The film studio successfully negotiated an agreement, and Qi Feng was so happy that she hugged Chu Qiao and kissed her. He also said that Chu Qiao would be responsible for all matters in the mainland from now on, and she would not care.

Chu Qiao agreed. She also wanted to train herself. She used to be very envious when she saw those successful career women. She felt that strong women were very sassy and had a unique temperament. Unlike her, a housewife, who looked soft and soft. A dodder flower attached to a man.

She also wants to become a strong woman like Qi Feng, so she is happy to do these things. It is not difficult, as long as she is patient, thick-skinned, and speaks nicely, it will be ok.

Xu Zhengsheng was very grateful when he learned about this. He knew that if Qi Feng and Chu Qiao hadn't fought for him, he would definitely not be able to compete with Jie Yang. His father was an old man in the industry, with status and fame, and a very strong relationship. His parents Just ordinary workers, there is no comparison at all.

As expected, Chu Qiao is his noble person. Since meeting Chu Qiao, his career has been smooth sailing.

After confirming the director with the film studio, preparations for the film will begin. Xu Zhengsheng and Xie Yang, as well as several leaders of the film studio, including Director Niu, Qi Feng and Chu Qiao, are having dinner in the hotel. After a meal, it was considered a meeting, with Qi Feng as the host.

Chu Qiao saw Xie Yang, who was in his thirties, a talented man, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, a heroic spirit, and a very upright appearance. Even if he was not a director, he could still act as a niche actor.

Although Xie Yang is very young now, Chu Qiao still recognizes him as the internationally famous director in his previous life. He is not as good-looking as he is now. He probably spent too much sex after becoming famous and turned into a greasy uncle.

Qi Feng was very good at livening up the atmosphere and relaxed the atmosphere at the dinner table without saying a few words, but Xie Yang acted a little arrogant, probably because he was dissatisfied with being Xu Zhengsheng's deputy. Xu Zhengsheng took the initiative to toast him at the dinner table, and Xie Yang loved to play with him. Ignoring him, he touched the wine glass insincerely and didn't even drink.

Xu Zhengsheng smiled and didn't take it to heart. He was already the winner and there was no need to compete with the younger ones. It looked like he was petty.

Chu Qiao saw this and smiled slightly. Her favorable impression of Jie Yang dropped even further. She was so arrogant that she had to show her true talent and learn from it. So far, Jie Yang has not produced many amazing works. The only film that won a lukewarm domestic award, but this award was actually awarded for the sake of Xie Yang's father, and he had no chance of doing it on his own.

After Xie Yang became famous in his previous life, he did not make any decent movies. He often invested hundreds of millions, and the gimmick was quite big, but when he made it, he only saw exquisite pictures. It was probably the money burned, but the plot But he was very fascinated. If you don't have an IQ of 250, you can't understand it. Xie Yang himself said that the movies he made were advanced, and people today really can't understand them.

But Chu Qiao doesn't understand. You make movies just to sell money. You sell them to people who are alive now, not to people in the future. Are you making movies that are so advanced that aliens can watch them?

Chu Qiao summed up Jie Yang, and there must be some, but he is pretentious, has high aspirations but low abilities, and is stubborn. If this kind of person doesn't have a reliable father, he probably won't be able to get ahead on his own.

The dinner was enjoyed by both host and guest. The director of the film studio was very happy. He also recommended the female lead, Pan Haixing, and wanted her to play the leading female role. Qi Feng said that she would think about it because she had not seen Pan Haixing's movie yet. You can decide after seeing it.

After the dinner, Qi Feng asked Chu Qiao about Pan Haixing's performance level.

Chu Qiao thought for a while and told the truth: "There is definitely no problem with her acting skills, but Pan Haixing has played simple rural women before. It seems that she has never played urban women. I can't say for sure, but she is very fashionable in person. You How about letting her try out the show?"

The heroine in the movie in her previous life was not Pan Haixing, but another very powerful actress who took an international route. Her current status is also higher than that of Pan Haixing. Although Chu Qiao has a very good impression of Pan Haixing, she doesn’t want to make blind recommendations. , destroying the original movie pattern.

Qi Feng nodded, "I'll watch her movies first, and then let her try out the show herself."

Within a few days, Chu Qiao received a call from Qi Feng, "Pan Haixing's acting skills are indeed very good and her personality is very good, but after reading the script, she expressed that she wanted to play another role. She was a low-class kiln sister. She couldn't get enough of it. It’s a lot, but if it’s done well, it will be great.”

"Why doesn't she play the female lead?" Chu Qiao was very surprised.

Don't all actors like to play the leading role? Pan Haixing is a bit the opposite.

"She gave several reasons, which I think are quite reasonable. One is that she feels that she is not suitable for the female lead because she is not famous enough to support the female lead in such a big production. Pan Haixing is quite self-aware. Another reason is that she wants to spend more time with her children, but the workload of playing the leading female role is too heavy for her to spare time."

Qi Feng expressed her admiration for Pan Haixing. He is a very knowledgeable actor and is also very responsible for his children. Unlike some actresses who work hard to become famous and have no time to take care of their children. They miss their growth and wait for their children. When you grow up, it will be too late to make up for it, and you will feel regret for the rest of your life.

"Pan Haixing has told me before that she wants to spend time with her children, but can she act like a kiln sister?" Chu Qiao was very curious.

She forgot who played Sister Yao in her previous life. This role was played so rarely that she didn't remember the actress. She only remembered that she was a very charming woman. Can Pan Haixing be able to perform it?

Qi Feng smiled and praised: "I let her try it out. She was very impressed, so I decided to take her. Moreover, Pan Haixing also recommended her husband, saying that her husband's photography skills are very good, so I should consider it."

"I'm not sure about this, but Pan Haixing's husband is the son of the cattle factory director, and his level should be pretty good. I heard Xu Zhengsheng praised them both." Chu Qiao said with a smile.

Qi Feng suddenly realized, "No wonder the director of the cattle factory kept recommending Pan Haixing. She is his daughter-in-law. But as long as she has real ability and connections, it doesn't matter. We can wait until we meet her husband."

Preparations for a movie take a lot of time and energy. In the blink of an eye, it's mid-August again, and the weather is getting hotter and hotter. Chu Qiao's dividends have arrived. After deducting various costs and dividing them with the film studio, she gets one thousand five hundred. More than ten thousand, and there will be dividends in the future. As long as the movie continues to be shown, she will always have money.

Gu Ye shocked the boss. He worked hard outside and earned less than his wife. For the first time, Gu Ye felt a little inferior. He seemed a little unworthy of his wife.

However, Gu Ye's low self-esteem only lasted for three seconds. A shameless person like him couldn't be upset over such a trivial matter. Instead, he was very happy because he married a wife who was both beautiful and could make money. God was better than him. My biological son is fine.

Chu Qiao transferred five million to Qi Feng's company and was free. Xu Zhengsheng and Xie Yang were mainly responsible for the preparation work. She and Qi Feng paid for it, and they didn't care much about the rest.

The shadow brought by Luo Lichun also dissipated. It was as if this woman had never appeared. Dabao and Xiaobao had also forgotten about it. They played mindlessly every day, but a registered letter from the court interrupted the peace at home. .


Continue tomorrow


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