In fact, it only took a few minutes. Xu Bilian's blood came out quickly and urgently. The package of medicinal powder was too strong, causing Xu Bilian's miscarriage. Fortunately, Xiao Wenjun held back, otherwise the consequences would be more serious.

But the current situation is not optimistic, and the best rescue time was delayed by Gu Jianshe.

He Jihong finally arrived. She pushed Gu Jianshe away and almost fainted when she saw her daughter in a pool of blood. Although she couldn't see a doctor, she had been immersed in her eyes and ears for many years, and she still understood something. All right.

"Call an ambulance, you are dead, what are you doing standing still, go and call!"

He Jihong glared at Gu Jianshe fiercely. From a distance, she saw this guy standing at the door, motionless, just watching Bi Lian in danger, this man is definitely not a good match!

She had seen it through a long time ago, but her daughter was rushing to the door. He Jihong couldn't care about getting angry at this time. The immediate priority was to save her daughter's life. The child was definitely gone.

Gu Jianshe lowered his head in a guilty conscience and said in a panic, "I...I'll make a call now, Bilian will be fine!"

"If something happens to Bilian, I can't spare you!"

He Jihong rushed to her daughter's side. Xu Bilian's condition was very poor, her face was as white as paper, her body was cold, blood was still flowing, and the smell of blood in the room was thick and thick. said.

"Mom is here, don't be afraid, you'll be fine, Mom is with you!"

"Don't sleep, Bilian, open your eyes, wake up, don't sleep..."

He Jihong held her daughter's hand tightly, her hand was colder than ice cubes, no matter what she called, Xu Bilian didn't respond, her eyes were tightly closed, and the blood couldn't stop, He Jihong was anxious and scared, crying and begging her daughter to wake up, " Bilian, wake up, don't scare mom, open your eyes!"

When Chu Qiao and Gu Ye rushed over, they saw He Jihong crying bitterly. It was the first time in five years that Chu Qiao saw He Jihong crying. In the past, He Jihong was confident and proud. Backer, even if it is a second marriage, He Jihong is still the proudest peacock, nothing can make her panic.

But now he was crying without image, he was covered in blood, and he was in a state of embarrassment. Gu Jianshe also ran out in a panic, Gu Ye knew that the situation was not good when he smelled the blood, and shouted to Gu Jianshe: " It's too late, take it to the hospital!"

The ambulance didn't know when it would arrive. It took about 15 minutes to run to the nearest hospital, which was faster than the ambulance. Gu Ye made a quick decision, kicked the door, and unloaded it abruptly. door panel.

Chong Gu Jianshe, who was still in a daze, shouted: "What are you doing in a daze, come and lift it up!"

Only then did Gu Jianshe react. He came over with Gu Ye and lifted Xu Bilian to the door panel. The two of them lifted up together, with Gu Ye in the front and Gu Jianshe in the back.

Gu Ye ran very fast, but Gu Jianshe was holding back his legs. His injuries were not yet healed, and he couldn't walk fast. Even if he wasn't injured, his physique couldn't keep up with Gu Ye's pace.

"No way...I can't run anymore..."

As soon as he ran to the entrance of the alley, Gu Jianshe was out of breath, and He Jihong's eyes burst into flames. Such a ruthless and useless man, what does his daughter want from him?

He Jihong didn't expect Gu Jianshe to stop, she carried it by herself, she was able to save her daughter, but she was pushed away, it was Chu Qiao.

"I come!"

Chu Qiao took the door panel from Gu Jianshe and said to Gu Ye, "Run faster, I can keep up!"

"to make!"

Gu Ye nodded and started running with great strides. Chu Qiao was much stronger physically than Gu Jianshe. Although it was a little hard, he was able to keep up. He Jihong and Gu Jianshe were soon left behind. Pedestrians on the road only felt When a shadow rushed over, no one could be seen.

The time on the road was shorter than Gu Ye's calculation. In less than a quarter of an hour, they arrived at the emergency room. Soon, medical staff took over Xu Bilian and advanced to the operating room.

Chu Qiao breathed a sigh of relief and sat limply on the ground, the white dress on her body was stained with blood.

There are also on hand, all of them belong to Xu Bilian, but she can't care about these now, she is exhausted, and she just wants to sit down and have a good rest.

"Get up and walk a few times, don't sit!"

Gu Ye picked her up, but Chu Qiao was unwilling, "I'm so tired... my legs are broken."

There was coquettishness in her tone that she hadn't even noticed, and Chu Qiao didn't want to wake up, but she didn't have the strength now, so she was pulled up by Gu Ye and dragged her to walk slowly in the corridor at the entrance of the emergency room.

"After doing strenuous exercise, you can't immediately fall to the ground to rest. It is easy to get myolysis, which is fatal and very dangerous."

Gu Ye explained the reason to her. These are common knowledge of team B training, but Chu Qiao heard it for the first time. She couldn't help but reached out and wiped the blood stained on her face with her sleeve, and tidied up her messy hair.

"My hair is messed up."

Gu Ye said in a hoarse voice, straightening his hair earnestly, his fingers touching his face, Chu Qiao felt a tickling on his face, his heart beat faster again, and bowed his head shyly, the sweet and sour feeling in his heart reappeared. surged up.

It was obvious that the two of them were very embarrassed at the moment, there was a lot of blood on their clothes, and they looked shocking, but the way the two of them were now made the passing doctors and nurses smile, and their walking slowed down, so don't disturb the young couple. .

After finally finishing his hair, Gu Ye felt a little reluctant and wanted to find some reason, but after the blood was wiped off and his hair was sorted, he couldn't help the little fairy with clothes, even though he wanted to.

But in a large audience, it was broad daylight again, so I had to be more reserved. Gu Ye withdrew his paws and pulled Chu Qiao to walk back and forth. After walking for about ten minutes, he let Chu Qiao sit.

The door of the emergency room opened, and the doctor came out and shouted, "The patient's family will sign!"

Chu Qiao got up quickly, and Gu Ye accompanied her. The doctor took them to a room with a stack of papers in his hand. Chu Qiao was a little dizzy and scared. Xu Bilian won't die, right?

No matter how much she hated Xu Bilian, she never thought of using this method to kill this woman.

"The patient's condition is very dangerous. If the child G is to be removed, please sign quickly!" The doctor spoke quickly and asked Chu Qiao to sign the document.

"Doctor, will life be in danger?" Chu Qiao swallowed hard, afraid of hearing a bad reply.

"It's hard to say now, hurry up to sign, if you delay another second, the patient will be more dangerous." The doctor urged.

"I'll sign it."

Gu Ye saw Chu Qiao's fear, reached out for the pen, Chu Qiao shook his head, she caused this, and she had to take the blame.

"I... I'm the patient's mother, how is my daughter?"

He Jihong rushed in out of breath, sweating profusely, and grabbed the doctor's arm as soon as he came in.

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