80s: Daughter-in-law Is Sweet and Sassy (My 80's Wife Is Sweet And Cool)

Chapter 870: Grandpa and grandson injured someone

Chu Qiao was inspecting the workshop of the pharmaceutical factory at this time. The call came to the office. The assistant came to find her. When she heard that the call was from the police station, she was shocked and ran back to the office.

"I'm Chu Qiao, what happened?"

Chu Qiao's voice was a bit loud, and her heart was in her throat, but there was no chance that something would happen to Gu Ye.

Gu Ye took a plane to the capital for a business trip in the morning. Chu Qiao would worry every time he took a plane, and asked Gu Ye to call to report that it was safe as soon as he got off the plane. However, it has been four hours today. The reasoner should have arrived long ago, but the call has not yet arrived. When the call came, Chu Qiao's heart had been pounding since noon, and now it was at its peak, fearing that it was bad news.

"Do you know Comrade Gu Huai? There is also a little girl named Xinxin." The policeman asked politely.

"Something happened to them?"

Chu Qiao's nerves were about to break and she screamed. She felt too rude and said embarrassedly: "Gu Huainian is my father-in-law, and Xinxin is my daughter. Are they okay?"

"Don't be nervous. The old man and the little girl are both fine. Others are in trouble. If it's convenient for you, you'd better come to the police station and bring more cash."

As soon as he heard that the person was fine, Chu Qiao felt relieved and her rationality came back, so she asked: "What is the specific matter? Can you please tell me?"

"I couldn't explain it clearly on the phone. To put it simply, your father-in-law and your daughter collaborated and injured someone. The injury was a bit serious. My suggestion is that it's best to keep it private. You can pay for the medical expenses. Of course, if you want to keep things official, , you can also go through litigation procedures.”

The policeman's attitude was very good. Chu Qiao didn't know the specific situation and didn't agree immediately. "I'll come over now. I'll wait until I find out whether it's private or public."

She hung up the phone and stopped patrolling the workshop. She went to the finance office to borrow some money and was about to go to the police station. Just as she left the house, the phone rang again. This time it was Gu Ye calling. He had just gotten off the plane and his flight was delayed, so A bit late.

Chu Qiao didn't say anything about the old man and Xinxin, so as not to worry Gu Ye outside. She hurried to the police station, and heard the old man's angry curse at the gate: "You are such a big man, but you are so tall. Da, if you are angry, let it out. What kind of skill is it to vent your temper on a woman?"

"And you, I used to think you were pitiful, but now I think you are irritating. Your man beat you, and my granddaughter and I helped you. It's okay if you don't appreciate it, but you bite me back. You two are like snakes and rats. Nest, a pair of dogs and a man and a woman are working together!"

After the old man finished scolding the man and the woman, he had dried up his saliva. He still held his precious granddaughter in his arms and was eating a lollipop. He looked at the couple with big eyes. He raised his head and asked curiously: "Grandpa, are the couple a bitch?" What?"

The old man who could scold me so enthusiastically turned red in the face and hesitated: "This... I can't explain this in a few words!"

"Say a few more words and I'll make it clear." She was very curious about knowledge and wanted to hear her grandpa explain. This was the first time she heard about Dog Man and Woman.

"I can't explain it even if I say a few more words. It's not a good thing anyway, just like these two people."

The old man pointed at the couple in front of him. This was a living example. He suddenly understood and nodded. It turns out that a dog and a woman look like this.

The couple being compared, the man had a plaster on his right arm, and the woman had a bruised nose and face, and there were blood stains on her face. They looked very embarrassed. At this moment, they were staring at the old man and Xinxin resentfully, and they did not dare to curse, for fear of being lectured by the police.

"Grandpa, is the mother of the dog man and woman a dog?"

Xinxin is not done yet. What she likes most now is learning new terms. This is the first time she has heard the word "dog man and woman". She is very interested in it. She must understand it clearly, otherwise this girl will break the casserole and ask the truth.

The old man regretted it so much. He really should have listened to his wife and not said bad words in front of his granddaughter. This time he was so embarrassed.

The couple, who had swallowed their anger, couldn't bear it anymore. The man scolded fiercely: "You stinky girl, if you talk nonsense again, I will kill you!"

Not to be outdone, the woman scolded: "You are a wild girl who was born without a mother's education. If you can't speak human language, you are the son of a bitch!"

Chu Qiao, who had just walked in, was scolded for no reason, and her anger suddenly rose to the top of her head. Even if Xinxin did something wrong, she shouldn't scold a child with such dirty words, right?

These two people were talking like shit. No wonder they were lectured by the old man and Xinxin. They must have done nothing good.

Before understanding the situation, Chu Qiao subconsciously favored her family. Gu Ye was right, neither the old man nor Xinxin would take the initiative to beat people, and the ones they beat were all bad people. These two people were definitely not good people.

Xinxin understood this time and actually scolded her mother, how unreasonable!

The little girl was so angry that she even stopped eating her lollipop. She jumped down from her grandfather's lap and jumped in front of the couple. Although she was not tall, she was very powerful. She puffed up her cheeks and said loudly: "Your mother is a dog. Your mother is a dog." Your mother’s mother is also a dog, your mother’s mother is also a dog, and your whole family is a dog!”

After saying such a long string in one breath, it was like a tongue twister. Xinxin was extremely proud. Standing upright with his small body, the old man shouted to his granddaughter: "Xinxin, you can't say that."

Chu Qiao breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the old man knew how to correct this girl.


"These two kings... these things are not worthy of having a dog as a mother. What a wonderful dog. Our black beans are smart and handsome, and they can also make movies!" The old man openly scolded people for not being as good as dogs. He scolded them so vigorously that the police were shocked. I can't stand listening anymore. If I let the grandfather and grandson continue to sing the double act, they will have to fight again.

Xinxin nodded vigorously, "Heidou is so smart."

She looked at the couple with disgust and said sympathetically: "How pitiful!"

Even worse than a dog, it’s so pitiful that she won’t bully the poor man.

Before the couple had time to curse, Chu Qiao hurried over and glared at her daughter. Xinxin and the old man both shrank their necks. The grandfather and grandson moved in sync, lowering their heads obediently, waiting to be scolded.

The old man was still complaining about Lin Yulan in his heart. The old woman always slipped up at critical moments. Every time he came to her for trouble, he couldn't find anyone. As a result, he could only call the police and his daughter-in-law's phone number, only to have to complain again later.

"I am Chu Qiao, and these are my father-in-law and daughter. What happened?"

Chu Qiao consulted the police comrades about the situation. Judging from the miserable state of this man, he must have been beaten by the grandfather and grandson. His arms were broken. No wonder the police asked him to bring more money.

However, the injuries on that woman's body were probably not caused by the father and grandson. The old man never hit a woman, and he would never let Xinxin hit her.

"Are you the mother of this wild girl? Pay me back. This wild girl broke my man's arm, and there are many injuries on his body. He was injured for a hundred days. He is the backbone of my family, and everyone in the family eats and drinks at his fingertips. Well, I can’t do any work now, and the whole family is going to suffer from the northwest wind!”

When the woman saw Chu Qiao's fashionable clothes, she had a plan in mind and cried as if her husband had died.


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