"Well, I won't get a penny back." Chu Qiao affirmed.

Dabao gritted his teeth in pain, with a pained expression on his face and covering his heart. This funny look amused Chu Qiao, and he gave the boy a chestnut and said angrily: "I don't even feel sorry for you, you feel so sorry for me!"

"Three hundred thousand can buy a lot of milk powder for my sister."

Dabao couldn't help but kicked his younger brother in the butt and shouted: "Act well, if the movie doesn't make money, I will spank your butt into three pieces!"

All the money has been spent, and since it won't come back, I can only let this prodigal brother put on a good show and try to reduce the losses.

Xiaobao touched his butt and nodded vigorously. He felt sorry for his sister. A pack of milk powder only cost about ten yuan. He had spent so much milk powder on his sister and he had to earn it back.

Chu Qiao was touched and amused at the same time. At such a young age, she was still worrying about the money for milk powder. She ignored the two brothers and let them go about their business and went to the kitchen to make complementary food.

Xinxin has started to wean off milk. The main reason is that Chu Qiao's milk is getting less and less. It is not enough for this girl to have a meal, so she simply stopped. Now Xinxin mainly eats milk powder and complementary food. She can also eat an apple every day, scraped from a spoon, especially like to eat.

A small bowl of noodles was quickly cooked, with spinach puree and minced meat added. The noodles were cooked so badly that Xinxin only had four teeth and could only eat mushy food.


Xinxin, who was sitting on the mat playing alone, immediately became excited when she smelled the aroma of food. The little girl was already ten months old. She was fat and strong. She had a bigger temper and amazing destructive power. Once, Dabao's The homework book accidentally fell to the ground, and this girl saw it. She picked it up and tore it into pieces. Dabao's hard-earned homework was in vain, so he had to do it again with tears in his eyes.

When anything comes into this girl's hands, her first reaction is to pull it, bite it if she can't pull it, and smash it if she can't bite it. Chu Qiao is very worried that when this girl grows up, she won't be able to make friends because of her bad temper, and she always corrects her heart. However, Lin Yulan and Mr. Gu felt that she was unnecessary. Lin Yulan doted on her granddaughter without any principles. Even if her granddaughter tore off her beloved rose, she would still say that it was a good thing.

Mr. Gu, on the other hand, sincerely thinks his granddaughter is good. He always said that he is a good candidate for the army because of his heart and soul. The old man has also made a training plan and plans to take his granddaughter to train together as soon as Xinxin can walk, so as to prepare for enlistment in advance. Make preparations.

"What's the rush? Don't scream. If you scream again, you'll starve!"

Chu Qiao deliberately rubbed her daughter's temper, slowed down, became anxious, and waved her hands angrily. Chu Qiao slowed down even more, holding the bowl in front of the little girl, deliberately not giving it to her.


Xinxin became even more angry, and suddenly she stood up, holding on to the sofa with one hand, and wanted to grab the bowl with the other hand. Chu Qiao was startled, and hurriedly raised the bowl, but Xinxin grabbed it empty, and her body shook. , sat down, and was so angry that she grabbed the toys on the mat and tried to smash them.

"Don't smash it, Gu Xinyi. If you smash it, don't eat it tonight. I keep my word!"

Chu Qiao lowered her face, put the noodles on the table, and spoke in a very stern tone. This little girl understood. This temper must be corrected. No matter whether it is a boy or a girl, you cannot smash things casually. The older you get, the harder it is to change. Now Must be corrected.

Xinxin stopped, holding on to the toy tightly, staring at her mother with her big eyes in protest, biting her lip stubbornly, with an unconvinced look on her face.

"I said, don't smash things casually. Put things down. If you are not old and have a bad temper, you can eat them only after you put them down!" Chu Qiao slowed down and guided her slowly.

Xinxin was still holding the toy tightly, looking at the noodle bowl on the table, and screamed, meaning she wanted to eat the noodles first.

Chu Qiao was so angry that she even negotiated terms with her. Well, she was an adult. If she couldn't control a ten-month-old girl, her life would be in vain.

"If you want to eat, put the toy down and try smashing it again. I'll starve you to death tonight!"

Chu Qiao had a cold face and showed no mercy. She couldn't just indulge her children. She had to learn the rules from an early age, otherwise no one would tolerate her when she entered society.

Gu Ye came out and saw that his wife and daughter were in a stalemate. No one wanted to give in. The noodles were almost cold. The bento peacemaker advised: "Forget it this time, the noodles are almost cold."

"Go on your way and don't cause trouble!"

Chu Qiao glared fiercely. She hated it when someone said nice things to her children. She no longer counted on Gu Ye. She originally wanted him to be a strict father, but this guy couldn't even show his dignity in front of her daughter. No, she can only be a strict mother.

Gu Ye shrank his neck and backed away obediently. He looked at his daughter sympathetically and did not dare to say a word.

The little girl felt like Ming Jing. She knew that there was no chance for Gu Ye. She also knew that she couldn't count on her. Her mother couldn't talk to her father, so she had no choice but to compromise today, otherwise she would be hungry.

The little girl put down the toy obediently, feeling very unconvinced, with a look of helplessness forced by power. Chu Qiao didn't care about this, whether it was suppression by power or willingness, as long as the results were in place, over time, the habit was formed.

"It's time to eat noodles. Look, because of your unruliness, you can't eat hot noodles. Mom won't heat the noodles. If you want to eat hot noodles in the future, you have to obey the rules. Remember. without?"

Chu Qiao didn't heat up the noodles. They weren't particularly cold, but were still warm. It didn't hurt her stomach, but the texture was a bit worse. She couldn't spoil this girl, she had to let her know the consequences of losing her temper from an early age.

Xinxin ate the noodles and felt a little disgusted because the batter was batter, but she was very hungry and her mother seemed to be still angry. The little girl weighed it up and finished the bowl of noodles obediently. Gu Ye quickly went to make half a bottle of milk powder. After delivering it to my daughter, I took a deep breath and smiled with satisfaction. The father and daughter exchanged understanding glances, and everything was unspoken.

After this meal, Xiao Xin understood one thing. My mother is the oldest in the family, so I have to listen to my mother, and my useless father also listens to my mother.

Chu Qiao snorted, called Gu Ye to the room, and gave him three rules: "When I educate Xin Xin in the future, shut up, or else I will teach you a lesson too!"

"Listen to my wife, I will definitely shut up!"

Gu Ye nodded obediently, he would never be blind again in the future.

Chu Qiao rolled her eyes and said angrily: "Don't you see how hot-tempered Xinxin is now? She will break things if she doesn't get her way. Who has such a bad temper? If you don't straighten up now, people will hate you when you grow up. I can’t even get married!”

"It's fine if you don't get married. It's not like the family can't afford to support you."

Gu Ye subconsciously added that he thought it would be better for his daughter not to marry, as men are not good at all.

The top of his head suddenly felt cold. Gu Zhiyuan tensed up and raised his head carefully, met Chu Qiao's cold eyes, and said with a flattering smile: "I mean, my wife, you are right, Xin Xin's temper is indeed outrageous. We have to break up, wife, I will support you no matter what you do!”


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