Duan Qiqi snorted and looked at her brother-in-law like a fool. She felt a little stupid. What did this expression and eyes mean?

Do you think she is pitiful?

Huh...the last thing she needs is sympathy.

"Don't look at me with such pity, I don't need it!"

Duan Qiqi snorted coldly. The most annoying thing is pity. Does she need it?

When she was a child, she would ask for help. After being beaten black and blue by Sun Yinxiu, someone came to investigate. At that time, she thought God sent angels to save her and her brother. She stupidly told everyone everything, hoping to leave Sun Yinxiu and send her and her brother away. Go to the orphanage.

But those people only gave Sun Yinxiu a few verbal warnings and did not do anything substantive. This also caused Sun Yinxiu to intensify and beat her more and more brutally. If she had not been lucky, she might have been beaten to death by this woman.

From then on, Duan Qiqi knew that no one in this world could help her, and no one had the obligation to help her. She could only rely on herself.

Therefore, she does not need pity. Rather than shed a few tears or say a few words of compassion, it is better to give her a piece of bread or some money.

Gu Ye's expression froze, a little embarrassed. This sister-in-law's words were colder than an ice knife. However, she was stronger than he thought, but maybe it was the grief hidden deep in her heart.

Anyway, it's the fault of this little girl, Sun Yinxiu, that she's the mother-in-law. She really doesn't deserve to be a human being, so she should be a beast in her next life.

"Don't talk to my sister about this." Duan Qiqi warned.

"Okay, don't tell me."

Gu Ye agreed. He had no intention of telling his wife in the first place, so as not to upset her.

Duan Qiqi was very satisfied. Although this brother-in-law was a bit silly, he was still a good person. He mainly listened to her sister's words.

"It's time for you to go back!"

Duan Qiqi reminded that a good man should go home on time.

Gu Ye twitched the corner of his mouth. From the beginning of his conversation with Duan Qiqi, the sister-in-law had always been in charge and he couldn't interrupt. He couldn't afford to offend either the brother-in-law or the sister-in-law.

My sister-in-law didn't look like she needed his comfort.

Better withdraw.

After picking up the urn, Gu Ye was about to go back to the hotel. At this moment, the lights on the street were starting to turn on and it was getting late.

Chu Qiao returned before him, holding her daughter and playing listlessly with building blocks. When she saw Gu Ye entering the door, her tears flowed again, and Gu Ye was so scared that he almost threw the urn.

"What happened? Did Tang Xuemei send someone to do bad things again?"

Gu Ye placed the urn and asked eagerly.

Chu Qiao shook her head and spoke of Miss Sheng Qi's illness, "She kept hiding it all because I was too careless. If you are more careful, you can find it."

"I don't blame you. She deliberately concealed it because she didn't want you to know. I really don't blame you. Stop crying."

Gu Ye sighed softly, hugged his wife to comfort him, and held his daughter with his other hand. The little girl opened her eyes wide, looked at her mother curiously, and stretched out her hand to wipe her tears.

Looking at her lovely daughter, Chu Qiao felt better. She rubbed hard on Gu Ye's clothes a few times and wiped away her tears.

In fact, she understood the truth and knew that Miss Sheng Qi was in pain, but she still couldn't accept it.

"I asked Wu Bing to help find the medicinal materials. They will arrive tomorrow. I hope the medicine I prepared will be effective."

"It must be effective. The medicine prepared by my wife is absolutely the best and unique!"

Gu Ye did not hesitate to praise him, and the kind words he said made Chu Qiao couldn't help but burst into tears and laughed, saying angrily: "Don't say that outside, it's embarrassing!"

How can she be so powerful? Her skin will be blown.

"What I said is true. My wife is the most powerful. Xin Xin knows it. Look, Xin Xin nodded."

The little girl Xinxin looked at her father with a vague understanding, her little mouth opened, and drool drooled from the corner of her mouth. Suddenly, the little girl became excited, screaming and dancing happily, which made the haze in Chu Qiao's heart dissipate a little. .

She glanced at the urn, feeling nothing in her heart. It would be great if she could exchange her life for her life, Sun Yinxiu's life for Miss Sheng Qi's life.

"Did you tell Qiqi?" Chu Qiao asked.

After all, she is the biological mother of Duan Qiqi and her brother, so she needs to be notified.

"I told you, Qiqi said it would be good to die." Gu Ye nodded.

Chu Qiao sneered, "Originally, for people like her, living is a waste of resources. It is indeed better to die."

God had some foresight and allowed this woman to seek her own death.

Chu Qiao felt that the police's speculation was correct. Sun Yinxiu must have become addicted and had hallucinations. Then she lost her footing and fell into the sea and drowned. She was lucky and was not eaten by the shark, leaving a whole body.

Gu Ye didn't tell the truth about Sun Yinxiu's death, nor what happened to Duan Qiqi. It was better not to let his wife know about these bad things, which would cause trouble.

At noon the next day, Wu Bing sent someone to deliver the medicinal materials. Chu Qiao locked herself in the room for an afternoon. After dinner, she prepared the medicine and sent it to Miss Sheng Qi.

Niu Taohua was also there, serving Miss Sheng Qi for dinner, and there was also a cup of ginseng soup that Niu Taohua had sent to her.

"The medicine is ready. Take one pill at a time with warm water three times a day. You take one pill first."

Chu Qiao took out the pills. Miss Sheng Qi was afraid of the pain, so she specially added honey and she could chew them directly.

Miss Sheng Qi did not refuse. She chewed a pill and swallowed it with a sip of soup. She saw that Chu Qiao's eyes were bloodshot and Niu Taohua was not in good spirits. She was in so much pain that she couldn't sleep last night, and Niu Taohua didn't suffer either. Sleep well.

"You all go to rest and don't worry about me."

Miss Sheng Qi felt embarrassed. She had always wanted to be strong all her life and never wanted to cause trouble to others, but now she was hurting these two children.


Chu Qiao and Niu Taohua said in unison, how could they ignore this critical moment.

"Teacher, would you like to go to the hospital? I have arranged for the best doctor. Now many diseases can be cured. That doctor has successfully treated many people." Niu Taohua persuaded hard.

She still hopes that Miss Sheng Qi can go to the hospital. Even if it is in an advanced stage, it can be cured with expensive and good medicine.

Chu Qiao also persuaded her. She and Niu Taohua had the same idea, and did not want the old lady to treat her illness negatively.

Miss Sheng Qi actually didn't want to go to the hospital, but she couldn't bear to have Niu Taohua accompany her every day, so she agreed, but made a request, "I won't do surgery or chemotherapy."

She didn't want the last part of her life to be degrading.

"Okay, it's all up to you." Chu Qiao agreed.

Even conservative treatment and some good medicine can relieve Miss Sheng Qi's pain.

I packed my clothes and prepared to go to the hospital after dinner. Niu Taohua had already made arrangements.

There was a knock on the door, and Chu Qiao opened the door. It was a strange old lady, dressed very ordinary, and a little fat. The old lady grabbed a middle-aged man in his forties. The man lowered his head and said nothing.

"I am Third Sister Yuhua."

The old lady is Miss Sheng San, and the man is her son. She came here specifically to apologize.


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