"It's only nine months old. Why are you so anxious? It's normal to speak late. Einstein seemed to be unable to speak even at the age of three." Gu was very ambitious and was not worried at all. He even compared himself, "When I was one and a half years old, I couldn't speak." I couldn’t speak, so the old man thought I was mute.”

"You didn't speak until you were one and a half years old?"

Chu Qiao asked in disbelief, what was the reason?

"Yes, I didn't speak until I was almost two years old. Look how articulate I am now. People who speak late can speak well. Don't worry." Gu Ye smiled and made faces at his daughter, but the little girl was in a bad mood and was too lazy to talk to her father. Not even raising an eyelash.

Chu Qiao was relieved a lot, but thinking that her daughter didn't speak until she was two years old, she got angry. She rolled her eyes at the culprit, "It's all your fault, why couldn't you have spoken earlier? Now it's still hurting my heart."

"Yes, yes, it's all my fault."

It was indeed his fault that Gu Ye accepted the criticism humbly. Who could let his daughter be like him?

Seeing his playful smile, Chu Qiao's anger disappeared and she glared angrily, "I still need to take Xinxin to check. There must be a reason for the late opening."

"Okay, let's go to the hospital when we get back to the city."

Gu Ye nodded in agreement. Anyway, his wife had the final say in matters at home, so he had no objection.

Sun Hongbo came over. He went to ask his mother to hoe the fields, and he had been eating for an hour.

"Sister, brother-in-law."

Sun Hongbo said hello with a smile.

Chu Qiao stopped him and reminded: "My cousin has no good intentions. Please tell your mother to stay away from her, so as not to be stabbed with a knife."

"I understand. I will tell my mother soon, sister, my mother is very stupid and has no brains in doing things. Don't get angry with her." Sun Hongbo put in a good word for his mother.

Chu Qiao chuckled softly, "I don't even want to think about the past. Just don't provoke me in the future. You should control your mother well. My uncle has tortured her so badly."

"Yeah, I will."

Sun Hongbo nodded and assured that he hadn't been home for more than half a year. When he saw his old father yesterday, he couldn't recognize him. That's why he made up his mind to subdue his mother today, otherwise his father might really be forced to death.

Chu Qiao didn't say much and left with her heart in her heart. Gu Ye went to the banquet to eat. When he saw Sun Hongbo dragging Zhang Guifang out, he smiled, put down the bowl and chopsticks and followed him. He had something to ask his cousin-in-law.

"You should be at peace with me. Don't think about harming people all day long. Just hoe this land honestly. You don't need to take care of the house at home. My eldest brother and I will build it!"

Sun Hongbo scolded his mother loudly. When he entered the house just now, he saw his mother and Chu Dingxiang chatting enthusiastically and talking about building a new house. He got angry. His cousin must have heard something just now, so she told him that Seriously, it really doesn’t make anyone worry about it for a damn day.

"Your eldest brother is almost thirty, and he still can't marry a wife. By the time you finish building the house, the day lilies will be cold." Zhang Guifang muttered in a low voice, not believing that her son was capable of building a new house.

The eldest brother has been working for several years and has not taken home a penny. Even if he spent it all, Zhang Guifang did not doubt it. After all, consumption in the city is high and young people spend a lot, so it is normal for him to spend it all.

The younger son is even less able to count on it. The apprentice only gets some living expenses. He doesn't have enough to eat and drink. He still has to get relief from his boss, and he dreams of building a new house.

"Do you care if my eldest brother marries a wife? You are too lazy to work all day long, so you just say, what have you contributed to this family? Dad works hard in the fields, but you can't even make a meal. The house is so dirty that even your feet are dirty. I can’t do it anymore. They say that the male should lead the outside and the female should lead the inside. Have you done your duty? That sounds nice. I worry about getting a wife for my eldest brother. Have you taken action? "

The more Sun Hongbo talked about it, the angrier he became. Other people’s mothers kept their homes clean and kept their chickens, ducks and pigs fat and strong. They sold them to supplement the family income. In the spring, they went to the mountains to pick tea and pull bamboo shoots, and they also dug wild vegetables and sold them all. Money, a lot of income throughout the year.

As the saying goes, if a husband and wife work together, they can break gold. If a family wants to live a prosperous life, it depends on the two couples working together. Therefore, other families in the village have built new houses, and they all work well together. In his family, only his father is doing it, and his mother is the only one doing it. Lying down comfortably, his father could not afford to build a new house even if he worked to death.

"It's not like you don't know that I'm not in good health and can't do heavy work. You heartless person, you want to force your mother to death. I raised you in vain..."

Zhang Guifang was scolded by her son until her face turned green and red. She was angry and ashamed. As a mother, she was pointed at her nose and scolded by her son. What's the point of living?

She simply threw away the hoe, sat down on the ground and howled, crying that her life was miserable, scolding her son for having no conscience, scolding everyone except herself.

Sun Hongbo looked at his mother with boredom. Unlike other rural women who were dark, thin and old, his mother was white and fat, with no wrinkles on her face. She was as white and tender as freshly baked dough buns, and her hands were also thin. It was very tender, without calluses, and looked like a rural person from head to toe.

He actually said that he was not in good health, where did he get his face from?

This fucking shameless person is really... extremely shameless.

Sun Hongbo felt depressed. Such a disgusting woman was his mother. He couldn't do anything, and he couldn't scold her too much. It was so damn irritating. He really wanted to be cruel and send his mother to a nursing home. .

But after all, she was his own mother, and he still couldn't bear to be cruel.

"Do you know why the girl I wanted to kiss last time didn't agree?" Sun Hongbo asked coldly.

Zhang Guifang stopped crying and looked at her youngest son in astonishment, with mouse tears hanging on her face, and said angrily: "It's not because the family didn't build a new house, it's because your father is incompetent..."

Sun Hongbo interrupted: "This girl just can't say it directly. She is very fond of my eldest brother and has no objection to my dad. Even if it is an old house, the girl says it doesn't matter, but there is one thing she can't bear."

"Which one?" Zhang Guifang was very confused. Why didn't he agree if he didn't dislike the old house?

"It's you, the girl said. She doesn't want to have a lazy, sloppy mother-in-law. Moreover, this mother-in-law is like a troublemaker, stirring up trouble everywhere. No girl can stand it. This is why the eldest brother can't get a wife. The real reason, Mom, if you really want to marry your eldest brother, you should reflect on it, and don’t act like a cat crying like a mouse and pretending to be compassionate!"

Sun Hongbo finished speaking in one breath. He was not lying. The girl was indeed satisfied with her eldest brother, but not satisfied with his mother. The girl had inquired in the village and knew what kind of person his mother was. She would definitely not have a peaceful life after marrying him. Life was getting better, so I turned down the marriage.

Externally, it was only said that it was because they had not built a new house. The inside story was told by the introducer and the eldest brother. The introducer also said that if his mother remained stubborn, it would be difficult for the two brothers to find a wife.

Sun Hongbo glanced at his mother in disgust, turned around and left. Zhang Guifang behind him didn't react for a long time. When she came to her senses, her youngest son had already walked away, and she jumped up and cursed in anger.

"Fuck you, don't put all the blame on me. No matter how lazy I am, I have raised your brothers without breaking my arms or legs. You heartless beast now has hard wings. Do you dislike me?" Be careful if the sky strikes you with thunder, you may die badly..."

Zhang Guifang scolded her son angrily, and the scolding was spread for ten miles. Sun Hongbo felt even more tired. His mother still hasn't realized her mistake.

Do you really want to send him to a nursing home?



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