80s: Daughter-in-law Is Sweet and Sassy (My 80's Wife Is Sweet And Cool)

Chapter 775 The truth has nothing to do with Chu Peng

Wu De's closed eyes suddenly opened and he stared at the assistant, "Say it again!"

The assistant swallowed and said again. In fact, he wanted to say that if nothing else happened, the three corpses should be the third lady, the third uncle, and the driver.

"It can't be Dan'er. There must be a mistake. What road did the police just say?"

The color disappeared from Wu De's face, and his heart was in severe pain. Wu Dan was his most beloved daughter. If something happened, he would be heartbroken.

He doesn't want anything to happen to either his son or his daughter.

"Ren'ai Road." the assistant replied.

"Go to Ren'ai Road!"

Wu De shouted and asked the driver to turn around immediately. He wanted to go to the scene to confirm with his own eyes.

Roadblocks were set up on Ren'ai Road, the fire was put out, the car was burned horribly, and the three bodies were pulled out, burned beyond recognition and turned into charcoal.

Wu De hurried over and saw three charred corpses on the ground. His vision went dark and he staggered. His assistant quickly supported him and he stood firm.

"You...go and see if it's Dan'er."

Wu De's body was shaking and he didn't dare to look.

The assistant actually didn't dare to look at it. He was afraid that he would have nightmares at night, but his boss gave him so much money every year, and he had to be worthy of the salary, so he had no choice but to step forward and identify the body carefully with his eyes wide open.

It was so burned that they couldn't even tell the difference between male and female. After being reminded by the police, the smallest corpse was a female corpse. After looking at it for a long time, the assistant finally saw an jade bracelet on the female corpse's wrist, which was burnt black.

He asked the police to take it off and after wiping it clean, the jade bracelet became green and crystal clear again. It was made of fine glass and ice. The assistant's heart sank. He had bought the bracelet himself.

The boss gave the third lady a birthday gift in the first half of the year. The assistant was very impressed and recognized it at a glance.

He glanced at the miserable female corpse, sighed, and took the bracelet to reply.

"Boss, this is the third lady."

Wu De shook his body again and stared at the bracelet in disbelief. He also recognized it. When Wu Dan celebrated his birthday, he coquettishly asked him for an jade bracelet. The bracelet was not worth much. Wu De agreed and let him The assistant went to the jewelry store to place an order. After he bought it, he took a look at it and saw that it was this bracelet.

His Dan'er... is dead...

"Who did it?"

Wu De asked through gritted teeth, he wanted to avenge Dan'er.

The assistant replied: "The police said that the murderer forced the third lady's car to stop, poured gasoline on it and set it on fire. He acted brutally and quickly. It was an organized and premeditated action."

Wu De's face was livid and his lips were trembling with anger. He thought of someone.

"Go check to see if it's Brother Cai."

Wu De gritted his teeth. He was too careless, thinking that Brother Cai really stopped, but he didn't expect that this guy deliberately spread the rumors. He couldn't spare the bandit.

"Boss, the third lady is riding in the young master's car," the assistant reminded.

Wu De's expression changed drastically, his eyes became even more fierce, and he was sweating all over his back. If his son had not got into the wrong car, it would be his son who was turned into a charred corpse now.

Wu De, who was originally very sad, suddenly felt more relaxed. No matter how distressed his daughter was, it couldn't be as distressed as his son. As long as nothing happened to his son, it would be fine.

"Call home and ask if the young master is home." Wu De was still worried.

The assistant called, and the butler answered the phone, "The young master fell asleep and complained of dizziness. I have someone make some sobering soup."

"Take good care of the young master."

Wu De was completely relieved that his son was safe and sound, and his ancestors were blessing him. Thank God.

But seeing his daughter who was as black as coal on the ground, his heart ached again. If something happened to his son, it would kill him, and if something happened to his daughter, it would also make him feel bad.

He must avenge this!

Brother Cai, that bastard, don’t even think about leaving Hong Kong City alive.

Wu De did not dare to stay outside for too long, so he hurried home. When he saw his son lying asleep on the bed, he was completely relieved. He stretched out his hand and touched his son's face gently, feeling the temperature of the skin, and His son's breathing was steady, and his heart was extremely at ease.


Wu Bing pretended to be awake and looked at his father with sleepy eyes. The tearful look made him feel uncomfortable.

But who wants Wu Dan to be more restless? Isn't it good to just be the third lady?

"Mao Zai...your third sister..."

Wu De couldn't speak anymore and his voice became even louder. He had never shed tears in front of his son, but now he was crying like a child.

"What's wrong with Third Sister?"

"He's dead, and your third brother-in-law is gone too."

Wu De was so sad that he couldn't speak. He motioned to his assistant to talk to his son. The assistant told him the explosion from beginning to end. Wu Bing looked surprised and lost his voice: "Who did it? Father, the third sister and the third brother-in-law have no complaints." Wuqiu, who did such a cruel thing?"

"Master, the other party's target is you." the assistant reminded.

"Me? I haven't offended anyone. Many people here don't know me. Who wants to harm me?"

Wu Bing was even more surprised and looked confused.

Wu De's heart moved, and he thought of an issue he had never paid attention to. Mao Zai's identity was well hidden. How did Brother Cai know Mao Zai's identity?

There is also the car Mao Zai is riding in. It is impossible for outsiders to know the license plate number. How did Brother Cai know it?

Is there a mole in the Wu family?

Wu De's back was sweating again. This traitor must be found out, otherwise something will happen to his son in the future.

The next day, Chu Qiao saw the news about Wu Dan's accident in the newspaper. The car explosion made a big noise, and many people saw it. Wu De couldn't hide it, and he didn't want to hide it. Soon, the richest man's coming-of-age ceremony and These two pieces of news about the accident of the third lady occupied the headlines of major newspapers and caused a sensation in the whole city.

The photo of Wu Dan's body was not released, but it can be imagined that under the raging fire, there might not even be any bones left. After reading the report, Chu Qiao's heart tightened. She was very worried about Brother Dog.

She was sure that this accident must be related to Wu Bing. She didn't expect that Wu Bing, who seemed so honest and loyal, would be so ruthless.

But Chu Qiao could understand that if Wu Bing was born in a rich family, he would have been eaten to the point where no bones were left if he hadn't been more ruthless.

And this time it was U Thant who had the murderous intention first. The only one to blame is U Thant himself for committing evil, harming others and ultimately himself.

"Do you think Wu De will find out?"

Gu Ye came in with breakfast. Chu Qiao couldn't help but ask, feeling uneasy.

"Definitely, and soon."

Gu Ye put breakfast on the table and went to drink vegetable and meat porridge with his daughter in his arms. The porridge cooked in the back kitchen of the hotel was very fragrant and Xinxin liked it very much.

"Is Xiaopeng going to be okay?" Chu Qiao became even more worried.

Gu Ye smiled, "What does it have to do with Xiaopeng? This is a matter between siblings. Xiaopeng is an outsider from the beginning to the end. Come and eat quickly, don't worry about it."

Brother-in-law Zhuge only did one thing in this matter, which was to let Duan Qiqi negotiate with Brother Cai, and then did not interfere again. Even if Wu De found out the truth, he would not be able to find out about his brother-in-law.


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