Chu Dingxiang finally reacted and turned back with doubtful eyes.

"Really, if you don't believe it, just tell Grandpa yourself!"

Chu Qiao came closer and handed the big brother to her, but she didn't dare to get too close and kept some distance.

Chu Dingxiang reached for the big brother, but she was still very vigilant and did not let anyone get close. When she heard the old man's majestic voice on the phone, Chu Dingxiang suddenly cried, tears streaming down her face.

I don’t know what the old man said. Chu Dingxiang lost her mood and was not so hysterical. She listened to the phone quietly with tears streaming down her face. Several police officers slowly approached and tried to pull her down.

Chu Qiao was the closest now. She thought about it and moved closer. As long as she could grab Chu Dingxiang's feet, she could pull them off.

Everyone held their breath, fearing to disturb Chu Dingxiang. Chu Qiao was already close to the wall. He could grab it with just a stretch of his hand. The moment Chu Qiao stretched out his hand, Chu Dingxiang noticed it and screamed: "Don't do it." come over!"

However, Chu Qiao reacted quickly. She grabbed Chu Dingxiang's feet and dragged her down with force. However, she was too excited and couldn't hold on. Chu Dingxiang was thrown far away and fell to the ground and fainted. .

The leg was also broken.

Chu Qiao breathed a sigh of relief and was finally saved. This was considered a sign of good deeds for her, right?

The ambulance came and took Chu Dingxiang to the hospital. Chu Qiao paid the medical bills. It was just a broken left leg, not serious.

She also bought fruits to visit. Chu Dingxiang was already awake, with her left leg hanging high, and turned her head when she saw her.

"I'll just stay for a while. Grandpa asked me to come see you. Do you think I want to come?"

Chu Qiao pouted. She didn't want to come. That guy Xiaopeng refused to come, so she had to come. The old man had already said something, and she couldn't go against it.

"Would you like a banana?"

Chu Qiao broke off a banana. Chu Dingxiang didn't say anything. She put it back. The ward became more and more awkward.

"Grandpa has paid back the money you owe your clients, a total of two million. He said you can pay back the money slowly and recover first!" Chu Qiao conveyed the old man's original words.


Chu Dingxiang replied gruffly, feeling relieved. Although she had nothing now, she didn't have to be stuck with customers every day, and she didn't have to worry about spilling paint. She would pay back the money.

"I have conveyed what Grandpa said, bye!"

Chu Qiao stood up and left, walking to the door.


Chu Dingxiang's voice was very low, for fear that others would hear it. Fortunately, Chu Qiao heard it. She smiled, turned around and said, "It's better to live than to die. Don't seek death at every turn in the future!"

Chu Dingxiang's expression was a little embarrassed, but she was calmer than before. Now if she was asked to choose again, she would definitely not jump off the building. She didn't know how she had the courage to stand up in the first place. It was more than thirty stories high, and she still had I have a fear of heights, and it scares me to think about being able to stand for such a long time.

She was really grateful to Chu Qiao. She didn't expect that the person who saved her in the end would be her unruly cousin. Chu Dingxiang laughed to herself and said she would live well and pay off her debts in the future.

After staying in Hong Kong City for a few more days, Chu Qiao was ready to go home. The five million she gave to Brother Gou, Chu Peng said it would take another half a month to get rid of it. Chu Qiao was too lazy to care and let him make the decision.

Before leaving, Chu Qiao went to see Duan Qiqi and her brother again and bought a lot of vegetables and snacks. The two siblings lived very frugally. They would have to eat a fish several times. Both children were growing and they ate so little. Not nutritious enough.

"Now that you have a modeling job with Janisi, don't be too frugal in your life. You will regret it if your body breaks down. Xiaohao should also eat better. If you don't have enough money, call me."

Chu Qiao kept talking while putting things in the refrigerator. Duan Qiqi and her sister listened obediently. Xiaohao also drew some animal cartoons for Xinxin. The little girl liked it very much.

Duan Qiqi lowered her head and hesitated to speak. In the end, she didn't say anything. The eldest sister was going back to Shanghai soon. She couldn't let the eldest sister worry about it. She could solve such a small matter.

"These vegetables must be eaten quickly, otherwise they will spoil, and fruits must be eaten as soon as possible."

Chu Qiao put the vegetables and fruits in the refrigerator and told the two children to eat quickly.

"How are you working at Jennyshi? No one bullies you, right?" Chu Qiao asked with concern.

"No, I just took some promotional photos, it's very relaxing." Duan Qiqi shook his head and spoke in a relaxed tone.

Chu Qiao did not doubt it and said with a smile: "Mr. An will go to the mainland to visit my company in a while. This business should be successful. I will give you the commission first."

"It's better to wait until the contract is signed. I have money now." Duan Qiqi didn't agree. The money must have been paid by the eldest sister privately, and she couldn't take it.

"Okay, I'll give it to you after the contract is signed. You and Xiaohao can live a good life."

Chu Qiao didn't force her to give him anything. She pointed to the pocket containing the snacks and said, "Hurry up and eat the snacks as soon as possible. I will leave tomorrow. You don't have to deliver them. You all go to school and try to get into a good school."

After sitting for a while, Chu Qiao left with her heart in her heart. The siblings sent her downstairs. After Chu Qiao got in the car, she said to Xiao Hao: "You love chocolate the most. I bought some and put them at the bottom of the bag." Next, take it out and put it in the refrigerator before it melts."

"Okay." Xiaohao nodded in agreement, feeling warm in his heart.

The eldest sister has remembered all the things he likes to eat. When he earns money in the future, he must honor his eldest sister and his elder sister. His life is given by his two sisters.

The siblings returned home. Xiaohao went to get the chocolates in the bag, but found an envelope with a wad of money and a note inside.

"Xiao Hao's birthday is coming soon. The money is a red envelope for him. Don't foolishly save it in the bank without spending it. Don't do such stupid things. The money will depreciate in a few years. Spend it when you need to. When you make a profit, you can pay it back. I!"

Duan Qiqi laughed, but her eyes were wet. She did plan to save it, but what the eldest sister said was reasonable. Depositing in the bank would depreciate the value, so she might as well spend it. She would keep the account and repay the eldest sister later.

But thinking about the recent bad things, Duan Qiqi was in a bad mood again. She couldn't bear to quit Janice's job. She couldn't make so much money in other jobs, nor was it so easy.

Duan Qiqi gritted his teeth with a determined look. Soldiers were coming to stop him, water was coming and the soil was flooding, it was no big deal. She was not afraid of that old woman Wu Yuyan. If she was in a hurry, she could bite off a piece of this old woman's flesh.

"Sister, eat chocolate."

Xiao Hao opened the bag of chocolate and broke off a piece for his sister to eat first. Duan Qiqi felt the strong taste of chocolate in her mouth and felt better. She smiled at her brother and said, "You eat it, I don't like chocolate." "

"Let's eat together."

Xiao Hao knew that his sister also liked chocolate, but he was reluctant to eat it. He only ate one piece and put the rest in the refrigerator to eat later.

The next day, Duan Qiqi went to school. When school was over, Wu Yuyan found her. A few years later, this woman had become much more haggard, but her charm was still there. Duan Qiqi followed her into the tea restaurant, her expression indifferent and indifferent. say.

"Miss Duan, Mr. Xu fell in love with you at first sight and fell in love with you. As long as you agree, you won't have to work so hard in the future. Mr. Xu will cover all your brother's tuition fees and can hold an art exhibition for him. It's a pity that you don't agree to such a good thing. "Yes." Wu Yuyan smiled slightly, Duan Qiqi in front of her was like a prey in the palm of her hand, unable to escape her trap.

Four years ago, this girl was too beautiful to look away from, and now she is even more stunning. Wu Yuyan is sure that as long as Duan Qiqi lets her train her for a while, she will definitely make all the men in Hong Kong bow to her.

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