80s: Daughter-in-law Is Sweet and Sassy (My 80's Wife Is Sweet And Cool)

Chapter 831: Those who research missiles are not as good as those who sell tea eggs

Xuan Hongxia couldn't stand listening anymore and taunted loudly: "You people are really sick in the mind. Instead of being jealous of other people's children's excellence, why don't you raise your own children properly? You know what nonsense you are talking about here!"

"You can't say that. Filmmaking requires talent. This kid, Xiaobao, just has talent!" Someone retorted, and everyone else nodded. This is indeed the truth.

Xuan Hongxia sneered, "Of course you have to have talent, but you also need to cultivate it. It's not like you haven't seen what Dabao and Xiaobao looked like when they were first brought back. They are thinner than monkeys, and their necks are so thin that they can't support their heads. That What kind of talent can you tell from your appearance?

You have also seen how Chief Gu and his wife raise their children. They eat, drink and take good care of their children every day. Whose children are as well fed as theirs? Are you willing to spend a lot of money to buy a piano and hire a piano teacher? Do you think the director picks people at random? People are looking for talent, huh, I just envy people who eat meat, and don't even think about where they get the meat! "

Xuan Hongxia was very eloquent, and she knocked everyone speechless in one breath, but she was still a little unconvinced, mainly because she was afraid of Xuan Hongxia's explosive temper, and didn't want to argue with her, so she shut up.

Director Shou gently poked his wife and asked her to stop saying a few words. They are all from the same factory, so don't hurt the harmony.

Xuan Hongxia glared at her husband fiercely and walked in front. She couldn't bear to look at the sour faces of these people. They were all hindsight. She also didn't think about how much money and effort they spent on raising children. Who could raise them like this? Biological child?

The Gu family is the only machine tool factory in the world.

Most of the seats in the cinema were occupied by people from the machine tool factory. Chu Qiao sat in the middle with her heart in her arms. Next to her were Gu Ye and the two brothers. The cast list started to appear on the screen, with Xiaobao's name in front. Especially conspicuous.

"Xiaobao plays Niu Wa? You're still in front, this is the starring role!" Someone shouted excitedly, but quickly shut up for fear of causing dissatisfaction to others, but many people from the machine tool factory still whispered, They are all jealous.

They didn't expect Xiaobao to be the starring role. They thought he was just showing up, but now Chief Gu's family is really going to make a fortune.

The movie started to show, and Xiaobao kept his head down the whole time because he felt so embarrassed and felt that his acting was so bad that he couldn't watch it.

Others watched it with gusto. When they put it where the dog was holding the explosive bag, there was a sound of crying in the cinema. Many female comrades cried. Chu Qiao didn't feel anything because she had seen the scene and knew it was fake. .

Dabao snorted and turned away to wipe his eyes with his sleeve. Why did the stupid brother and Heidou act so miserably? He couldn't control his tears. It was so embarrassing.

The subsequent plots became more and more tragic, and almost all the villagers were sacrificed. The crying in the cinema never stopped, one after another. When he saw Niu Wa was shot and died, Dabao suddenly burst into tears. Then he covered his mouth hard and twitched, looking funny and pitiful.

Xiaobao leaned over and whispered: "Brother, I'm not dead. It's a lie."

"I sneezed. Why is this movie theater so windy? It was so cold that my eyes burst into tears."

Dabao pretended not to care, but kept his head turned away, fearing that his younger brother would see his tearful embarrassment, which would damage his majesty as the eldest brother.

"There's no wind, brother."

Xiaobao stretched out his hand and felt it. There was no wind at all and he was still warm.


Dabao insisted stubbornly.

At the end of the movie, the words "End of the play" were printed on the screen. The audience stood up. Many people had tears on their faces. Some gay men also cried. Director Xu's level is really very good. In fact, the story The plot is very simple, but he shot it very carefully and it is very touching. So many people cried, which means the movie is very successful.

After leaving the cinema, Xuan Hongxia hugged Xiaobao excitedly when she saw her. She felt the heat on the little guy and felt relieved. For a moment just now, she couldn't tell whether it was a movie or reality. She was confused. In a daze, I felt at ease holding Xiaobao.

"Is that dog your Heidou? It looks strangely familiar." Someone ran over and asked.

"Well, the other dogs didn't cooperate well with Xiaobao, so I brought Heidou with me, and the effect was pretty good." Chu Qiao said with a smile.

"Oh, your family is so amazing. Even the dog has become a star. The acting was so good, I almost cried."

Everyone in the machine tool factory was extremely envious. Some people were even wondering if Gu Ye's house had better feng shui. Otherwise, how could he make money even raising a dog?

"Chief Gu, your family is going to get rich!" someone said enviously.

Gu Ye smiled and said casually: "What's the point of getting rich? Even if a child has some hobbies, he won't make a living based on this. He still has to study hard and get into a good university."

"That's not necessarily true. Isn't it popular nowadays? Those who study missiles are not as good as those who sell tea eggs. There is no money to study!" Someone said loudly, with a bit of sourness in his words.

Chu Qiao frowned. She hated the idea that reading is useless. From ancient times to the present, reading has been the most reliable way to get ahead. Even if you are doing business, you have to study. Almost all of them, like those domineering CEOs in later generations, They are all top students who graduated from prestigious schools, and several of them were top scorers in the college entrance examination. This rare thing of becoming a big boss with elementary school education is only possible in the past few years. It was created in a special era, and academic qualifications will become more and more important in the future.

"This is true. As you know, my mother-in-law didn't even study in school. She took a literacy class for two months. She knew a few Arabic numerals and her own name. She was a housewife who had never worked in her life. Being servile in front of my father-in-law,

Two years ago, I started selling tea eggs at the train station, earning dozens of yuan a day. My mother-in-law earned all the money for buying a house and the bride price for my brother-in-law’s marriage. Now my mother-in-law doesn’t have to do any work at home, and her food is delivered to her mouth. Next, my father-in-law brought the foot-washing water to her feet and served her like the Queen Mother. Money is hard currency! "

The man who spoke was the master of Xuan Hongxia's husband's workshop. He used to be jealous of the sales department for making money and made trouble in the workshop. Later, he went to sell machine tools and was chased by a dog and broke his leg. He was also bitten by a dog and didn't earn a penny. After arriving, he paid dozens of dollars for an injection. After that, the man returned to work honestly.

Fortunately, the workshops now offer piece-rate wages. As long as workers work hard, it is not a problem to earn seven or eight hundred a month. Everyone is very satisfied. No factory in Shanghai has a higher salary than theirs, and other factories are envious of it.

Others also talked about the examples of people around them, just to prove that studying is not as good as doing business to make money. Chu Qiao was upset when she heard this, and winked at Gu Ye and asked him to drive.


Continue tomorrow


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