"I've seen this movie. The director is very talented, but he was excluded?"

Qi Feng couldn't believe that such a talented director would be very popular with his bosses in a Hong Kong city, but when she thought about the system of inland film studios, she understood.

She is a filmmaker herself. Although she is now in business, she still cares about the film industry and will watch any good movies. Qi Feng happened to have seen the movie directed by Xu, and she also recommended it to her friends. The shooting technique is quite unique, the concept is very profound, and the director is very in-depth.

Chu Qiao sighed, "The main reason is that he doesn't know how to flatter and is not liked by the leader."

Qi Feng was speechless and asked, "Does Director Xu Zhengsheng have any upcoming work arrangements?"

"Probably not for the time being. He just finished filming this movie and should take some time off. And he doesn't have a good script at hand."

"When I arrive in Shanghai, you can help me introduce Director Xu. I have a good script in hand." Qi Feng said with a smile.

She came to the mainland this time just to find a good director. Because the background of this script is the mainland, a Hong Kong director would definitely not be able to capture the flavor of that special era. She would have to find an inland director to film it.

"Okay, I will definitely help you introduce him. Director Xu wants a good script now." Chu Qiao agreed.

She knew that Qi Feng had a film company. Many classic movies in Hong Kong City were produced by Qi Feng. She had a very good vision, so the script was definitely a good one. Chu Qiao was a little curious.

Shanghai was as hot as a furnace in July. Chu Qiao didn't even want to leave the house. She stayed at home every day. Qi Feng hadn't come over yet, and she wouldn't arrive until the end of July.

Chu Peng still didn't come back, but he made a phone call and said that he was going to Hong Kong City with Wu Bing. This time he also brought the four brothers Tang Weiguo and Tian Guo with him.

Xiaobao's life has also returned to peace. He practices piano and does homework every day, just like usual.

In a mountain village in the north, in the evening, the villagers rushed to tell each other, "A movie is coming, so grab a bench and grab a seat."

The children cheered and went home to get their stools. The county cinema would go to the village to show movies every once in a while. This was the happiest day for the children. The adults were also happy because they could watch free movies.

Luo Lichun and his mistress were having dinner. Now they are no longer a mistress. They are married and the man has moved in together.

When she heard people talking about a movie playing outside, Luo Lichun became energetic and urged the man to eat quickly. She hadn't watched a movie in a long time.

The two moved stools to the open space in the village. The projectionist of the cinema had already set up the screen. Many villagers had already sat down, holding cattail fans to drive away mosquitoes. Some people also took a handful of dried mugwort and lit it. There will be thick smoke to repel mosquitoes.

"I heard that this movie is really good. My second child watched it with the teacher at school. The whole class and the teacher all cried. The little doll in it acted really well. My second child said that he looked very similar to the little one from the Zhou family. , the names are exactly the same.”

Before the movie was shown, the villagers were whispering, looking in Luo Lichun's direction, and their voices became even lower.

"Zhou Weiyang? Is that your name?"

"Yes, the older one is named Zhou Shengli and the younger one is named Zhou Weiyang. They were both named by their father."

The few villagers who were talking were whispering to each other, glancing in Luo Lichun's direction from time to time, fearing that she would hear them. This woman had nothing to be afraid of, but her mistress was very difficult to deal with. She was a notorious scoundrel and would not do anything every day. He is a sneaky person when it comes to personnel affairs, and he also likes to do sinister and unscrupulous things behind his back.

This pair of bitches eat and drink every day, and a pair of scoundrels bump into each other. The villagers are disgusted by everyone, but they don't dare to provoke them. They are afraid that this bitch couple will stab them in the back. They have families and families, so they can't afford to offend them. .

The movie started to show, and the names of the producer and several leading actors were printed on the screen. Most of the villagers were illiterate, but it was summer vacation, and the children were all on vacation. Some were still high school students. Many adults asked their children to register. Those actor names.

"Niu Wa, played by Zhou Weiyang."

A boy of sixteen or seventeen read loudly. Luo Lichun, who was sitting on the other side, heard it and her heart skipped a beat. Why was this name exactly the same as her youngest son?

"Look, is it called Zhou Weiyang?"

Luo Lichun stabbed the man next to her. She couldn't read, but the scoundrel knew a few words.

The man took a closer look and saw that Zhou Weiyang's name had been left out, but now the names of other actors were shown.

"No such name, stop talking and watch the movie."

The man didn't take it to heart. How could that little brat act in a movie? Huh, the Zhou family's ancestral graves don't have such good feng shui.

He squinted at Luo Lichun next to him, feeling very proud. No matter how capable the man named Zhou was, he would still be dead. When he was not dead, he slept with Luo Lichun and cuckolded people openly. Those two little bastards, he thought. Hit him whenever you want, scold him whenever you want, and behave like a dog in front of him.

No one with the surname Zhou could have imagined that today would happen, right?

Humph, who lets this guy named Zhou always pretend to be great and teach him a pretentious lesson? It's none of this bastard's business if he steals a few chickens. Who is Zhou? Who has the right to care about him? !

It turned out that this scoundrel was stealing chickens and dogs in the village, causing chaos in the village. The villagers complained a lot. Dabao's father was a just man and liked to fight against injustice, so he taught the scoundrel a few times. He didn't want to be resented by this scoundrel, so he secretly hooked up with Luo Lichun and abused Dabao. Xiaobao.

The most disgusting thing is the woman Luo Lichun. Both children are her own, but she is so cruel, worse than an animal.

At the beginning of the movie, Xiaobao was shown herding sheep on the hillside. He had grown a lot taller and his appearance had changed a bit. He was different from when he was a child, but his facial features and face had not changed. Luo Lichun didn't pay attention at first and concentrated on watching the movie. , but the more she looked at it, the more familiar she felt that the actor named Niu Wa looked familiar. Thinking of the name she heard before, her heart skipped a beat.

Isn't it really Xiaobao?

Luo Lichun was overjoyed. He didn't expect that his youngest son would be successful now. He would act in movies and he would definitely earn a lot of money.

She was no longer in the mood to watch the movie, so she dragged her concubine to the corner and said happily, "The kid in the movie is Xiaobao."

"Your little son?" the man asked suspiciously.

"Yes, that's him. Why does he look so familiar to me the more I look at him?"

Luo Lichun was so happy that his eyes were shining, as if he saw the money flying over like snowflakes, and there was no end to the flowers.

The man frowned, he was really that little brat, he looked much prettier, and he was even in the movie.

However, the man was still very happy. He had no job and did not work. He was lazy and lazy, and Luo Lichun was even lazy. The two of them lived by relying on the little money the man earned from cheating every day. Their lives became increasingly difficult, and they had not seen meat for a long time.

This little brat movie was made at the perfect time.

"Who did you give your two sons to in the first place? Do you know where they are?" the man asked.

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