80s: Daughter-in-law Is Sweet and Sassy (My 80's Wife Is Sweet And Cool)

Chapter 859: Evil people must be tortured by evil people

Several women looked sarcastic, because they were also among the gossipers, and they even asked Dabao and Xiaobao in front of him, no wonder Xiao Chu had not come downstairs for a thousand years, but today he suddenly came down to chat. Ganqing was waiting here.

"Those people are serious. Why are they talking to a child like this? Don't worry, Xiao Chu. If we see her, we will definitely tell her for you!"

"Thank you, I'm going to cook. I'll chat with you next time!"

Chu Qiao went upstairs with the vegetable basket. She said it so straightforwardly. No one in the factory would be careless in front of Dabao and Xiaobao anymore, right?

If there are still people who don't know what's right, don't blame her for being rude. She should be scolded or beaten, but she prefers the latter. Good words are not as effective as three fists.

After she left, several women began to whisper again, with envy and jealousy written all over their faces.

"Several hundred thousand dollars, the banknotes are going to be piled up so high, right?"

The woman who spoke stood up and her eyes shone brightly, but when she thought that the money was not hers, her heart suddenly became cold again. She sighed quietly, why couldn't she give birth to a son as promising as Xiaobao?

"Didn't you hear something very important?" A woman said in a very solemn tone.

"What's up?"

The others asked in unison.

"Xiao Chu just said hundreds of thousands, just like we said a few dollars. What does it mean? It means that Section Chief Gu earns more than hundreds of thousands. Xiao Chu doesn't care about these hundreds of thousands. He has the confidence to refuse. advertise!"

"Ah, then Section Chief Gu earns hundreds of thousands of dollars, darling... that's a lot of money!"

The women didn't even have the time to choose the dishes. Their hearts were filled with lemon trees, which were so sour that they could make old vinegar.

Chu Qiao didn't bother to care whether these people were unhappy or not. She had already discussed with Gu Ye that once the Zhu family's community was completed, she would choose a row house to renovate and move to the community instead of the machine tool factory.

As for Luo Lichun's more than 80 yuan in legal fees, Gu Ye also helped pay it, not to help Luo Lichun, but mainly because he didn't want the court to lose the money. If Luo Lichun couldn't pay the money, the court would have to pay it.

Cai Jinfu has disappeared without a trace. Luo Lichun has been to the machine tool factory a few times. He watched the Dabao brothers from a distance and did not dare to come forward to find anyone. Judging from her ragged clothes, yellow face and thin skin, she must be having a bad life.

But this woman refused to go back to her hometown even if she was begging for food. She searched everywhere for Cai Jinfu's whereabouts, and she was quite infatuated with this second-rate man.

Although Luo Lichun didn't dare to look for the child, she appeared from time to time, which still made her very upset. However, he couldn't kill this woman, and Chu Qiao couldn't think of a good way for a while.

On this day, she made some mooncakes by herself, with two kinds of fillings, salted egg yolk and bean paste filling. The mooncakes were not big, just about the size of eggs. Gu Ye took one bite, and Chu Qiao brought a box of mooncakes to Miss Sheng San.

Miss Sheng Qi left, and the house is now occupied by Miss Third. Before Miss Qi left, she asked her to take care of Miss Third. Chu Qiao agreed, so she went to visit Miss Third every now and then.

The third lady who returned to Shanghai had a very good life. She found some old friends, and even recruited a few children to teach piano. After teaching the children every day, the third lady would gather with her old friends. She lived a very fulfilling life and was in a better mental state than before. She was much better when she was in Hong Kong City, she was much younger, and she had regained her former demeanor as the third young lady of the Sheng family.

The third lady is teaching students to play piano upstairs. She only teaches one child every day, and she teaches for two hours a day. She charges 20 yuan per hour, which is 40 yuan a day. Living expenses are not a problem.

Moreover, there were also the deposits and collections left by Miss Sheng Qi. The third Miss lived a very comfortable life. Chu Qiao was waiting downstairs. After a while, the sound of the piano stopped, and a boy of seven or eight years old came downstairs. The boy was very Politely, he smiled at Chu Qiao and called: "Hello, aunt!"

"You're done practicing, let's eat mooncakes."

Chu Qiao smiled and opened the gauze, revealing the exquisite mooncakes, exuding a sweet fragrance. The boy swallowed and reached for one, "Thank you, auntie."

"You got the one with egg yolk filling, and you can get the one with bean paste filling. You're welcome!"

Chu Qiao motioned to the little boy to get another pattern. The boy couldn't refuse the kindness, and he was really greedy, so he took another one, one in each hand, thanked him again, and then went out. A Santana was parked outside the door. , the little boy got into the car. He could afford to drive a Santana at this time. Obviously, his family was not short of money.

The third lady came down, took a piece of moon cake to eat, and praised it profusely, "Xiao Qi always praises the delicious snacks you make, and it is indeed well-deserved!"

"If it's delicious, you can eat more. There's also egg yolk filling." Chu Qiao said with a smile.

"One more is enough. Don't eat more sweets. I promised Xiao Qi that I would live well and strive to live to be a hundred years old!"

The third young lady smiled heartily. She was in a good mood now. She didn't need to have too much money, just enough to spend. She didn't think about the troubles. Her children were all debts, so just ignore them. She took good care of herself, which was the greatest blessing.

Chu Qiao also smiled. Miss Third is living so well now, Miss Seven must be very happy down there.

"I heard that your family is in a lawsuit? What's going on?" Miss San asked with concern.

Chu Qiao was very surprised, "How did you know?"

The third lady smiled and said, "Shanghai is a little older, and your family Gu Ye is also a celebrity. The father of one of my students knew him, so he asked me about the lawsuit. Is the lawsuit okay?"


Chu Qiao was feeling troubled, so she complained to the third lady.

The third lady listened quietly, and after she finished speaking, she asked, "So you want to kill Luo Lichun now, but you are afraid of breaking the law, right?"

When the central issue was mentioned, Chu Qiao smiled coquettishly, "It's not that I want to kill him, but I just don't always appear in front of the child. It looks weird and disturbing."

The third lady said angrily: "This is not easy to handle, I will teach you."

"what to do?"

Chu Qiao perked up and listened attentively.

"Go and find out the whereabouts of Luo Lichun's mistress, and then tell Luo Lichun to let these bitches and men reconcile." The third lady took a sip of tea and said: "Evil people must be punished by evil people, and rotten people like Luo Lichun , we don’t have to get our hands dirty and let Cai Jinfu treat her.”

Chu Qiao said: "Cai Jinfu and Luo Lichun are lovers."

The third lady sneered and said mockingly: "What kind of lovers? They are just a couple of losers at most. That Cai Jinfu has disappeared without a trace now, which shows that he doesn't have much affection for Luo Lichun. This man must still be in Shanghai and enjoy it." They won't go back to the poor mountain village amid the feasting and feasting of the big city. Once they reconcile, leave it alone. Luo Lichun will not end well! "

She has lived for more than seventy years, lived in big houses, and been in the market. She understands human nature very well, but Chu Qiao is still too young.

"Okay, I'll do as you say."

Chu Qiao nodded. After returning home, she asked Gu Ye to inquire about Cai Duofu's whereabouts. As expected, the second-rate man did not leave. He also found a mahjong parlor to hang out and lost a lot of money. , let the people from the mahjong parlor detain it.


I’m going to write another chapter, my dears, I’ve updated a lot today, so I feel confident asking for votes, haha


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