80s: Daughter-in-law Is Sweet and Sassy (My 80's Wife Is Sweet And Cool)

Chapter 874: Rent a billboard on the roof of your building

"Last time I came here, I saw that the roof of your unit was empty. It would be a waste to leave such a good location empty. Why not rent it to our Tongde Hall and advertise it? What do Zhang Suo think?" Chu Qiao expressed his intention. .

Even when he saw the heinous criminals, Zhang Yang's expression remained unchanged, but now he became dumbfounded after listening to Chu Qiao's words, advertising on their roof?

Is this woman really sane?

"Impossible, Mr. Chu, please find another place." Zhang Suo flatly refused.

"Don't refuse so quickly. It's not illegal or disciplinary. I asked a lawyer about it. It can also add an extra income and help everyone improve their lives. It's a good thing that kills two birds with one stone, don't you think?"

Chu Qiao persuaded him earnestly, and Zhang Suo was shaken a little. It sounded reasonable, but no one had ever done anything like this.

"Zhang Suo, please ask the leader for instructions. This kind of good thing that benefits the country and the people should be promoted. As long as you are willing, I can advertise on the roof of each of your branches. The rent will be very considerable. "

Chu Qiao is very ambitious, because she has been around the city these days and found that the locations of several branch offices are quite good, which is suitable for advertising. It would be great to have long-term cooperation.

The corner of Zhang Suo's mouth twitched. He was indeed an unscrupulous capitalist, and he could even think of this method.

"I'll ask the leader for instructions."

Zhang Suo did not refuse, mainly because he felt that what Chu Qiao said was reasonable. It was good to have more income, and his colleagues could stay in better hotels when they were on business trips. They all had a hard time.

"Okay, give me a call if you have any news!"

Chu Qiao opened the door and went out with a smile. After she left, Zhang Suocai saw the bag on the table. He frowned and asked someone to put it away. He called Chu Qiao in two days and asked her to take it back.

Chu Qiao is very confident about this business, because in a few years it will be very common to see billboards erected on government buildings. She was just a few years ahead of schedule.

Sure enough, a few days later, Chu Qiao received a call from Zhang Suo, saying that they could talk.

Zhang Suo is very good at investigating cases, but she is not very good at negotiating business. If Chu Qiao had a bad heart, she would definitely screw over Zhang Suo, but she was sincere and gave a very polite price, which made Zhang Suo feel embarrassed. , I felt I was taking advantage.

"Don't worry, I will definitely not do loss-making business."

Chu Qiao comforted Zhang Suo, how could a capitalist engage in loss-making business?

The contract has been signed, and the lease is for three years. No illegal products can appear on the billboards. This situation cannot happen. Tongdetang sells medicine, and there will be no problem with the quality. It has a reputation of hundreds of years, so it must not be smashed. It’s about your own signature.

"Take this medicine back!" Zhang Suo took out a bag of medicine.

Chu Qiao took out the contract with a smile, pointed to one of the lines, and said: "It is written in the contract that Tongdetang will provide some new drugs every month for comrades in your unit to try and supervise the quality of Tongdetang's drugs. This drug It’s for this month. I’ll deliver it next month. Don’t worry, our Tongdetang medicine is very good and can definitely make middle-aged men rejuvenate!”

Zhang Suo...is this connoting him?

Although he is middle-aged, he is still very young, even if he does not take medicine.

Zhang Suo read the contract carefully, and sure enough, it was written on it. When he signed the contract, he didn't read it carefully. They were all densely packed with clauses, which made him confused. The main reason was that he was confident. He was a member of the public. Who dared to cheat the public?

"This article has been changed."

Zhang Suo still doesn't want to accept it, so he can't take advantage of it, otherwise he will be criticized.

Chu Qiao smiled and said: "The cost of these medicines is deducted from the rent. Don't worry, it must be in compliance with the rules."

"Zhang Suo, your organization has also contributed to the economic construction of our city of Shanghai. I wish us a happy cooperation!"

Chu Qiao took the initiative to shake hands and was always polite. Zhang Suo was not embarrassed. After Chu Qiao left, he helplessly looked at the tonics on the table and was dumbfounded. He turned around and gave them to the leader to deal with.

After returning home, Chu Qiao told Gu Ye about the matter, "I have observed that the southeast, northwest and northwest are all excellent areas. I have rented them all. Now I will put up the advertisement for Tongde Hall first, and I will put up other ones later."

"What other advertisements could there be?" Gu Ye didn't understand.

Chu Qiao glared and said, "You are stupid. Your community is about to be completed and you won't be allowed to sell your house then? You have to advertise in such a conspicuous place where everyone in the city can see it. Do you think it will work? good?"

Gu Ye's eyes shone brightly and he gave his wife a thumbs up. She was indeed smart and had come up with such a good idea.

Chu Qiao actually had something to say. Xingda Machine Tool Factory would be restructured sooner or later, and she would definitely let Gu Ye take over the contract. By then, the machine tool factory would be a joint-stock company, and Gu Ye would be the largest shareholder, which would be like doing it for herself.

There is one pearl left, which is the pearl she invested in. Jun Haiyan called her a few days ago and told her about the current situation of pearl farming. She has started to collect pearls, and the quality of this batch of pearls is particularly good, but now she is worried about the buyer. , Chu Qiao and Jun Haiyan neither wanted to sell it at a low price, but wanted to find a large jewelry company that could cooperate with them for a long time.

Within a few days, a billboard was erected on the roof of the building. You can see it from a distance. The three characters "Tongdetang" are very conspicuous. The billboards of "Tongdetang" are all in the southeast, northwest and northwest.

Within a few days of running this advertisement, Tongdetang's business improved significantly. Chu Qiao was also planning to rent advertising space at the train station, bus station and airport, but there was no rush and she had to do it step by step.

Niu Taohua called and invited Chu Qiao to attend her wedding in Hong Kong City. It should have been done long ago, but because of the constant problems in the Liang family, it was postponed until now.

"Don't worry, I will definitely be there. Congratulations!"

Chu Qiao was really happy for Niu Taohua. She finally waited. Although Liang Yaozu was very philandering and never had sex with women outside, Niu Taohua didn't care. What she wanted was not loyalty, but fame and status, as well as protecting the Liang family for her two sons. the property of.

In Niu Taohua's words, "What man doesn't steal? Rich people steal, and poor people also steal. That's how nature is. Since all men love to steal, I might as well marry a rich man, at least I won't be short of money." , just think of it as working, with a good salary every month, and the boss can do whatever he likes, out of sight but out of mind!"

Although this is a bit unrighteous, Chu Qiao still supports Niu Taohua. It is too difficult to have the best of both worlds, money and love. If you can only choose one, money is better.

Love cannot be kept fresh, but money can last forever, which is more reliable than men.

Niu Taohua's call reminded Chu Qiao that she thought of a way to sell her own pearls, so she called Jun Haiyan, "I'll go to your place tomorrow and you can pick out some pearls of good quality."

There are many jewelry companies in Hong Kong City. As long as you can find a good cooperative company, you will not have to worry about not being able to sell your pearls, and you can still sell them at a good price.


I'm sorry for the late update today, and I'm too embarrassed to ask for a monthly ticket. There are too many things going on at home.


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