and waved her paws at him. The boy couldn't help but grin. He must have gone to heaven. There are no fairies in hell.

“Do people in heaven also drink water?”

The boy drank some water and felt better, so he asked unknowingly.


Chu Qiao laughed out loud and said softly: "You are not dead, you are living well."

The boy looked around in panic as if struck by lightning. Sure enough, it was the port city he was familiar with. It was so prosperous and indifferent. He was really not dead.

He's so useless that he can't even be killed in a car crash, and he has to continue to be a burden to his sister.

Guilt and self-blame made the boy burst into tears. He covered his face and cried silently. This suppressed look was more uncomfortable than crying loudly. He looked at him curiously, tilted his head, and his eyes were puzzled. He didn't know. Why is the boy crying?

Chu Qiao sighed, this child must be really in trouble.

"Would you like to call your sister?"

The boy shook his head vigorously. He didn't want to embarrass his sister anymore. If he couldn't die in a car crash, he would just jump into the sea. It's just that he couldn't make money for his sister, but without him as a burden, she would definitely be able to live a good life if she was so powerful. , and no longer need to be bullied by bad people.

"Sorry, I'm leaving!"

The boy stood up with difficulty. It was very easy to get up, but it was very difficult for him. He staggered several times before he could barely stand still. He was ashamed at this time because he recognized Chu Qiao and the others, who were the ones who hit him. On that car.

He might as well jump into the sea.

It doesn't matter if she doesn't have money, as long as she doesn't have him, my sister can live a good life.

"You can't even walk now, please rest for a while." Gu Ye stopped the boy.

He could tell that the child might be sick and his face didn't look like a normal person. If the other person was an adult, Gu Ye wouldn't mind his own business, but this was a child and he couldn't just sit back and watch.

Winking at Chu Qiao, Chu Qiao understood and went to the roadside to make a phone call. On the paper ball in the boy's hand, he wrote down his sister's phone number.

The man who answered the phone spoke the local dialect and was very impatient and spoke very fast. Chu Qiao asked Duan Qiqi in Mandarin, but the other party didn't hear clearly, so Chu Qiao asked the driver to speak to the other party.

"Qiqi? I didn't see her. Her mother is here. Wait a minute." The man said in a rude tone. He shouted a few words without waiting for the driver to reply.

After a while, a woman's hoarse voice came out from the phone. Her tone was also very impatient, and her local language was very unauthentic. The driver knew that the woman was a gangster from the mainland.

Then he told what happened to the boy. He thought that this woman was a mother and should be more reliable than his sister and would come to take his son home.

"Crashed? Are you dead?" The woman's tone was very cold, as if she had heard news from a stranger on the news.

"He's not dead, but he's not in good health. Come and take him home."

The driver frowned, suspecting that this woman was a stepmother. Otherwise, how could a biological mother be so indifferent after hearing that something happened to her own son?

The woman cursed a few words, but she didn't use Hong Kong dialect, so the driver couldn't understand it. If Chu Qiao listened to the phone, she would recognize that it was the Hangzhou dialect she was familiar with.

"No time!"

The driver was angry. Even the stepmother was too cruel. No wonder the boy wanted to die. He was about to argue with the woman, but a young voice came from the microphone. He couldn't tell whether he was a man or a woman. He must be underage. child.

. Lewen

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