Miss Sheng Qi waved and smiled at them. In fact, they did not know each other, but they were born in the same era and were fellow residents of Shanghai. It was rare to meet people of the same age in a foreign country.

"This is the real lady of the world. We should let the decent ladies see how the Li family, the Wang family, and the Zhang family can compare to the Sheng family. Back then, the seven sisters of the Sheng family were famous throughout the country. The clothes and jewelry they wear are imitated within a few days, and they are even more popular than celebrities.”

An old man with white beard and hair said excitedly, and other old people nodded in agreement.

"This time the TV station has finally put on a show with a conscience. You all should stop talking. The show is about to start."

"There are still a few minutes left. Let me tell you that I was lucky enough to meet Miss Sheng Liu once. Ah, she was so heroic and heroic. She is not outdone by women. Don't you know? Miss Sheng Liu founded a women's newspaper to speak out for female comrades. She contributed money and effort to the newspaper, wrote the articles and printed them by herself. The newspaper sold very well at that time. It is a pity that Miss Sheng Liu died young. Alas, the sky has no eyes! "

"Why did Miss Sixth die?"

"I don't know. I was already here when Miss Six passed away. From what others said, oh, it's such a pity."

The audience in the audience were whispering, and their voices were quite loud. Liang Yaozu, who was sitting in the corner, heard them all and looked very ugly. Sitting next to him was Gu Ye.

Liang Yaozu didn't want to come, but he couldn't resist his curiosity. He had been reading newspapers these days and had not finished writing the story. Although he already knew what his mother had done, he still wanted to come and listen to what Miss Sheng Qi said. .

So he came, but now he regretted it again. He felt that he was really a bitch. Wouldn't it be nice to just sit in the office and enjoy the air-conditioning? He had to come over here to take this anger.

When Chu Qiao saw them, she walked over with her waist down, sat next to Liang Yaozu, and whispered about the motorcycle incident before. Gu Ye was startled and asked quickly: "Are you not injured?"

"Hit left arm."

Chu Qiao stretched out his arms and rolled up his sleeves. His fair skin was covered in bruises. Gu Ziye was in great pain and regretted why he had to accompany Liang Yaozu. He should have been accompanying his wife.

"What about the driver?" Gu Ye asked through gritted teeth.

"The police took him away and I beat him up. He refused to say anything. He must have been bribed. We didn't offend anyone here. Who would spend this money?"

Chu Qiao glanced sideways at Liang Yaozu as she spoke. Her meaning was very obvious, but she just didn't say Tang Xuemei's name.

Liang Yaozu's expression was gloomy. He actually felt that it was very likely that it was his mother, but he couldn't say it or admit it, but he felt even more annoyed in his heart and resented Tang Xuemei a lot.

She didn't discuss such a big matter with him and acted without authorization. Now that the commotion was so big, those reporters had the time to write about it. Didn't mother think the Liang family was not embarrassed enough?

"Lao Liang, your father is here!"

Gu Ye suddenly poked him, and Liang Yaozu's heart skipped a beat. He looked up and saw his father entering the recording studio with his confidante, sitting in the front row. He felt even more blocked.

Neither of them is worried about what kind of evil he has done to have such unfair parents.

Miss Sheng Qi saw that Liang Zhaofa was much older. She was a little surprised, but she still nodded to Liang Zhaofa. Liang Zhaofa was very excited and waved to Miss Sheng Qi. He came here today just to say sorry, because he has always been He felt that Miss Sheng Liu died young because of his betrayal. For decades, he had always had this thorn in his heart. If he didn't say sorry, he would never die in peace.

The program started. The host introduced Miss Sheng Qi's identity and asked some questions. Miss Sheng Qi was very cooperative and answered them one by one.

"Miss Seventh, are all these things you said true? Are they not mixed with any personal feelings?"

"Of course, not a word is false. In fact, my sixth sister does not hate Tang Xuemei. She has forgotten these two people afterwards. If my sixth sister is still alive, she will definitely stop me from writing the article." Miss Sheng Qi said with a smile.


The host asked many people's questions. How hateful it is to be betrayed by a white-eyed wolf and your fiancé. How can you forget it so easily?

Miss Sheng Qi glanced at Liang Zhaofa in the audience and said calmly: "Because my sixth sister cares about the world, she is truly broad-minded. My sixth sister didn't take anything in mind at all what Tang Xuemei and Liang Zhaofa did. In her heart There is only family, country and people.”

This answer surprised everyone. They didn't expect that Miss Sheng Liu didn't hold grudges. Is it true or false?

Liang Zhaofa in the audience was very unhappy. He thought Miss Sheng Qi was talking angrily. How could she forget so easily?

He, Liang Zhaofa, was not a nobody. He had done something wrong and he was willing to apologize, but Miss Sheng Qi wiped out the relationship between him and Miss Sheng Liu in just a few words. This was wrong.

Miss Sheng Qi added: "My sixth sister's name is Sheng Ronghua. She founded a newspaper called Ronghua Newspaper. You can check this. In the environment at that time, women's status was very low. They suffered a lot of grievances and bullying. People have to speak out for them, and my sixth sister has interviewed many oppressed women and spoken out for them in newspapers, which can be considered a small contribution to the liberation of women."

She stopped, took a breath, and then said: "Sixth Sister once told me that love and love are the smallest things in the world, and she looked down upon them. So what Tang Xuemei and Liang Zhaofa did at that time was very harmful to me. To me, it’s like a mosquito bite, it has no impact.”

"Then why do you still write articles?" the host asked.

Miss Sheng Qi's face turned cold, "My sixth sister is broad-minded, but I am very narrow-minded. After my sixth sister's death, Tang Xuemei still threw dirty water and smeared my sixth sister's reputation. She was ungrateful and repaid kindness with evil. I have to clear my sixth sister's name." , let the world know the truth.”

Liang Yaozu's face in the audience became even more ugly. His mother had indeed done this. He couldn't understand why his mother would do such a thing since she got an advantage.

Got your brain kicked by a donkey?

The host and the audience were very curious as to what outrageous thing Tang Xuemei had done. Baba was waiting for Miss Sheng Qi to tell her.

"After Tang Xuemei learned that my sixth sister had passed away, she had someone write a book about how my sixth sister had an affair with many men. When she was studying abroad, she was also involved in several married men, so that it lasted for a long time. For a while, my sixth sister had the reputation of being a slut.”

Miss Sheng Qi sounded very angry. Although someone later rehabilitated her sixth sister, she was still angry. Her sixth sister, who was as noble as an orchid, had been innocent all her life, but suffered such humiliation. She must avenge her.

Liang Zhaofa in the audience looked guilty. He knew about this matter, and it was also because of this that he fell out with Tang Xuemei, but the damage had been done, so it was no wonder that Miss Sheng Qi was angry.


I can’t write it today. I’ll update it tomorrow. Good night.


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