80s: Daughter-in-law Is Sweet and Sassy (My 80's Wife Is Sweet And Cool)

Chapter 828 We don’t have a mother, only a father

"Why are you crying? It's the New Year!"

When they arrived at the yard, Dabao scolded his brother in a low voice, thinking that his brother was too ignorant.

Xiaobao sniffed, not only his eyes were red, but also the tip of his nose was red. He whispered: "Brother, one year is also the Chinese New Year, mom..."

"Don't call her mom, she doesn't deserve it, if you ask me to beat you to death again!"

Dabao looked fierce, stared at his younger brother, and shouted in a low voice: "Have you turned a deaf ear to what I said? Don't call that woman mother, she is a bad person, if you ask me to beat you to death again!"

"I won't scream anymore."

Xiaobao was so frightened that he tightened his neck. He either screamed on purpose or casually.

"Keep it in mind from now on. That woman is a bad person. We only have a father, no mother, and uncle and aunt Gu and my sister. Do you remember?" Dabao said earnestly. In the future, he will remind his brother from time to time to avoid such stupidity. Something was forgotten.

"Yeah, remember."

Xiaobao nodded vigorously. He raised his head carefully and said, "Brother, one year during the Chinese New Year, that woman bought a cake. I ate a piece of it, and she beat me. Brother, you held me in your arms and received many beatings. Brother, you still feel pain." ?"

Dabao was stunned. He didn't expect his younger brother to mention this matter, so he said vaguely: "I forgot about it a long time ago. Don't think about the past. Let's look to the future!"

"Well, I will film well and make the movie sell more money."

Xiaobao nodded obediently. The director praised him every day. Pan Haixing's mother also praised him for his good acting. He felt that the movie would definitely make money and his sister would not have to worry about milk powder.

"It's necessary. Don't mention that woman again in the future. It's bad luck!" Dabao patted his brother on the head and told him.

"Well, let's not mention it."

"Even if you see that woman on the street, you are not allowed to call her, remember?" Dabao felt that he needed to give his brother another shot in the arm, just in case.

"Don't scream, I'll run away when I see her!"

Dabao was then satisfied, "Come into the house!"


Xiaobao turned around happily and went into the house to eat cake. Looking at his brother's back, Dabao reached out and wiped his eyes. He remembered what his brother said so clearly that he would never forget it for the rest of his life.

The woman hid the delicious food and ate it herself. During the Chinese New Year that year, the woman bought a bag of chicken cakes and put them in the cupboard. The younger brother smelled the aroma of the cakes and was so hungry that he couldn't bear it anymore, so he took a piece and ate it. While eating, the woman and her concubine came back, slapped him and kicked him several times. He hugged his brother and begged for mercy, but he still received a severe beating.

That night, other families were celebrating the New Year happily, and the woman and her mistress were also celebrating the New Year. Only he and his brother were lying bruised and bruised in the cold room, cold and hungry, and the woman didn't even look at them from beginning to end.

That year was the coldest Spring Festival they had ever had. He will always remember it and how that woman treated him and his brother. If he could see that woman again in this life, he would never pay attention to her. Take a few spits.

After the third year of junior high school, the crew started working. Chu Qiao also transferred the remaining 150,000 yuan, and the pharmaceutical factory received more than 500,000 yuan in dividends. Tang Yaozu also said that because it was the first year, equipment would be deducted. Some of the expenses for the factory are less, but they will only increase in the future. Hair growth medicine alone is in short supply, and even foreign pharmacies are rushing to get it. Who said that middle-aged baldness is a taboo for men all over the world.

Gu Ye also became busy. In addition to selling machine tools, he also had to do some things arranged by Boss Zhu. He had to open up relationships with various relevant departments to facilitate the Zhu family's return to invest in real estate.

Chu Peng didn't come back for the New Year and said he wanted to stay in the capital. Chu Qiao didn't ask. Brother Gou was an adult now and she didn't need to worry about things.

The busy time passed very quickly, and it was early spring in the blink of an eye. The filming of the movie was finished, and it would take some time to edit and produce the film later. Xiaobao also resumed normal school classes. Chu Qiao hired a college student tutor to help him study.

Although the weather is still cold, there is already a sense of spring. The flowers, plants and trees in the machine tool factory have sprouted buds and buds, and they are full of spring.

Life has become peaceful again. Chu Qiao takes care of her children, prepares medicines, or goes to the beauty salon every day. She lives a fulfilling life. The only flaw is that Xinxin can't speak yet.

This girl has run like a little rabbit, and has a very bad temper. She will get angry if something goes wrong, but she is much better than when she was a child. Under Chu Qiao's training, Xinxin has learned to control her temper a little, but it is not enough. She needs to continue hone.

The little girl likes to live in the compound the most, because her grandparents will not be cruel to her. There are many grandparents in the compound who like her very much. She also has friends to play with, which is more fun than in the machine tool factory.

Sometimes when Chu Qiao was busy, she would put her heart in the courtyard and let Lin Yulan take care of her. The old couple wished that she would be busy every day, and then let their granddaughter live with them every day.

On this day, Chu Qiao went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables, and stopped by Xu Dafa's stall to buy seafood. The little girl Xu Baozhu had just finished school, and the father and daughter were busy with business. However, Xu Dafa was smiling and looked much younger. It used to be so sloppy.

Chu Qiao couldn't help but look at it a few more times and joked: "Boss Xu, you've been cleaning up very neatly recently!"


Xu Dafa couldn't help but laugh, his face became a little shy and a little proud. Xu Baozhu glanced at her father and shouted to Chu Qiao: "Aunt Chu, I have a stepmother."


Chu Qiao was stunned for a moment, then realized what she was doing, and said with a smile: "Congratulations, when will Boss Xu host a banquet? I'll ask for a wedding drink."

"Not so fast, hehe... probably in the second half of the year."

Xu Dafa had an uncontrollable smile on his face, and he was hesitant to say something. He wanted to say something, but stopped. Chu Qiao looked funny and asked, "Where is the woman from? Is the cooking delicious?" "

She remembered that Xu Baozhu’s only request for her stepmother was to cook delicious food.

"It's delicious. The braised pork is very fragrant. I can eat three bowls of rice." Xu Baozhu replied happily, obviously very satisfied with this stepmother.

The little girl took a bag and neatly packed some razor clams and hairtail fish, and handed them to Chu Qiao without weighing them.

"I don't have a scale." Chu Qiao reminded with a smile.

"No money, Aunt Chu, you and my stepmother are good friends, no money." Xu Baozhu said with a smile.

Chu Qiao was taking her wallet. When she heard this, her hands froze and her expression became strange. She looked at Xu Dafa inquiringly, her good friend?

which one?

Xu Dafa couldn't help but wink at his daughter, but Xu Baozhu didn't notice it at all and was still enjoying himself. Xu Dafa slapped his forehead, turned around and wanted to run away. He was told not to let anything slip, but now he's fine. If this stinky girl said it, I don't know if she would eat the steak.

"Boss Xu, which of my good friends has become your target?"

Chu Qiao stopped him and asked with a smile.


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