These two times made Gu Ye miserable. He coughed and waved his hands to tell Chu Qiao to stop immediately. If he continued, he might go to heaven before he became a rich man.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean it. Who told you not to make it clear at once?"

Chu Qiao was a little embarrassed, but she soon felt confident. Who told this guy not to finish his sentence in one breath? He hated leaving half a sentence.

Gu Ye finally came over and looked at his wife helplessly, but he was still very pleased. With her strength, she should be able to protect herself. He didn't have to worry about being bullied.

"Lao Zhu wants to develop real estate in the inland. He said that the real estate in the port city is a bit saturated, but the inland is still blank and has great prospects. He wants to work with me." Gu Ye became more and more excited as he talked.

"We have so little money and can't even build a house. How can we cooperate with others?" Chu Qiao asked.

The investment in real estate must be at least hundreds of millions. With just a few million like them, it would not be enough to spend even a fraction of it.

"We don't have to contribute money. Lao Zhu mainly wants to find a partner in the mainland who is more reliable. Your husband and I are quite reliable. Lao Zhu said that he would give me 5% of the shares and everything in the mainland would be handled by him. I'm responsible," Gu Ye said cheerfully.

In fact, he knew very well that the reason why Mr. Zhu fell in love with him was mainly because of his wife's contribution, and also because of his connections in the interior. He, Gu Ye's face, was relatively easy to use.

The Zhu family is unfamiliar with the inland area, so with him as the vanguard, many things will be easier.

"Daughter-in-law, this time it's all your fault."

Gu Ye couldn't help but kiss Chu Qiao's face again. He was definitely God's legitimate son. There was no doubt about it. Otherwise, how could he have married such a good wife?

Chu Qiao was also extremely happy. Real estate was definitely a huge profit. Gu Ye could get 5% of the shares without doing anything. How much money could he get?

It must be more than 100 million.

Get rich!

"It's not all my fault. I think the Zhu family wants you to come forward to do things. Your face is very easy to use." Chu Qiao said modestly.

You can't take all the credit on yourself, men also have self-esteem, and she is telling the truth. Gu Ye has a wide range of contacts and has good friendships with many people in his circle. Face is indeed very useful. There are many troublesome things that others cannot handle. , Gu Ye can handle it if he comes forward.

Otherwise, even if she really got the Zhu family to accept her love, she wouldn't have to put in so much effort to repay her love. Just acknowledging her as a godson would be enough.

Obviously, the Zhu family had also carefully investigated and did not seek cooperation from Gu Ye for no reason.

"The main thing is your face. You saved Lao Zhu's life."

"No, no, no, you can do it yourself, I'm just a casual favor."

"My wife, you are still awesome."

"Husband, you are also very powerful."

The couple complimented each other non-stop. After finishing speaking, the two looked at each other and then giggled. They were happier than winning the Mark Six Lottery jackpot.

"Daughter-in-law, let's go take a shower?" Gu Ye's breath was ambiguous and he thought of a way to celebrate.

My daughter has gone to bed, the moon is dark and the wind is high, it is a good time for the mandarin ducks to play in the water.


Chu Qiao frowned and agreed.

Gu Ye picked it up and couldn't wait to go to the bathroom. The bathtubs in big hotels were very big. It was more than enough for two people to lie down, and they could also swim and have a fight.

The result of a night of trouble was that they woke up late the next day. When the nanny came to work, the couple hadn't gotten up yet. Xinxin woke up early and was lying on the bed alone, playing with her feet.

The nanny knocked on the door and came in, taking Xinxin away. Chu Qiao and the others didn't get up until noon. They called Agent Xu and asked him to introduce the house.

"I have four small suites on hand. They are all very good. Mr. Gu and Mrs. Gu, would you like to take a look at them all?"

Xu Zhongjie is very happy. After completing this order, he will book air tickets and take his family to Hawaii for vacation during the Chinese New Year.

"Okay, let's meet at half past two."

Chu Qiao made a reservation. She didn't need to buy a house so quickly, but Gu Ye had to go back early to do some things for Mr. Zhu. Naturally, she didn't need to stay anymore. They could wait for Duan Xiaohao to finish the operation and then get married. , their family is going back to Shanghai.

The four suites are all very good, but the prices vary greatly. Chu Qiao chose the most expensive one because it is located in a high-end community with a good environment and high security. Duan Qiqi and her brother and sister can feel more comfortable living there.

"When will Mrs. Gu return to the mainland?" Agent Xu asked.

"In about a week, can the procedure be completed?" Chu Qiao asked.

"Okay, I just need some connections. Remember to come see me next time Mrs. Gu comes to Hong Kong City." Agent Xu said with a smile.

"I will definitely buy a house from you when the time comes."

Chu Qiao agreed. She liked Agent Xu very much. He was very careful in his work and the prices were fair. Unlike some agents who liked to rip off clients, especially past clients from the mainland. They introduced some bad houses and boasted about the price-to-price ratio. Selling to local customers is still 20 to 30% more expensive.

Agent Xu will not do this kind of thing. He said it himself, what he is doing is word-of-mouth. If the word-of-mouth is bad, there will be no repeat customers. He can't just make quick money, he must make a steady flow of money.

This house is very high-end and well-maintained. The previous landlords were a young elite couple who got married in the wedding house, but they divorced within two years. The house is going to be sold to split the money, so the appliances in the house are very high-end. The decoration is also very tasteful, and you can move in with just your bags.

Agent Xu handled the procedures very quickly, and it was completed within two days. Chu Qiao went to sign, completed the transfer, and got the key. Duan Xiaohao's surgery was about to begin here.

Chu Qiao and Gu Ye both rushed to the hospital without taking it seriously. Children who are too young are not suitable to be taken to the hospital. It is easy to see some unclean things. This is what the old man said. I don't know whether it is true or not. Chu Qiao doesn't know either. If you dare to take it lightly, it's better not to bring it.

Duan Qiqi and her brother were about to enter the operating room. Xiaohao was very nervous. Duan Qiqi looked calm, but she clenched her fists. She was obviously nervous, but she didn't show it.

"Don't worry, just go to bed after taking the anesthetic, and you'll be out as soon as you wake up." Chu Qiao comforted her.

Duan Qiqi twitched her lips. In fact, she was not comforted at all. She was not nervous. She was just worried that the operation would fail and her brother's illness would not be cured.

Watching the siblings enter the operating room, Chu Qiao sat outside and waited. The operation took several hours. The waiting was long and painful. Chu Qiao got up countless times and looked at the light on the operating room door countless times. , the light was always red, and I didn’t know what was going on inside.

"Don't worry, it will definitely succeed." Gu Ye comforted.

But in fact, he himself had no idea, and his words of comfort were dry.

He couldn't sit down anymore, so he ran downstairs and bought some food and brought it for his wife to eat.

"I can't eat, I have no appetite."

Chu Qiao didn't want to eat and had no appetite. She wanted to know the results of the operation as soon as possible.

"When you finish eating this string of fish eggs, the operation may be over."

Gu Ye handed over a bunch of fish eggs. The fish eggs here were delicious. Chu Qiao liked them very much. She would buy a few bunches to eat when she went out shopping.


There is another chapter, I will write it


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