Tang Xuemei has been having a hard time these days. Sister Xia searched for several days but could not find the mysterious person behind the scenes. She didn't even know whether he was a man or a woman. Sister Xia also went to investigate Miss Sheng San, but there was nothing suspicious.

Miss Sheng San lives in seclusion and has no contact with her neighbors. She hardly goes out except to buy groceries.

"She hasn't seen anyone else these days?" Tang Xuemei asked in a deep voice, her face looking ugly.

Her carefully maintained face also showed an old look, aging visibly to the naked eye. She couldn't sleep well these days, couldn't eat well, and dreamed about Miss Sheng Liu several times, which scared her so much that she didn't dare to sleep.

"No, the neighbors said that Sheng Xiuhua hasn't been seen going out for several days." Sister Xia said.

Sheng Xiuhua is the name of Miss Sheng San.

Tang Xuemei gritted her teeth and ordered: "Find Sheng Xiuhua's children and use money to pry their mouths!"

Sheng Xiuhua still has some backbone, but her children who are not living smoothly may not have the backbone. Who can have trouble with money?


Sister Xia turned around and left, bumped into Liang Yaozu, and immediately stopped respectfully.

Liang Yaozu looked her over, waved his hand, and asked her to go out. Sister Xia left. He sat opposite Tang Xuemei, hesitated for a while, and then asked: "Mom, what does my grandfather do?"

His mother had told him since he was a child that his great-grandfather was a second-rank official, and his grandfather was also an official of the imperial court. Liang Yaozu was deeply proud of it, but now he was a little shaken.

Maybe his grandpa was a grocery store owner, and grandpa Zeng was a scissors sharpener.

In fact, it doesn't matter. No matter where the hero comes from, there is an emperor who once worked as a beggar. Now the Liang family is very good and no one dares to underestimate it. This is the most important thing, but Liang Yaozu is still a little disappointed.

Tang Xuemei's expression changed drastically and she shouted sternly: "Are you doubting me? Have you also believed those nonsense?"

"of course not."

Liang Yaozu frowned slightly. His mother's reaction was too intense, and he felt a bit jealous, so he said: "The Xia family is avoiding me now, and things can't be suppressed anymore. Mother, what exactly happened back then, please tell me the truth, so that I can Handle this matter properly.”

"The truth is that the article is nonsense and spreading rumors to cause trouble. Catch the author and let him go to jail!"

Tang Xuemei's previous elegance and nobility were completely gone. She screamed loudly, looked ferocious, walked around like a trapped animal, and even smashed several ornaments.

There was a sound of cracking porcelain, and the ground was covered with broken porcelain pieces, and a few pieces splashed onto Liang Yaozu's legs. The sharp porcelain pieces pierced his thin pants and scratched his skin, causing slight pain.

Liang Yaozu lowered his head and saw a few dark marks on the light-colored trousers, which were his blood. He couldn't help but feel an unknown anger in his heart. He said in a deep voice: "What's the use of mother getting angry at me? I can't even see the company these days." I don’t care about anything else, I’m all dealing with this matter. If I hadn’t been suppressed by others, our front door would have been blocked by reporters!”

After saying that, Liang Yaozu walked away angrily. Tang Xuemei opened her mouth to scream, but stopped. She was an elder, so there was no reason to bow to the younger ones.

Her son was unreliable and she had to deal with it personally. Sheng Xiuhua definitely knew who that person was. Many things in the article happened in the Sheng family. This person was definitely a member of the Sheng family.

Tang Xuemei guessed that she was Miss Shanda, who was married to a very powerful diplomat and was the best-living among the seven sisters. Humph, this eldest lady was not a good official wife, so she came to oppose her, so don't blame her for being rude!

Liang Yaozu returned home with a dark face. He was now angry and his feet were in severe pain. Half of his trouser legs were stained with blood. As soon as he got home, Niu Taohua was shocked, "What happened to your feet? Who did it?"

"Stop talking nonsense and get the potion!"

Liang Yaozu was in a bad mood and drank. Niu Taohua quickly went to get the medicine box and treated his wound. In fact, it was not deep. When she was a child, she used pigweed to make the wound scratched by thatch be deeper.

"Your mother is too cruel. How could she be so cruel and shed so much blood, yet she doesn't feel bad? It makes me feel bad just looking at her. My children are my mother's darlings. I'll take them if they fall." I feel uncomfortable for a long time, oh, don’t move, I have to disinfect..."

Niu Taohua talked nonchalantly, glancing at Liang Yaozu from time to time. Seeing that Liang Yaozu's face was getting darker and darker, he continued to apply eye drops, "You can't sleep well these days because of this matter, and you have dark circles under your eyes. What's wrong with your mother?" I still scold you. I don’t know if this is true. If it is true, both your and Zai Zai’s reputations will be affected. Others will say that Zai Zai’s grandmother is ungrateful and took advantage of her benefactor..."

"Will you die if you don't speak?"

Liang Yaozu said something sinisterly, with a very unkind look in his eyes. Niu Taohua trembled and shut up obediently. She applied the medicine with more force. When she heard Liang Yaozu's hissing gasps, she felt comfortable.

He started chattering again. With the support of his two sons, Niu Taohua became much bolder.

"Are you confused about whether this report is true or false?" Niu Taohua asked with a wink.

"It must be fake!"

Liang Yaozu glared. Although he began to doubt in his heart, his attitude must be clear.

Niu Taohua just pretended not to hear it and continued: "Your mother won't tell you, you can ask your father. Your father is also one of the parties involved. He must know the truth. And your eldest sister has not returned to her parents' home for so many years. , maybe you know some inside information."

"Take good care of your children. You don't have to worry about these things. Why bother worrying about them every day!"

Liang Yaozu retorted angrily, because he felt that he was losing face. He didn't expect such a simple and effective method, but the uneducated Niu Taohua thought of it. Could it be that his IQ is not as good as Niu Taohua?

Of course it's impossible, it's definitely because he was too angry, and his mind couldn't be turned around for a while.

Niu Taohua complained in a low voice and rolled her eyes a few times. Liang Yaozu's cold eyes came to her, so she put on a flattering smile and changed her face as fast as a magician.

When Liang Yaozu returned to the study, Niu Taohua rolled her eyes several times and took Zai Zai to play with her little son. The little boy was like meat dumplings and was very fun.

After a while, Liang Yaozu went out and went to Liang Zhaofa's place. He had called him just now. Liang Zhaofa asked him to come over and said that his eldest sister was also there.

Liang Zhaofa moved out of his old house many years ago and lived with his current girlfriend. Maybe he really met his true love. After that, Liang Zhaofa took away the flowers and lived with his current wife wholeheartedly. If Tang Xuemei hadn't refused to divorce, Liang Zhaofa would have This woman and two children will definitely be given status.

This was Liang Yaozu's first time going there. He and his father always met at the company, which was very rare. Whenever he thought that he had a younger brother and sister who were only a few years older than his son, he felt very uncomfortable.

Late at night, Liang Yaozu came back. His expression was calm, but his heart was not. His father and eldest sister told him all the truth. It turned out that every word in those articles was true. They did not add any exaggeration or slander to his mother. Everything they said was true. Is the truth.


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