"Extra meal today!"

Cai Jinfu bought a bag of pig head meat, a pack of fried peanuts, a few steamed buns, and a bottle of beer for himself. Luo Lichun's eyes suddenly lit up, he climbed out of bed, grabbed the pig head meat and ate it.

"Why are you in a hurry? Eat slowly. From now on, we will have plenty of meat to eat, including chicken, duck, and fish." Cai Jinfu opened the cap of the beer bottle with his teeth, took a big gulp of it, and then burped with satisfaction. It was so beautiful. .

Luo Lichun slowed down his eating of meat and asked curiously: "Did you pick up gold?"

Still eating meat every day?

Daydreaming, now she can't even afford three meals of steamed buns. Luo Lichun regrets coming to Shanghai. Those two little bastards can't be found. She and Cai Jinfu have less and less money. They are sitting on nothing. In a few days, they won't even be able to eat steamed buns. I couldn't afford food or accommodation in a guest house, so I had to sleep on the street.

Cai Jinfu smiled proudly, ate a piece of pig head meat and a peanut, and then explained in detail what he had inquired about today.

Luo Lichun's eyes became brighter and brighter, and he asked urgently: "That family is now rich? Did you hear that right?"

"It's definitely not wrong. The man named Gu married a beautiful wife and gave birth to a daughter. She is almost two years old now. This family is now the richest in the factory, and they all drive cars."

Luo Lichun said sourly, "How do you know someone else's wife is beautiful? Have you seen it?"

"Why are you asking about this?"

Cai Jinfu glared dissatisfied. He was actually tired of Luo Lichun for a long time. He was lazy, lazy, and not clean. If Xiaobao hadn't acted in the movie, he would have kicked this woman later.

Luo Lichun lowered his head in frustration. She was a little afraid of Cai Duofu. She would beat this man when he got angry, but she still couldn't bear to leave him. Luo Lichun didn't know what was going on with her. Xiaobao's father was very kind to her. She handed in her wages and started working as soon as she came back, but she just looked down upon her. When she had a partner, her parents forced her to marry her. She hated this man in her heart and felt that it was Xiaobao's father who caused her to separate from her partner.

Cai Jinfu was a bit similar to her previous partner, so as soon as Cai Jinfu took the initiative to hook up with her, Luo Lichun took the bait. She didn't feel that she was wrong. Everyone said that she was lucky, but who knew her suffering?

That damn man was only at home for a few days throughout the year, and she was like a widow. She had to do all the hard work, and it was even harder to be alone at night. Cai Jinfu's appearance was just right. After Luo Lichun and him hung out for a few days, they immediately became inseparable.

Even though Cai Jinfu didn't work, had a bad temper, and would hit people, Luo Lichun still liked this man, despised Xiaobao's father, and incidentally hated his two children, and was instigated by Cai Jinfu to abuse the brothers. Even if the man beat the child in front of her, Luo Lichun would remain indifferent. Even sometimes when Cai Jinfu was in a bad mood, she would deliberately beat the child to make him happy.

"Anyway, that family has made a fortune. Good times are coming for us. From now on, we can eat hot and spicy food and buy whatever we want. We don't have to go back to the poor valley."

Cai Jinfu took a sip of wine and was full of confidence in the future, as if the money had flown into his pocket.

Luo Lichun asked in a low voice: "They are willing to give us money?"

"I'm not happy to call you stupid. Dabao and Xiaobao are your biological sons. Xiaobao is now a big star. He is still a child. The money he earns must be given to your own mother. It is a matter of course. Gu is not happy. So what, it’s not up to him!”

Cai Jinfu went to school for a few years and fooled around outside for a while. He had a little knowledge and spoke fluently.

Luo Lichun nodded when he heard that, yes, she is his biological mother. If the money earned by his son is not given to his biological mother, who else can he give it to?

She was so excited that she stopped eating the pig head meat and dragged Cai Jinfu out, saying she wanted to find Xiaobao.

"Why are you in a hurry? I've already made arrangements. Let's talk about it after dinner!"

Cai Jinfu threw her away with disgust in his eyes. This woman was stupid and lazy, but she gave birth to a good son.

Luo Lichun listened to his words and sat down to eat obediently. He wolfed down a bite of steamed buns and a bite of meat, without any image. His body also exuded a sour smell, and his hair was as greasy as Cai Jinfu's.

Chu Qiao bought groceries and went home. It was too hot. She washed her face with cold water and it was still hot. So she took ice cubes from the refrigerator, put them in a basin, and placed them in front of the electric fan so that the wind would be cool. .

She originally planned to buy an air conditioner, but the current air conditioner is too expensive and the installation is very troublesome, so she gave up the idea. The main reason is that after the air conditioner is installed, there will definitely be more rumors in the factory. She should wait until she moves out before installing it. Blow whatever you want.

After lunch, Chu Qiao and Xinxin took a nap together as usual. Dabao and Xiaobao couldn't sit still at home, so they ran out to play with their friends, holding a popsicle in their hands to relieve their fever.

When they got downstairs, the two brothers separated. Dabao looked down on the children younger than him and didn't bother to play with them. Xiaobao also looked down on his brothers' circle and thought they were too noisy and noisy at all. Is not fun.

Xiaobao prefers to play with his friends by sticking candy wrappers. Find a shady place, press the candy wrapper on the wall with your hand, and then let go, the candy wrapper will fall. Whoever's candy wrapper floats farthest wins, and the candy wrapper also falls. Belong to each other.

Little girls like to play this kind of game more, because boys don’t have the patience to collect candy wrappers. After eating the candy, they have to wash the candy wrappers and smooth out the wrinkles. After drying, they put them in books and keep them flat. Girls They all like to collect beautiful and exquisite candy wrappers, and Xiaobao also likes them, so most of his friends are little girls.

Xiaobao and his friends searched for a long time in the machine tool factory and finally found a suitable shady place. Near the gate, there was a big camphor tree, like a giant umbrella. It was very shady under the tree and there was a breeze. It was blowing and it was very cool.

There is also a promotional window under the tree, which can be used as a wall. Xiaobao and his friends played happily. The colorful candy wrappers were falling in the air, which was quite beautiful. Xiaobao was very lucky today and won several. He had no collection of candy wrappers and was very happy.

"I'm almost out of candy wrappers."

A little girl flattened her mouth in frustration, looking at the few candy wrappers in her hand, her mood suddenly became bad.

Xiaobao couldn't bear to see this, so he took some candy wrappers and gave them to the little girl, "I'll give them to you."

"Thank you, Xiaobao."

The little girl suddenly became happy again, as if she had a treasure. Children's happiness is so simple, so they started playing games again, and the laughter spread outside.

Luo Lichun and Cai Jinfu poked their heads in and looked inside. There was only one master sitting at the guard's office, and the other was sleeping in the back room. The one who was sitting was also dozing off, his head moving little by little, and he didn't notice the two of them.

"That's it...that's Xiaobao, he's grown so tall!"

Luo Lichun recognized his youngest son at a glance and was deeply moved. In just three or four years, this little bastard had grown so tall and beautiful. No wonder he could become a star.

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