Chu Qiao thought for a while and then said: "You may not believe what I said, but I would rather believe this kind of thing. My intuition is very effective on certain things. I guessed it right several times. This is the first time I saw your Tiejun. I felt that he was suffering from a bloody disaster. It was a very vague feeling that I couldn’t put into words. Forget it, I’ll tell you when I get back. I’ll go into the city and have a look!”

Jun Haiyan's face turned pale with fright, and she asked with trembling lips: "Will something happen to Tie Jun? No wonder you didn't let Tie Jun enter the city. Will something happen to him today?"

"I can't say right now. Maybe I feel wrong. I hope I feel wrong."

Chu Qiao took out cakes and seafood from the car and quickly started the car, hoping it was not too late.

"me and you togather!"

Jun Haiyan carried her little daughter into the house, let her mother-in-law watch, and quickly got into the car. She had to see her husband with her own eyes to feel at ease.

"Don't worry, maybe I feel wrong. This kind of thing is very mysterious and I can't tell for sure, so I never told you."

Seeing Jun Haiyan's face turned pale, Chu Qiao comforted her with a few words. Jun Haiyan forced a smile, her heart was heavy, as if there was a big stone blocking her. God bless her, I hope Tie Jun is okay.

"They have been in the city for almost an hour and should be back soon." Jun Haiyan opened the car window and stretched out her head to look at the passing vehicles, hoping that Du Tiejun's car would appear in front of her.

Chu Qiao sighed and drove the car as fast as possible. She also hoped to save Du Tiejun. The two children were still young and they could not lose their father.

"Oh, I remembered. Bai Wei has a pager. I'll call her."

Chu Qiao screamed in annoyance, forgetting things when she was in a hurry. There happened to be a small shop on the roadside with a sign for a public phone. She parked the car on the side of the road and left a message for Lin Baiwei.

"Let's go, let's continue looking for someone."

Chu Qiao felt at ease and obeyed fate. She did everything she could, and it all depended on Du Tiejun's fate.

Lin Baiwei and the others had just come out of the market and bought a lot of seafood. They drove two cars, one for Du Tiejun and one for her and her partner. Before they got in the car, her pager called.

"Never let Du Tiejun drive, life is at stake!"

Lin Baiwei was confused as to what Chu Qiao's message meant. It was so mysterious.

Du Tiejun had already opened the car door, and Lin Baiwei stopped him: "Tiejun, stop driving!"

"What's wrong?"

Du Tiejun was a little confused.

"Chu Qiao just sent it, saying never let you drive. He also said that human life is at stake. You take my car and I'll drive yours."

Lin Baiwei thought of a way. Although what Chu Qiao said was mysterious, it was still better to believe it.

"Okay, why did Chu Qiao change her career to become a fortune teller!"

Du Tiejun didn't object, joked with a smile, and got into Lin Baiwei's car.

"I drive Tiejun's car, you drive your own."

Lin Baiwei's partner was a handsome man. He drove Du Tiejun's car. Lin Baiwei had no objection and said, "Be careful, you just got your driver's license."

The man smiled gently and joked: "I drive more steadily, not as wild as you."

Lin Bai blushed slightly and glared hard. Du Tiejun next to him was confused. He could flirt with her just by driving a car. Tsk.

The three of them rushed back, while Chu Qiao and Jun Haiyan rushed towards the city. They were all on the same road, and the distance was getting closer and closer.

The road now is not wide, and the road condition is not good either. The most common ones on the road are large trucks carrying goods, one after another, and not many cars. Jun Haiyan calmed down a little, but her face was still pale, and she stared out the window. .

"I saw Tiejun's car!"

Jun Haiyan suddenly shouted and pointed forward.

Chu Qiao slowed down and parked on the side of the road. She saw a jeep and a van in the distance. The license plate number was unclear.

She breathed a sigh of relief. Jun Haiyan must have seen correctly that nothing happened to Du Tiejun.

"Don't worry. Your Tiejun is fine. I felt wrong."

Chu Qiao comforted her with a smile, and Jun Haiyan nodded. After the car parked, she opened the door and got out, standing on the roadside and waiting.

At this moment, a large truck filled with sand suddenly came out from the direction of Chu Qiao and the others, facing Du Tiejun and the others. This large truck was driving very fast, and it was full of sand. All tilted.

Chu Qiao's heart skipped a beat. She remembered Jun Haiyan said that Du Tiejun was hit by a truck carrying sand. Could it be this one?

"Move over!"

Chu Qiao shouted forward, hoping that Du Tiejun and the others could hear him. Jun Haiyan also shouted, and the two of them shouted like madmen.

Lin Baiwei's car was behind, and Du Tiejun's car was in front. It was Lin Baiwei's car that was driving. The speed was not slow, but very steady. He saw a truck driving over from a distance, and the speed was still very fast. Then he slowed down and parked towards the roadside.

If he encounters a truck on the road, he will take the initiative to avoid it. Although it will take some time, safety is guaranteed.

Lin Baiwei didn't want to stop and wanted to pass the truck, but she didn't dare because she promised her partner that she would drive slower in the future, especially in front of her partner. She didn't dare to drive fast.

Feeling frightened, Lin Baiwei subconsciously slowed down and parked on the side of the road. As soon as he parked, the large truck drove over at an extremely fast speed and the body tilted to a scary degree.

The accident happened at this time. When the truck passed Lin Baiwei's car, there was a big pothole on the road. Normally, it would be fine, just drive over it, but this car was overloaded and tilted. When driving over the pothole, , lost his balance with a bang, the car swayed, and suddenly fell towards Lin Baiwei and the others.

A large truck full of sand collapsed.

There was a deafening sound and dust flew all over the sky. Chu Qiao and Jun Haiyan were so scared that they looked at a cloud of sand and fog in front of them, which did not disperse for a long time.

"Iron Army!"

Jun Haiyan reacted and ran over screaming. Chu Qiao also came to her senses and wanted to pull her, but Jun Haiyan ran extremely fast and arrived at the scene very quickly.

The smoke was so thick that even when standing in front of me, I couldn't see clearly. Jun Haiyan shouted like crazy: "Tie Jun, don't abandon me and the child, please answer me!"

"I'm here...ahem..."

The voice was muffled, and there were a few coughs, but to Jun Haiyan's ears, it was like the sound of nature, and she was dumbfounded. She was afraid that it was an auditory hallucination, so she cried and shouted: "Tie Jun, is it you? Are you okay?"

"'s okay, ahem...don't come any closer, it's all sand!"

Du Tiejun's voice came out from the smoke, and it was absolutely true. Jun Haiyan finally let go of her heart. She thought of her friend again, and her heart suddenly lifted, "Bai Wei, are you okay? Where is your partner?"

"You still have some conscience, I thought you only had your man in your heart!"

Lin Bai's teasing voice sounded, and there were also a few coughs. She was not worried about her partner, because her partner had already got out of the car and was opening her car door.


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