After Miss Sheng Qi had finished her meal, she went to the hospital. Niu Taohua arranged the hospital very considerately, with a small independent room, a quiet environment, and a one-to-one nurse who was always available.

As soon as she entered the hospital, she had a full-body examination. The results would come out in two days. With nurses taking care of her, Niu Taohua went home. She was worried about her two children.

Early the next morning, Chu Qiao went to the hospital, bringing Miss Sheng Qi's favorite breakfast and a newspaper, the last article of today's series.

Miss Sheng Qi read the newspaper and was very satisfied and praised: "Mr. Wen's writing style is quite good, but his character is a bit lacking."

People who are too upright often have bad luck.

"It was also thanks to your blessing that he suddenly opened up the Ren and Du lines, and now he has switched to writing martial arts." Chu Qiao couldn't help but laugh. She had just heard what Mrs. Wang said.

Mrs. Wang called her a while ago to complain, saying that Liang Yaozu pressured her husband to write an autobiography for Tang Xuemei. She was unwilling at all, but her husband persuaded her to agree because he was worried that Liang Yaozu would withdraw his capital.

She was in a dilemma. Fortunately, Miss Sheng Qi's serialized article saved her. Liang Yaozu didn't mention a word about his autobiography.

Mrs. Wang also talked about Mr. Wen's recent situation. Because he wrote best-selling articles, he made a lot of money for the newspaper. He is now the newspaper's favorite, and Mr. Wen's character has also changed a lot. He is actually willing to write articles that he dismissed before. The martial arts is pretty well written.

"Look, this is this article. It has been serialized for several days. The reading rate is very high. Many readers have written to urge for updates."

Chu Qiao turned to the martial arts serial in the newspaper and pointed it out to Miss Sheng Qi.

Miss Sheng Qi looked at it briefly and said with a smile: "It's very well written."

She was still patient and finished reading the martial arts. She became addicted to it and asked Chu Qiao to find the newspapers that were serialized in the past. She was bored in the hospital and could pass the time.

"I'll go to the bookstore and buy a book for you. That one looks enjoyable."

"Okay, buy a few more books. I can read books very quickly." Miss Sheng Qi requested.

She had never read these miscellaneous books before, but now she felt that these miscellaneous books were also very good. Although they were not nutritious, they were very suitable for passing time.

Chu Qiao remembered that there was a bookstore near the hospital, so she went to buy some books and bought several books by Jin Da Xia and Long Da Xia. Miss Sheng Qi was fascinated by them as soon as she read them. She also said, "Buy a few more copies of Gu Long's books. His books are so good."

Miss Sheng Qi, who had settled her worries, was in good spirits and smiled more. She didn't ask about Tang Xuemei in the past few days and didn't care at all.

Niu Taohua came over, bringing ginseng soup and talking about Tang Xuemei's current situation.

"We are in a divorce lawsuit. Liang Zhaofa wants a divorce, but the old witch doesn't agree. The two are arguing, and Lao Liang doesn't care about either side. He is currently too busy in the company to worry about it."

Niu Taohua added good news, "Liang Zhaofa has officially announced his retirement. Now Lao Liang is fully responsible for the company. This is also thanks to you, teacher. If you hadn't made such a fuss, Liang Zhaofa would have been reluctant to retire."

Miss Sheng Qi smiled and continued reading. She was addicted to the world of martial arts and couldn't help herself. She also regretted why she didn't read these idle books before and missed so many interesting books.

"When will the court begin?" Chu Qiao asked.

"It will take a few days. I don't know the exact date yet." Niu Taohua shrugged and gritted his teeth and said, "I really hope this old witch won't get a penny."

Miss Sheng Qi said calmly: "It's impossible. It's impossible for Liang Yaozu to ignore his mother. Don't get involved in these things."

"I won't interfere, I'm just here to talk."

Niu Taohua is very obedient, and she will definitely not interfere blindly. No matter how bad Tang Xuemei is, she is also Liang Yaozu's biological mother. She is an outsider, so of course she cannot interfere.

Chu Qiao thought that Tang Xuemei would be stable now, but she didn't expect that the old witch could still dance. The next day, she saw an article slandering Miss Sheng Liu in the newspaper.

The article was extremely slanderous against Miss Sheng Liu, saying that she was dissolute when she was young and had affairs with multiple men, and that the newspaper was just a tool for Miss Sheng Liu to gain fame and reputation. In fact, Miss Six had no control over the newspaper at all. Those articles They were all written by gunmen.

The most irritating thing is those precious streptomycin drugs. The article said that there were no witnesses to this matter and no one ever mentioned it. Who knows whether those streptomycins were given to the boy, or whether streptomycin did not exist at all. It means that Miss Sheng Qi made up a story and gave Miss Six a good name.

The whole article is full of malice and evil intentions, and the person behind the scenes is clearly revealed. Who else could be so evil except that old witch Tang Xuemei?

"It's already this time, and the old witch still wants to throw dirty water on her. She's no better than a beast. I'll have someone write an article to refute her." Chu Qiao said bitterly.

Miss Sheng Qi was calm and not surprised. It was normal for Tang Xuemei to write such an article.

"Don't worry about it, the Liang family will handle it."

The Liang family's stock has been greatly affected, and it is impossible to let Tang Xuemei dance.

Chu Qiao was still a little worried, "That's all. No one will believe these lies. As for streptomycin, many people doubted that you are related to that boy. Why don't you let that person come out and make a fuss?" certificate?"

"No, that person has a special status and it's not convenient for him to show up."

Miss Sheng Qi refused. She couldn't let that person stand out because of such a small matter. The interests of the country were always higher than personal interests. She would not be ignorant of the general situation, and this also went against the original intention of the sixth sister to give up the medicine.

Sixth Sister saw the boy's talent and resolutely gave up her life. Now that boy has done what Sixth Sister hoped for, she can't influence that man with these trivial things.

Chu Qiao's mind suddenly moved and she guessed and asked, "Is that person a leader?"

"Forget it. Don't guess. I can't tell you his identity. Thanks to his care during those years, I didn't suffer too much." Miss Sheng Qi refused to reveal it.

The good relationship planted by the Sixth Sister eventually benefited her. Although she was in the countryside during those years, she did not suffer much because of that person.

Chu Qiao was even more curious. He sounded like a great person, and his identity was very secret. Otherwise, Miss Sheng Qi would have said it earlier. Who is this person?

Miss Sheng Qi guessed right. The Liang family acted very quickly. The newspaper article that slandered Miss Six was quickly withdrawn. It must have been the action of the Liang family, and the Liang family also issued a statement, meaning that Tang Xuemei was ill. No more attending any public events.

It seems that Tang Xuemei was put under house arrest by the Liang family, which is really satisfying.

However, people still have a lot of doubts about Miss Sixth's giving up the medicine. Because Miss Sheng Qi was the only one who spoke out, and the rescued boy never showed up, some people suspected that Miss Sheng Qi was lying.

However, these skeptical voices were quickly extinguished by a statement.

It is an official statement issued by the relevant inland departments stationed in Hong Kong City. It speaks for a very important scientist. Because this scientist is in charge of a very important project and he cannot handle it personally, he entrusts it to people here in Hong Kong City. statement.


Continue tomorrow


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