"My name is Duan Qiqi, and his name is Duan Xiaohao."

Duan Qiqi's expression was no longer cold, but more girlish. Facing someone who treated them sincerely, the girl was a little uneasy and didn't know how to express it. She had nowhere to put her hands.

"Let's go to the hospital first."

Chu Qiao asked the driver to drive to the hospital to check Duan Xiaohao's body first. The boy's physical condition was too bad.

Duan Qiqi whispered: "Xiaohao and I don't have ID cards, so public hospitals won't accept us."

They are gangsters who can't even find a job. They have to sneak out every day, like rats in the gutter, hiding from the light.

"Go to a private hospital." Chu Qiao said.

She had no intention of going to a public hospital. Rich people here in Hong Kong went to private hospitals. Although the fees were expensive, the medical skills were indeed very good.

It cost more than 400,000 yuan to buy two shops, and she still has a hundred thousand yuan in hand, which should be enough for the time being. She will ask Niu Taohua to find out if there is any rich lady in Hong Kong who wants whitening cream or hair growth medicine. She can prepare more. , collect some money and come out.

Duan Qiqi was very uneasy and muttered: "Private hospitals are very expensive and cost a lot of money."

She was afraid of causing trouble to Chu Qiao, as her brother's illness could not be cured with a small amount of money.

Chu Qiao smiled slightly and reassured: "It's okay, your brother-in-law will make money."

Gu Ye immediately straightened his back and said with a hearty smile: "Don't worry, there is enough money for medical treatment."

He admired this sister-in-law very much, and he also found that his wife's siblings were not only beautiful, but also seemed to be very smart. Duan Qiqi was also very unusual. He dared to negotiate with Wu Yuyan alone and faced Brother Cai. He was not afraid and dared to threaten her with death. This courage was stronger than that of many men.

Duan Qiqi finally smiled. She was very beautiful and had a beautiful smile, but she rarely smiled. This smile from the heart made her coldness less and more gentle.

"I will make money to pay it back in the future." Duan Qiqi promised.

Chu Qiao patted her head gently, "Don't worry, you are still young and should go to school."

Duan Qiqi's face turned cold, and he shook his head and said, "I never went to school."

In fact, she went to school. She reached the third grade in her hometown. She got good grades and came first every time. Her father was very happy and said he would support her in college. However, her father suddenly fell ill and left. After that, Sun Yinxiu stopped. He let her go to school, and brought her and her brother here. They lived a life of hiding in hiding every day and had no chance to go to school.

However, Duan Qiqi sometimes picks up books that others don't want and reads them. She knows many of the words. There are many discarded books in the trash can. She picks them up and reads them. It is the stories in these books that warm her heart. Otherwise she wouldn't be able to hold on any longer.

Chu Qiao's eyes turned pitiful. This sister was really miserable.

"Children must go to school. If you are so smart, you will definitely be able to keep up with your studies. Only then can you find a good job by going to college." Chu Qiao comforted her and said, "Xiao Hao will also go to school after he recovers from his illness."

Now that the siblings have been taken away, Chu Qiao plans to take responsibility. She cannot sit idly by and is ruthless.

When Sun Yinxiu returned to her hometown in the previous life, she never mentioned the children, but when someone in the village would ask, the woman would become extremely impatient and say some vague words. Chu Qiao guessed that Xiaohao must have been sick in the previous life, and Duan Qiqi is a young girl, although she is very courageous, it is difficult to raise money, and she is more likely to be in trouble.

If Xiao Hao's illness is not treated, he will naturally not recover.

Perhaps it was God's arrangement that she was able to be reborn and meet her siblings again in this life.

Duan Qiqi clenched her lips. She really wanted to go to school, but she couldn't cause any more trouble to Chu Qiao. She was afraid that Chu Qiao's man would annoy her. After all, she and her brother were no better than strangers. She wanted to treat her brother. The illness costs a lot of money, and it will definitely cost a lot to support them. Duan Qiqi will feel bad if this beautiful sister's relationship as husband and wife is affected because of their siblings.

Then he said: "After Xiao Hao recovers from his illness, I will take him to find his grandma."

"Is your grandma good to you?"

"very good."

Duan Qiqi nodded. In fact, grandma was not kind to them, because grandma didn't like Sun Yinxiu, and she didn't even want to see her and her brother. She didn't smile when they met. Grandma also thought that Sun Yinxiu had killed her father, and she also thought that she and her brother were the broomsticks. , so when Sun Yinxiu took them away, grandma didn't even try to persuade them to stay.

But as long as she returns to her hometown, Duan Qiqi is no longer afraid. She can set up a street stall and pick up garbage to support her younger brother without becoming a burden to others.

But Chu Qiao was very suspicious. This grandma had not taken care of her two children for so many years, so she might not be very good. Let's see when the time comes. She could see that Duan Qiqi was afraid of causing trouble and had always been very cautious. This look made her very sad. Lianxi is really a very sensible child.

A child is too sensible. In fact, it is not that she is really sensible, but that she is forced to do so. Because she does not receive love and warmth, she will work hard to make herself sensible quickly so that she can be liked by adults.

Just like when she was a child, she would not say anything when she was wronged, but she would always take the initiative to do any work she saw. When she first entered the city, she never rested at home and was as busy as a top, cleaning the house as clean as a gyroscope. It was clean, even the knots in the corners of the wall were swept away, and there was no dust on the table. She just wanted He Jihong to know that she could do a lot of work and would not be free of charge.

But her sensible and obedient attitude failed to win He Jihong's gentleness. Instead, she was treated harshly. Duan Qiqi was better than her. Although this girl was sensible and careful, she was very strong and courageous. At such a young age, she Dare to resist Brother Cai.

When she was sixteen, she didn't even dare to speak loudly. If the same thing happened to Duan Qiqi, she would probably just cry and not be able to do anything.

The driver went to the best private hospital in Hong Kong. Although private hospitals are expensive, the procedures are simple. As long as they have money, they will accept any patient. The doctor quickly examined Xiao Hao and said that he would do a bone marrow matching as soon as possible and give him Xiaohao undergoes surgery.

"I can match it." Duan Qiqi said.

She is a biological sister, so she will definitely be a successful match.

But the doctor said not necessarily. Many successful matches are not necessarily direct relatives, but there are also direct relatives who are successfully matched. Fortunately, Xiaohao is very lucky. He and Duan Qiqi were successfully matched, and the surgery can be arranged immediately. As long as the money is available.

Chu Qiao still had some money in hand. Gu Ye said that he could borrow it from Tang Yaozu first, but it was very troublesome to transfer money from the mainland and it would take several days to arrive. Chu Qiao decided to borrow it from Niu Taohua.

Xiao Hao has been admitted to the hospital, and Duan Qiqi is also recuperating in the hospital. Although she was successfully matched, the doctor said she was too thin and needed to gain weight, so Duan Qiqi now eats five meals a day, and every meal lasts until My throat is still stuffy, and I just want to gain weight quickly.

. Lewen

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