Xiaobao observed the surrounding environment curiously, with big eyes gleaming. Although it was the first time he saw the shooting equipment, he liked it so much that he watched it with gusto without blinking.

There were several young actors at the scene, both boys and girls, and they were all very beautiful. They were all brought by their parents to audition. At this time, a little girl was auditioning. The girl was quite pretty, but there were not many other actors who were auditioning. The girl stood out. The little girl who auditioned was about seven or eight years old. She was crying, but she squeezed her eyes for a long time and didn't cry.

The little girl was very angry. She pouted and complained to the thirty-year-old woman standing aside: "I don't want to cry anymore, my eyes hurt!"

The woman looked very similar to the little girl, and she must be the little girl's mother. She was more anxious than the daughter, and tried to persuade her a few times, but the little girl just couldn't cry, and even got angry and stopped acting.

"Oh, why are you so disobedient!"

The mother also got angry and slapped her daughter on the back with a bit of force. The little girl was stunned for a moment, her eyes instantly turned red, tears welled up in her eyes, and she looked pitiful.

"Director, I'm crying. Look, I'm crying!"

But my mother was very happy and yelled at the director.

The director is a greasy uncle in his forties, with a somewhat slovenly appearance, a shaggy beard, a bare forehead, not a blade of grass, and very plain clothes. He sat in front of the camera with a helpless expression, waved his hand and said: "Next one!"

This child is not very savvy and has to be slapped to cry. How can he act in the future?

You can't give me a beating every time you film a crying scene, right?

Isn't that child abuse?

"Director, my daughter is crying. Look, the tears are streaming down her face!"

The mother was anxious and dragged her daughter to the director, wanting him to see how well her daughter was crying. The little girl was just sobbing quietly at first, but her mother dragged her daughter harder and hurt her. Then she opened her mouth and burst into tears. She cried so sadly that the whole set was filled with the sound of this little girl crying.

The director rubbed his temples irritably. Today's auditions were all for young actors. The children had no formal training, so they all relied on him to tell the drama. It was too difficult, and he was so tired that he didn't even want to talk.

The staff nearby persuaded the mother and daughter to go out, and the mother's unhappy voice came from outside: "Why are you letting us go? My daughter is crying no matter how much she cries. You can't even choose. You wouldn't have decided early." Okay, let us come over and go through the motions, wasting our time..."

The voice became quieter and quieter, and finally could not be heard. Chu Qiao saw that the director's face was ugly, his face was fierce but not angry, and several young actors were so frightened that they did not dare to express their anger.

She went to find a staff member and reported her identity. The staff member smiled and said, "This kid is Zhou Weiyang. He looks quite spiritual. Just wait. I'll call you later."

"Okay, thank you!"

Chu Qiao followed the staff to the side and waited, feeling more confident. Judging from the staff's appearance, Xiaobao's performance in the preliminary election was indeed very good and left a deep impression on the staff. Otherwise, the staff just now would not If you say things like that, maybe the head teacher will be right and Xiaobao will be chosen this time.

The next person to audition was also a little girl. She was six or seven years old. She was prettier than the previous one. Her family situation was quite good. The clothes she wore were fashionable and expensive at first glance. Chu Qiao recognized the red down jacket from Hong Kong. A brand in Hong Kong can only be bought in Hong Kong City, and it is not sold in the mainland.

The director asked the little girl to cry, but after brewing for a long time, the little girl still couldn't cry. Her mother was watching from the side. She was also dressed very fashionably, young and beautiful, with a good figure, and she looked familiar.

"Director Xu, let me have a few words with Nannan."

The fashionable mother took the initiative and the director was very polite to her and nodded in agreement.

The mother took her daughter to the side. She spoke in a leisurely manner and had a nice voice. Chu Qiao heard a few words. This mother should be an actor and was very knowledgeable about acting. She talked about a few small things in life, such as her daughter. Her doll was missing, her favorite snacks were eaten by mice, and her good friends moved away. As she talked, the little girl’s eyes became red and tears streamed down her face.

The crying scene was easily passed, but Chu Qiao could see that the director seemed not very satisfied with the little girl. However, the director seemed to be very jealous of the little girl's mother and was very polite in his words. The same was true for other staff members, who were also polite. Showing respect, it is obvious that the mother and daughter have a good relationship.

It was Xiaobao's turn to audition. The staff member who had previously received them walked up to the director and whispered a few words. The director looked at Xiaobao, bright and enthusiastic, and asked: "Will you cry?" "


Xiaobao nodded vigorously, he was so good at crying.

The director smiled a little and said, "Cry for me. It must be very sad and uncomfortable."


Xiaobao agreed and walked to the camera. This child seemed to have a natural sensitivity to the camera. He could accurately find the camera at the first contact. The director's eyes lit up and he nodded slightly. He would take a look at the child's play. If That's it for a pretty good performance.

After only two or three minutes of brewing, Xiaobao's eyes began to turn red. After a while, big tears flowed down, and Xiaobao began to sob. He couldn't breathe anymore. Angry, Chu Qiao felt very uncomfortable watching on the side, and really wanted to stop it. If a good child is forced to do this, the scene should not be filmed.

The director's eyes were brighter than the top of his head, staring at Xiaobao as if he were looking at a rare treasure. This is a good seedling for the grandmaster to enjoy, this is it.

"Stop, no need to cry."

The director called for a stop, and Xiaobao wiped his tears hard. His mood had not recovered yet, and he was still twitching. Chu Qiao felt extremely distressed, so she wiped him with a handkerchief, and patted him gently on the back. After a long time, Xiaobao finally recovered.

"Your name is Zhou Weiyang?"

The director waved and called Xiaobao over. The little guy nodded and smiled shyly.

"How old?"

"Seven years old."

Xiaobao replied in a low voice that unlike his brother Dabao, he was not very generous in character. Especially when facing strangers, he did not even dare to speak loudly.

"What did you think of just now that made you cry so sadly?" The director tried his best to look kind. He was very curious about how this little guy could cry whenever he wanted. He was better than many professional actors.

Xiaobao was extremely embarrassed and replied: "I...I was thinking about my brother being beaten. I was very sad and wanted to cry."

When he was a child, before he came to Uncle Gu and his aunt's house, he and his brother depended on each other and were always bullied. In order to protect him, his brother was often beaten black and blue. Seeing the scars on his brother's body, he felt particularly uncomfortable. Thinking about it now, he still felt I wanted to cry, but the tears flowed down unconsciously.

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