80s: Daughter-in-law Is Sweet and Sassy (My 80's Wife Is Sweet And Cool)

Chapter 780: Going to the Zhu family’s family banquet (Thanks to Xue Ruyi for the reward+)

Of course, Gu Ye had no problem. He also quite sympathized with the Duan Qiqi siblings. If they encountered such a beastly mother, they would be lucky to survive.

Especially Duan Qiqi, what happened to this little girl was that unlike a weak character, she either became a psychopath or committed suicide by jumping into the sea. Except for being a little cold-blooded, this little girl was fine.

And although Duan Qiqi is cold-blooded, she is very kind to the relatives she cares about, like her younger brother Xiaohao, who would have died long ago due to her sister's care these years.

There is also his wife, although they have just met, Duan Qiqi is also very protective of his wife, and has also eliminated the scourge of Sun Yinxiu.

Duan Qiqi is definitely not a good person, but he is a grateful person, and that is enough.

How many truly good people can there be in the world? The greatest kindness is to not harm others.

"Have you told Qiqi?" Gu Ye asked.

Chu Qiao was stunned for a moment and shook her head, "I haven't had time to say it yet. I want to wait until the operation is completed before I tell her."

"Okay, when will Xiaohao's surgery be performed?"

"It's coming soon. I don't know if it will succeed in just a few days." Chu Qiao was a little worried.

Although the doctor who operated on Xiao Hao has many successful cases, no operation is 100% successful. The doctor himself cannot guarantee it. No one knows what the outcome will be until the operation is completed.

"It's definitely fine, don't think about it."

Gu Ye comforted his wife and told a few interesting things, which made Chu Qiao laugh out loud.

After returning to the hotel, the couple was busy preparing medicines without even stepping out of the hotel door. They wanted to go out to play, but asked the nanny to take them out. They had to hurry up and make money.

Unknowingly, a week passed and all the medicines were prepared. Chu Qiao stretched out and looked at the busy traffic outside the window, feeling as if she was in another world.

But thinking that she had earned a house in just a few days, she felt very good. She counted the medicines, packed them in categories, and wrote the names of the customers to avoid confusion.

"Let's deliver them separately and finish delivering the medicine today."

Chu Qiao filled the bag with medicine and prepared to deliver it later, and then took her daughter out for a walk.

"Don't go out, I'll see you off alone." Gu Yanzhi loved his wife.

"There are so many medicines. You can't deliver them all by yourself. Two people can deliver them faster."

Chu Qiao didn't agree. After dividing the medicine, she went to take a shower, put on light clothes, sun hat, sun protection clothing, and sunglasses, and she was ready to go.

Just as he was about to go out, the phone rang, and Gu Ye answered it, "Looking for my wife? Wait a minute, Qiaoqiao, it's Mrs. Zhu."

Chu Qiao's heart tightened. Could it be that he didn't find out the problem and asked her to accuse her?

She took the phone anxiously and said, "Mrs. Zhu, this is Chu Qiao."

"Thank you, Mrs. Gu. Do you have time tonight? I would like to invite you and your family of three to come to my house for dinner. I will cook the food myself, and my husband is also here." Qi Feng said in a grateful tone and invited her enthusiastically.

Chu Qiao was a little dumbfounded and a little flattered. She knew that in Hong Kong City, especially for rich people like the Zhu family, it was very grand to invite people to a family banquet. It was even more honorable for the hostess to cook the food herself.

Did the physical examination reveal something wrong?

"I'm sorry if I have time at night." Chu Qiao said with a smile.

"As long as you have time, I'll have someone pick you up at the hotel at seven o'clock in the evening." Qi Feng was cheerful and made plans for the evening meal.

"Then you're welcome. See you tonight."

Chu Qiao agreed. The advantages of being friends with Mr. and Mrs. Zhu would definitely outweigh the disadvantages. Whether she was utilitarian or snobbish, whether she was a rich person or a poor person, she would definitely give priority to making friends with the rich.

Of course, she will not look down on the poor, but if the income difference is too big, even if she sincerely makes friends, the poor will gradually drift away.

If the circles are different, they will definitely not be able to integrate.

Chu Qiao suddenly felt relaxed, hung up the phone, and said to Gu Ye, "Mrs. Zhu invited our family to have dinner at her house in the evening. Mrs. Zhu said she would cook it herself."

Gu Ye's eyes lit up, "What time is it tonight?"

The family banquet is the highest-level meal. I didn’t expect the Zhu family to be so generous. It seems that the wife is right. Mr. Zhu’s health is indeed a bit dangerous. The rich man is most worried about his health. The wife has saved Mr. Zhu’s life. No wonder the Zhu family So grand.

"At seven o'clock, let's go deliver the goods quickly and buy some gifts. We can't come empty-handed." Chu Qiao urged.

The couple said goodbye to Xinxin and went out with the goods. Gu Ye took a taxi and Chu Qiao took the car arranged by Yang Lingling. They delivered goods to each house. The rich people basically live in the same area. The distance is not far and the delivery takes two or three hours. It's over.

It was only 5:30 after returning to the hotel. Chu Qiao prepared a whitening cream and asked the gift shop to pack it, and bought a bottle of high-end red wine. At 6:30, the Zhu family's driver came to pick her up.

The Zhu family lives in a self-built five-story mansion on the seaside, with a lawn in front and a garden in the back. You can see the sea view from the upper floor and have an excellent view. Living in such a mansion is absolutely enjoyable.

Of course, the price is also very beautiful and not affordable for ordinary people.

The restaurant is on the second floor. Mr. and Mrs. Qi Feng greeted them personally at the door. They were also wearing casual clothes and were very casual.

"Xinxin, do you recognize me?"

Seeing Xinxin, Qi Feng stretched out his hand to hug her. The little girl was also very considerate, and stretched out her hand with a smile, and kept bouncing her body, as if she wanted to jump into Qi Feng's arms, which made Qi Feng very happy. He hugged her heart to heart.

"I really like Xinxin, and Xinxin also likes me, right?"

Qi Feng asked with a smile, and Xin Xin didn't know if she understood. She responded with a ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, and even stretched out her fat paw to touch Qi Feng's face. Mr. Zhu looked on with a smile and seemed to like Xinxin very much.

"The food is ready. Come inside and sit down."

Qi Feng held her heart and refused to let go, and invited them to the second floor. As soon as they entered the door, two big dogs came up to them, a golden retriever and a Samoyed, both of them were naive, looked very gentle, and were wagging their tails. .

Mr. Zhu gently touched the heads of the two dogs and motioned them to go outside to play. The dogs were unwilling and followed Qi Feng. It seemed that they wanted to play with Xinxin, because both dogs were staring at Xinxin eagerly. .

"You can't play."

Qi Feng did not let go. In fact, she knew that the dog at home would not hurt the child and had a gentle temperament, but she did not dare. It was not her own child and it would be bad if something happened.

The two dogs still didn't go out to play, so they just lay next to Qi Feng, one on the left and one on the right, like the two generals of Hengha, which was very interesting.

After they sat down, the servants served the dishes and poured red wine. Qi Feng and his wife raised their glasses and said gratefully: "I invite you and your wife here today. I really want to thank you and respect you!"

The couple clinked glasses and drank them all in one gulp. Only then did Qi Feng talk about the reason.


Continue tomorrow


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