80s: Daughter-in-law Is Sweet and Sassy (My 80's Wife Is Sweet And Cool)

Chapter 762: Terminal Cancer (Thanks to the Wolf in Sheep for the tip+)

Chu Qiao and the others went to the police station to take notes. When the police learned about Miss Sheng Qi's identity, they were very respectful.

"The driver was a gangster, the motorcycle was a gangster, and his family had a lot of money. It was obvious that he was instigated, but he refused to tell the truth," the police said.

Miss Sheng Qi smiled slightly and said, "I know who did it. Don't embarrass the driver. He must have been forced by life to do such a sinful thing."

"You will definitely have to stay in jail for several months. Miss Qi, you are so kind-hearted. You can forgive such a person." The young policeman looked at him with admiration.

"When you are my age and have experienced too many things, you will look away."

Miss Sheng Qi smiled. If she were young, she would definitely not let him go. She used to be petty and would retaliate, but now she has looked away from many things.

In the face of life and death, everything is a trivial matter, no big deal.

The transcript was ready. Chu Qiao helped Miss Sheng Qi and was about to go back to the hotel. A policeman came over with a stack of photos in his hand. He threw it on the table and complained: "There are unknown bodies every day, and no one comes. Claim it, there are not enough freezers!”

Chu Qiao couldn't help but glance at the photos on the table. One photo looked very familiar. It was the one she saw in the newspaper at noon, but the photo was in color and clearer.

Although the familiar floral skirt was wrinkled by the water, Chu Qiao still recognized it, and her heart sank. This unrecognizable corpse looked more and more like Sun Yinxiu.

"Sir, does anyone claim this female body?" Chu Qiao asked, pointing to the photo.

"No, do you know him?" the police asked.

Chu Qiao hesitated. She was not sure if it was Sun Yinxiu, so she looked at Gu Ye and asked him to identify it.

Gu Ye actually recognized it at a glance, but he still pretended to look at it for a while before asking: "Can you let us see the body? It looks like someone we know."

"Okay, come with me!"

The police were very happy that someone finally claimed it. They led them to the freezer, opened one layer, and then unzipped the zipper. The frozen and blue body was exposed, which was much clearer than the photo.

Chu Qiao's heart sank to the bottom. It was indeed Sun Yinxiu. Although her face was ruined, the face and figure were that of Sun Yinxiu. She would not admit it.

Why did he die suddenly?

Coming out of the ice room, Chu Qiao asked the police about the case.

"Drown, the waves washed up on the beach. This woman was addicted to drugs. She must have been addicted, had hallucinations, lost her footing and fell into the sea." The police said.

It was not a pity for a drug addict to die. The police didn't care at all and even asked Chu Qiao to sign for the corpse.

"It's just an acquaintance, not even a friend. She is a gangster, her name is Sun Yinxiu."

Chu Qiao signed and did not say that she was the daughter of the deceased. The police did not care. As long as someone claimed it, the body could be cremated and they could close the case.

She and Gu Yebing split up. She sent Miss Sheng Qi back to the hotel, while Gu Ye went to the crematorium.

On the way back to the hotel, Chu Qiao talked about going to the hospital, "I will accompany you to the hospital for a checkup tomorrow. I see that you look very bad."

"Need not."

Miss Sheng Qi refused. She knew her body best and there was no need to go to the hospital.

"You can't hide your illness and avoid medical treatment. The medical level here in Hong Kong City is very high. Let's do a check-up. If you are sick, treat it. If you are not sick, you can feel at ease." Chu Qiao was anxious.

There is obviously something wrong with the old lady looking like this, and her complexion is much worse than it was a few days ago. How can she feel relieved?

"No need, I know what you mean."

Miss Sheng Qi patted the back of Chu Qiao's hand gently. God still had mercy on her. In the end of her life, he sent two young girls to accompany her, both of them were filial children.

Chu Qiao still wanted to persuade her, but she heard Miss Sheng Qi whisper: "I'm in an advanced stage and it can't be cured."

After being stunned for a moment, Chu Qiao didn't react. She stared blankly, her head buzzing. She could clearly hear every word of the sentence just now, but when they were put together, she didn't know what it meant.

What late stage?

What exactly does that mean?

"What are you talking about?" Chu Qiao's eyes turned red unconsciously.

Miss Sheng Qi smiled and comforted: "I knew it a long time ago. Don't be sad. Death is a relief for me. I'm going to see your uncle and sixth sister. Be happy."

Over the years, she had been too exhausted from living, struggling to survive every day, and now she was finally free.

So when she was diagnosed with cancer, she refused treatment and took it one day at a time, so there was no need to waste medical resources.

Tears couldn't help but burst out of her eyes, and Chu Qiao swallowed: "Why didn't you tell me earlier? I can prepare the medicine and I can cure you."

If she had gone earlier, she would have been able to prepare medicine to increase immunity and ask Wu Bing to purchase rare medicinal materials. Even if she could not be cured, Miss Sheng Qi could live a few more years.

Miss Sheng Qi kept smiling. If she wanted to live, she would naturally try her best to treat him, but she really didn't want to live anymore. She wanted to reunite with Kong Qing and Sixth Sister.

Back at the hotel, Miss Sheng Qi sat down tiredly. She had no strength at all, and asked Chu Qiao to take out medicine from the drawer and take two pills. She felt better.

Chu Qiao recognized the painkillers. Apparently, Miss Sheng Qi had been enduring severe pain during this period. The pain of terminal cancer was very unbearable, but Miss Sheng Qi hid it so tightly that no one could see it. come out.

"I will prepare the medicine now, please don't refuse, okay?"

Chu Qiao begged that she didn't want Miss Sheng Qi to die. She had never met an elder to guide her in her two lives. She just thought about it on her own. She made many mistakes and took many wrong paths. Finally, she met Miss Sheng Qi. He gave her many tips, but she really couldn't bear it. She wanted to serve Miss Sheng Qi for a hundred years, but she got this fatal disease.

"Okay, you match it, I'll eat it."

Miss Sheng Qi stretched out her skinny hand and patted Chu Qiao gently. Even if it was an elixir, it would be useless for her to take it. It was better not to make the child sad.

"I'm going to buy medicine right now. I'll use the best medicine and I can prepare it at night."

Chu Qiao wiped her tears. She had to hurry up, but she didn't want Miss Sheng Qi to stay alone in the hotel, so she called Niu Taohua. It was already this time and she couldn't care so much.

"Chu Qiao, when will the teacher's program be broadcast?"

As soon as she received the call, Niu Taohua asked, she couldn't hold it in since she hadn't been to the hotel these days.

"Don't ask these questions. Send someone to the hotel to take care of the teacher. Someone should be careful and steady. Her old lady is sick." Chu Qiao's voice became even louder. He glanced at Miss Sheng Qi who was sleeping on the bed, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

It's all because she was too careless, she should have noticed it a long time ago.

"What's wrong with you? A bad cold?" Niu Taohua was startled.

"She has terminal cancer and she has been taking painkillers... Don't ask, I'm going to prepare the medicine. You can send a reliable person to the hotel to take care of the teacher. I don't have time here."

After a long time, Niu Taohua's sobs came from the other side of the phone, "I...I'm coming here in person. Others can't take care of me. Just wait for me. I'll come over now."


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