Duoduo nodded vigorously and said loudly: "Uncle policeman, the colored pens smell so bad and are poisonous!"

The beautiful aunt said it was poisonous, so it must be poisonous, and she didn’t want to eat it.

"Comrade police, don't listen to their nonsense. Our company's colored pens are made of the most advanced organic and environmentally friendly materials. You can eat them casually. How can they be poisonous? Don't believe the nonsense of these two bandits!" Manager Cai said You have to swear by it.

Chu Qiao said coldly: "Since you can eat whatever you want, why don't you let your own children eat it? Manager Cai, call your children over and eat a box of colored pencils. Only in this way can you convince people, otherwise you say No matter how much you say, no one will believe it!”

The policeman couldn't help but nod, that's right.

Sweat broke out on Manager Cai's forehead. He hated Chu Qiao for being nosy. He would scold his son if he tried to touch the Universe Color Pen. How could he let his precious son eat it?

"I'm too lazy to talk to you, comrade police. They broke into my company without permission and injured my employees. They are so lawless and lawless. You must arrest them!" Manager Cai changed the subject.

"Comrade police, their company harmed the seedlings of the motherland and must be severely punished!" Chu Qiao shouted not to be outdone. She was stalling for time, and it would be easier to wait for Pan Haixing to arrive.

"Who did it? I signed a formal contract with my child's grandmother. This is a legal and reasonable business practice. Don't talk nonsense!" Manager Cai cursed without caring about his image.

Chu Qiao immediately responded, "This old woman is just a grandma, not the first legal guardian. This kind of business contract must be signed by the parents to be valid. You don't even understand the law, what do you call it here!"

The policeman couldn't help but nodded again. This beautiful lesbian was right. When signing a contract with a minor, it does have to be signed by the first guardian before it takes effect. It is useless for grandparents to sign.

Manager Cai's heart suddenly sank to the bottom. Of course he knew that to sign a contract, he had to sign it with his parents, but Pan Haixing and his wife couldn't get enough money, so he could only go to his grandma. The contract law in China is not very standardized now. It's really serious. There are many contracts. There are problems. No one would care about such details, and he didn't take it seriously. Now there is a problem.

Both sides were in a stalemate. The father-in-law said that the public was justified, and the mother-in-law said that the mother-in-law was justified. The police took them both to the police station for coordination.

Pan Haixing rushed back before one o'clock in the afternoon. She chartered a taxi and went to the office of the Universe Color Pencil Factory first. Then she rushed to the police station and saw her daughter in Chu Qiao's arms still eating Bang Bang. Tang, Pan Haixing's hanging heart finally fell to the ground. He took a few deep breaths, calmed his breathing, and walked over leisurely.


Duoduo shouted happily and rushed towards her mother. The beautiful aunt did not lie to her, her mother came indeed.

"Ever cried?"

Pan Haixing noticed that her daughter's eyes were red and a little swollen. She felt very sad and picked up her daughter.

Duoduo nodded, pouted and whispered: "Grandma asked me to eat the smelly colored pen. I didn't want to eat it, so grandma scolded me and beat me. Mom, that pen was so smelly that I almost vomited." "

The old lady next to her rolled her eyes and secretly cursed her granddaughter as a white-eyed wolf. She had worked hard to take care of her for eight years, but it was not as bad as Pan Haixing had taken care of her for these few months. She was a black-hearted girl.

Pan Haixing's anger reached the top of her head, but she was well-controlled and held it back, comforting her daughter: "Don't be afraid, no one will force you to eat again."

"Well, mom, aren't you leaving?"

Duoduo was very happy, but she couldn't be happy when she thought that her mother was going out to film again. She hoped that her mother would be at home every day.

"I won't leave for now. Mom will stay with Duoduo."

Pan Haixing kissed her daughter on the forehead. The exterior scenes will be shot in a few days. She doesn't have to leave Shanghai this year and can spend time with her daughter. She won't leave her daughter to her parents-in-law in the future.

Duoduo is happy again, she likes that her mother is at home.

Pan Haixing put down her daughter, smiled gratefully at Chu Qiao and his wife, glanced at her mother-in-law coldly, and said to the police: "Comrade, I am Pan Haixing, Niu Duoduo's mother. I want to sue the Universe Color Pencil Factory for taking advantage of me." While he was away from home, he abducted my daughter and tortured my eight-year-old daughter with a poisonous paint pen.”

"Don't talk nonsense. I made an agreement with Grandma Niu Duoduo and signed a contract. This is reasonable and legal!" Manager Cai panicked, but did not admit defeat.

"I am Niu Duoduo's guardian. If I don't know about this, you are breaking the law!" Pan Haixing said with a frosty face. She would not tolerate this color pencil factory. She would hire a lawyer later.

One or two people said that the cosmic colored pens were poisonous, and the police did not dare to take them lightly, so they promised to investigate.

"Actually, it's very simple. As long as Manager Cai eats these two boxes of colored pencils in front of us."

As if by magic, Gu Ye took out two large boxes of colored pens from his bag. He had just picked them up in the room where he was filming the commercial. He also specially picked the two largest boxes, with 48 pens in each box, which really surprised Manager Cai. Eat it and return to the west on the spot.

Manager Cai's face turned pale and he hesitated for a long time, but refused to eat.

Chu Qiao ridiculed: "Didn't you say that we use the most advanced organic and environmentally friendly materials in the world? Children can eat whatever they want, and adults can naturally eat it casually. It's like chewing chocolate. You can finish it in just a few clicks!"

"Yes, Manager Cai doesn't dare to eat it, right? It means you know very well that these colored pens are poisonous and cannot be eaten, but you deliberately let my daughter eat them. What are your intentions?" Pan Haixing pressed forward step by step.

"It's not poisonous, it's definitely not poisonous. My company's colored pens are absolutely safe and environmentally friendly. I... I'm just not hungry. I want to wait until I'm hungry before eating."

Manager Cai's forehead was covered with sweat, and he kept reaching out to wipe it. He finally came up with an excuse, but the police didn't believe him.

This guy's performance was obviously that he was scared. There was definitely something fishy about this colored pen.

"I'm hungry after running a few steps. It's just two boxes of colored pencils. It's not enough for you, Manager Cai, to stuff between your teeth!" Chu Qiao said sarcastically.

The policeman opened a box of colored pencils, and a strong smell hit his nose. The policeman frowned. No wonder Duoduo kept saying it smelled bad. There was something obviously wrong with the smell.

"You don't need to eat two boxes, just eat these."

The policeman was afraid of causing trouble, so he took six sticks and placed them in front of Manager Cai for him to eat.

Manager Cai struggled to pick up a colored pen and gritted his teeth, with a tragic expression as if he was about to die. Chu Qiao sneered and urged: "Eat quickly, don't waste the time of the police comrades."

Staring at Chu Qiao resentfully, Manager Cai took a bite of the colored pen and was about to spit out the first bite. He swallowed it hard and took a second bite. He took a green colored pen and his face was greener than this. The colored pen is still greener.

When he took the third bite, Manager Cai couldn't bear it any longer. He covered his mouth and rushed to the bathroom. If he took another bite, something would really happen. He knew the process of producing colored pens in the workshop and used the cheapest chemical materials. It's poisonous. If he eats one, he won't be able to see the sun tomorrow.


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