All this happened so suddenly that many people didn't react. Even the reporters who were used to big scenes were so frightened that they stared straight at the mad woman lying on her back with the wound on her head still there. He was bleeding and his eyes were so wide that it made everyone's hair stand on end.

The sound of painful moans came over. It was Tang Xuemei, rolling on the ground. Her whole body was covered in blood, mixed with the corroded flesh. She looked more shocking than the crazy woman. She glanced at it timidly and turned her head away. , I dare not look at it anymore.

Tang Xuemei was so miserable, but no one sympathized with her. They all felt that she deserved it. She was about to die, and her words were kind. After the mad woman told the truth, she hit the wall and committed suicide. There was no need for her to risk her own life to frame Tang Xuemei. The price was too high. Big.

Obviously, the mad woman's grief was greater than her heart. After avenging her daughter, she couldn't live anymore.

The girl named Zhu Peipei was really miserable. Not to mention whether the girl and Liang Zhaofa were harsh or not, even if there was something wrong, they should not be punished in such a cruel way. What's more, the crazy woman said that Zhu Peipei and Liang Zhaofa had no relationship at all. It doesn't matter, Tang Xuemei couldn't stand the man and vented her anger on the innocent girl. She got to the end she was in now. She was the one who brought it upon herself.

It's a pity that Zhu Peipei and her daughter suffered this unreasonable disaster.


Tang Xuemei called vaguely a few times, but no one heard her clearly. Only Sister Xia who was closest to her heard it. The frightened Sister Xia woke up from a dream and looked at her master, then at the mad woman who refused to die. Her body trembled violently and her expression was horrified.


Tang Xuemei screamed again. She was in so much pain that her whole body ached. She wanted Sister Xia, whom she trusted the most, to find a way to relieve her pain. However, she screamed several times, but Sister Xia didn't agree. Tang Xuemei fainted from the pain. .

The ambulance finally arrived. Seeing Tang Xuemei's tragic condition, the doctors couldn't bear it. Most of the skin was corroded. With injuries of this level, given her age, the possibility of cure was extremely low.

"Save my mother, quickly!"

Liang Yaozu shouted anxiously. At the critical moment of life and death, his complaint against his mother disappeared, and only worry remained. After all, she was his biological mother.

And he was able to control the Liang Group so smoothly, and his mother was indispensable. Thinking of this, Liang Yaozu felt sad. He hoped that his mother could survive. As long as her mother got better, he would send people to strictly monitor her to prevent her from doing bad things again. .

Tang Xuemei was taken away in an ambulance, and the Liang family also went to the hospital. Something happened to the person involved, and the lawsuit could no longer be fought. The trial was postponed indefinitely.

The reporters all rushed to the hospital, wanting to know Tang Xuemei's condition first. Is she dead or alive?

That crazy woman said before hitting the wall that she added poison and strong acid to the water. The chance of Tang Xuemei surviving was very small. But now everything is unknown. The Liang family has money. If they throw the money at it, maybe they can save Tang Xuemei. .

Two days have passed since the water splashing. Tang Xuemei is still rescuing her. Liang Yaozu has been staying with the hospital. His younger brother and his wife have also rushed back from abroad. Niu Taohua has not come to see Miss Sheng Qi in the past two days. He used to come every day.

"Taohua is so busy right now that her feet don't even touch the floor. The Liang family has no mistress, so everything has to be arranged by Taohua. She asked me to tell you that she will come to see you when she is done." Chu Qiao explained for Niu Taohua.

After Tang Xuemei's incident, the Liang family was in chaos. Some servants heard some rumors and started to make small moves. Liang Zhaofa wanted his confidante to take charge of the inner house, but Liang Yaozu refused.

His mother's life and death are unknown in the hospital, so Xiao San must not take the opportunity to rise to power, because Liang Yaozu knows that what his mother hated most during her lifetime was her current confidante.

Liang Zhaofa's other lovers were all just passing appearances. Only this one was not the most beautiful in appearance. He had average academic qualifications and talents. He looked quiet, but he was a powerful character. He had been with Liang Zhaofa for the longest time, and they also gave birth to a son. She even asked Liang Zhaofa to change his gender and become a good family man.

What Tang Xuemei failed to do, this confidante did, how could she not hate her?

Liang Yaozu might have resented his mother before, but now he didn't. He thought of Tang Xuemei's good deeds, and just thought that he couldn't let his mother feel cold when she was not out of danger, so he firmly opposed the mistress' entry.

But the house cannot be left without its mistress, so Liang Yaozu asked Niu Taohua to step in.

Miss Sheng Qi finally became interested, gave up, and asked, "Can Tang Xuemei be saved?"

Chu Qiao shook her head, "I'm not sure. The woman said before she died that poison was added to the water, and she didn't know what it was. I heard from Taohua that Tang Xuemei was still rescuing her. Liang Yaozu had invited the best doctor. It looked like it was not good. Too optimistic."

That day at the door of the court, she saw with her own eyes Tang Xuemei's injuries. They were horrific and the chance of saving her was too slim.

Miss Sheng San sneered and ridiculed: "She deserves it. This woman deserves it. My daughter has finally been raised to be an adult, but she was ruined by this bitch. How can a mother not hate it? If I were that mother, I would do the same!"

Mother and daughter depend on each other for life, and the daughter is the mother's only one. If the daughter is destroyed, the mother will also go crazy. The law cannot punish the enemy, so she can only use her own methods.

Although it is illegal to respond to violence with violence, sometimes it is the most effective way to punish evildoers.

These days newspapers are full of reports about Zhu Peipei and her daughter. Reporters have dug up a lot of information about the mother and daughter. The more information is reported, the more people sympathize with the mother and daughter.

Zhu Peipei lost her father when she was three years old, and the mother and daughter depended on each other. The mother raised her daughter by doing odd jobs. Fortunately, Zhu Peipei was very sensible since she was a child, and her grades were very good. She has always received scholarships, and she did not let her family spend any money in junior high school, high school, or college. All of them received merit scholarships, including first-class scholarships for studying abroad.

Moreover, Zhu Peipei is very sweet, and some talent scouts even wanted her to appear in commercials. Zhu Peipei was moved and wanted to earn money to support her family as soon as possible, but Zhu's mother strongly opposed it because Zhu's mother felt that the entertainment industry was too chaotic and she did not want her daughter to go there. Wading in muddy water.

Moreover, the family was not so difficult at that time, so Zhu’s mother insisted that her daughter continue to study and become an elite white-collar worker. Zhu Peipei lived up to her mother’s expectations. After graduation, she entered the Liang Group, first as a secretary, and she performed very well and was promoted. He became the assistant to the chairman, Liang Zhaofa’s assistant.

In fact, it was Liang Zhaofa who accidentally discovered that Zhu Peipei was young and beautiful, and the old woman moved his heart, so he was promoted, thinking that those who are closer to the water, the first to get the moon, can embrace the beauty.

But Zhu Peipei is not that kind of superficial girl, and she works very seriously. She rejected Liang Zhaofa several times. Later, the girl was ready to resign, but before she could complete the resignation procedures, she was harmed by Tang Xuemei.

The people sympathized with the mother and daughter, and some even went to the police station to protest, demanding that Tang Xuemei, the murderer, be severely punished and that Zhu Peipei and her daughter be redressed.

The Liang Group's stock had just become somewhat stable, but after this incident, it began to decline again. Liang Yaozu Hospital Company was running on both sides, making it very dire.


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