80s: Daughter-in-law Is Sweet and Sassy (My 80's Wife Is Sweet And Cool)

Chapter 756: Rampant Motorcycle (Thanks to the Wolf in Sheep for the tip+)

"I would venture to ask, did Miss Sixth die young because of this incident?" Liang Yaozu asked carefully, feeling very uncomfortable. This was the fault of his parents.

Miss Sheng Qi suddenly smiled and asked: "Liang Zhaofa told you this?"

Liang Yaozu nodded, a little confused. He heard the disdain in Miss Sheng Qi's tone. Did his father make a mistake?

Miss Sheng Liu is not depressed?

But why did he die young?

Miss Sheng Qi leaned forward, picked up the coffee, and took a sip. Her movements were very casual, but Liang Yaozu felt that she was very elegant. Miss Sheng Qi was also wearing a cheongsam, but the material was not as good as her mother's. She didn't wear too many jewelry, just a pair of cheongsam. Pearl necklaces and pearl earrings, even without makeup, look very noble and calm.

Liang Yaozu suddenly felt that his mother was ridiculous. She always flaunted herself as a lady from a famous family, and everything she used was extremely luxurious. He used to think that a lady from a famous family should be like this, but now he understood.

A true lady from a famous family, even if she wears a jingchai sarong and doesn't wear any makeup, she can still stand out in the crowd.

It was not like his mother, who was decorated with luxurious clothes and jewelry, but looked shallow and ridiculous everywhere.

Just like Miss Sheng Qi, she was sitting in a cheap small hotel in a simple environment, drinking ordinary coffee, with a crack on the edge of the cup, but this old lady drank it with the momentum of afternoon tea in the Royal Garden, and her whole body Such grandeur made Liang Yaozu dare not say anything at will, waiting for Miss Sheng Qi to finish her coffee.

Miss Sheng Qi put down her coffee, folded her hands on her knees, sat upright, and then said: "Your father is still as self-righteous as before. In fact, my sixth sister doesn't take your parents' matters to heart. She treats your father They didn't have too deep feelings. Their marriage was ordered by their parents. Your father did something embarrassing. Your grandfather came over to apologize and said he firmly disagreed with your mother's entry. It was my sixth sister who persuaded your grandfather to agree. "


Liang Yaozu was surprised that Miss Sheng Liu actually persuaded his grandfather to accept his love rival?

Do you really have such a big heart?

"My sixth sister said that the child is innocent, and you cannot let your eldest sister bear the reputation of being an illegitimate child. Besides, my sixth sister doesn't have such deep feelings for your father, so although she is angry at your mother's betrayal, she doesn't want to care about it. ”

Miss Sheng Qi slowly talked about what happened back then, without adding any personal feelings. After experiencing so many things, she had already looked away, and she didn't hate Tang Xuemei that much. This woman actually didn't have a good life.

Liang Yaozu lost control of his expression. He didn't expect the truth to be like this. Miss Sheng Liu had no intention of her father, nor was she sad, let alone depressed.

"Then why did your sixth sister die?"


Miss Sheng Qi gave a concise answer and looked tired. She braced herself and said: "I know what you want to say. The serialization in the newspaper will not be interrupted. I also accepted the invitation from the TV station. I will be interviewed in the future. You don't want to do it first." If you are angry, go back and ask your mother how she spread rumors about my sixth sister outside. If she has any intention of repaying her kindness, I will not do this. "

Chu Qiao saw that the old lady was in low spirits, so she advised, "Boss Liang, you should go back. As juniors, we cannot interfere in the old affairs of the elders."

Liang Yaozu felt very heavy. He also wanted to know what his mother had done to Miss Sheng Liu, which would make Miss Sheng Qi still brood.

"Don't always worry about the reputation of the Liang family. This thing is invisible and intangible. When I leave, this matter will fade away. Your Liang family will remain the same as before. The common people are not so boring and will stare at your family every day. ." Miss Sheng Qi comforted.

She didn't want to involve the younger generation, but Liang Yaozu was still involved and suffered a lot of pressure. Miss Sheng Qi still felt a little guilty, but it would not affect her decision.

She must seek justice for her sixth sister, and she cannot let a bitch like Tang Xuemei throw dirty water on her sixth sister.

Liang Yaozu bowed, said goodbye and left. He was going to ask his father what outrageous thing his mother had done.

Chu Qiao helped Miss Sheng Qi, feeling a little uneasy. The old lady's energy seemed to be getting worse. Is she feeling ill?

"Let me take you for a check-up. You don't seem to look very good." Chu Qiao advised.

"It's because I didn't sleep well last night. Come on, I'll be fine if I get some sleep."

Miss Sheng Qi refused, Chu Qiao was dubious, and left with Gu Ye, but she kept this matter in mind. After the TV station interview was over, she must take the old lady to the hospital for a full-body examination.

After they left, Miss Sheng Qi's pine-like back suddenly buckled. She leaned weakly on the chair, took out a small bottle of medicine from the drawer, poured two pills, and swallowed it.

In the afternoon, Niu Taohua called and said, "Lao Liang just came back from his father's house. His face was ugly. He didn't answer any questions and even got angry. What did the teacher say to him?"

Hearing the trumpet sound coming from the phone, Chu Qiao knew that Niu Taohua was making a call outside. She felt relieved and recounted exactly what Miss Sheng Qi said in the morning.

Niu Taohua scolded the old witch a few times and asked curiously: "Do you know what the old witch did to the teacher and her sixth sister?"

"I don't know, the teacher won't tell me, but she will be interviewed on the TV station the day after tomorrow, and everything will be revealed. We will know then." Chu Qiao was also very curious, looking forward to the time passing faster.

In the past two days, Liang Yaozu went to work in the company as usual. The newspaper articles continued to be serialized. He did not ask his assistant to deal with them. He just let the rumors spread and pretended not to hear them.

He learned about what happened back then from his father. It was true that his mother had gone too far. Miss Sheng Qi was really capable. She was just telling the facts without adding any exaggeration. No matter how angry Liang Yaozu was, he was still impressed by Miss Sheng Qi's charm. , I just feel that my mother is as wretched as a villain, as vicious as a poisonous snake, and that she has the fate she has today, all because of herself.

He doesn't care!

Miss Sheng Qi is right. After a while, people will stop staring at his house. Besides, reputation is nothing, so why should he torture himself?

The interview on the TV station was recorded and broadcast. It started at 2:30 in the afternoon. Many viewers came. Many of them were gray-haired old people, about the same age as Miss Sheng Qi. They came from Shanghai during the war, and there were also many ordinary people from the city. , I want to come and have a look at Miss Sheng Qi.

Miss Sheng Qi dressed up carefully. She only put on light makeup to look better. She was still wearing a dark blue cheongsam and pearl jewelry. Her temperament was elegant and noble, but she was getting thinner. Chu Qiao felt very uneasy and made up her mind. After the interview, be sure to go to the hospital.

"Has today's newspaper been delivered?" Miss Sheng Qi asked.


Chu Qiao took the newspaper and handed it to the old lady, but Miss Sheng Qi said, "Read it to me."


Chu Qiao was flipping through the newspaper and glanced at a corner. She couldn't help but let out a sigh. Miss Sheng Qi looked over in confusion. She hurriedly said: "It's a corpse identification notice, saying that the female body found on the beach was bitten by fish and was completely changed beyond recognition." , I saw that the body shape looked familiar, so I was a little surprised."

She stopped looking at the notice and started reading the article. After reading it, Miss Sheng Qi was very satisfied and said she was ready to go. Chu Qiao helped her into the elevator. When she got under the hotel, she was about to call a taxi when a motorcycle suddenly rushed over. , and hit them directly.


I’ve finally finished writing. I’m so tired from writing. There’s still one more chapter to be added. I’ll continue tomorrow. Good night.


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