Chu Qiao said with a smile: "Okay, then I will take pictures holding the trophy and follow the scenery."

"Haha, I just love hearing you talk. I hope I can really win the prize!" Qi Feng was very happy after hearing this.

Chu Qiao has always been optimistic about the movie from the beginning of preparations to now. Although Qi Feng said he was very confident, he was still unsure. The International Film Festival in the second half of the year is one of the three major film festivals in the world, and its gold content is quite high. As a filmmaker, if you can win such a trophy, you will have no regrets in your life.

Therefore, the films participating in the film festival are all high-quality films selected from various countries, and their standards are quite high. Whether they win awards depends not only on their strength, but also on their luck. No one can say for sure.

"Sister, you can rest assured that our movie will definitely win an award!" Chu Qiao said seriously.

It won awards in its previous life and was a hit all over the world. Even decades later, this movie is still a milestone in Chinese-language films that no one can surpass.

"Sister, this is not necessarily true. Our competitors are all very powerful, and no Chinese-language film has won an award so far. It's hard to say." Qi Feng analyzed rationally.

In fact, she is very satisfied if she can qualify for the competition. Qi Feng is not that greedy.

"I said it can be done. Just prepare a beautiful dress and wow the film festival." Chu Qiao affirmed.

As for the male and female lead actors, she didn't need to tell them. The two were very successful in dressing up in their previous lives. Especially the female lead actor, who was at the peak of her appearance. She wore a simple white shirt and black pants, with a touch of powder and pink, but this classic look The black and white combination stunned the film festival. Even after more than ten years, no one can surpass her look, not even the actor herself can copy it.

"Okay, I'll have someone prepare the dress right now."

Qi Feng gained more confidence. When the movie first started, many people were not optimistic about it. Only Chu Qiao supported it and said that the movie would be successful. Now that the movie is selling like hot cakes, Chu Qiao was right. She believed in this girl again. If she really wins the award, her movie dream will be fulfilled.

Chu Qiao didn't ask about the film festival anymore, just waiting to go abroad in the second half of the year. When the spring blossomed in March, An Ming took people to Yuecheng. Chu Qiao rushed over to receive them. Jun Haiyan and his wife were very well prepared. Chu Qiao needs to worry more, she just needs to accompany An Ming and his party.

An Ming and his party visited the pearl farm for three days and were very satisfied with the scale and output of the pearl farm. When they returned to Hong Kong City, An Ming and Chu Qiao signed a five-year supply and marketing contract, and they had long-term cooperation with the two companies, Jenny Shi and Yang Lingling. Pearl Company will not have to worry about cooperation orders in five years.

After sending An Ming and his party away, Jun Haiyan could no longer hold back and hugged Chu Qiao excitedly, "That's great. Our company doesn't have to worry anymore. We can also expand the breeding farm. Chu Qiao, it's all thanks to you."

"It is not the result of my alone, but the result of everyone's joint efforts."

Chu Qiao did not take the credit. It was indeed not her fault alone. The company was managed by Jun Haiyan and his wife. The current scale was due to the two couples.

An Ming was very sincere. After the contract was signed, the money was transferred into the company's account and a batch of high-grade pearls were ordered. Chu Qiao and Jun Haiyan talked about Duan Qiqi's commission.

"Mr. An, this big customer, was contacted by my sister. I promised her at the beginning that as long as the cooperation is successful, I will give her a 5% commission."

"Yes. Isn't five percent too little?"

Jun Haiyan and his wife are very practical. They feel that such a small commission is too small and want to give more. They are still thinking that if Chu Qiao is so capable, her sister can also do it. The smart genes are born in these two sisters.

Chu Qiao smiled, "Five percent is enough, just follow the rules."

An Ming's order this time is quite large. It's only a 5% commission, but it's tens of thousands of dollars, which is enough for the Duan Qiqi siblings to live on for a while.

The Pearl Company has two long-term and stable large customers, and is getting better and better, becoming the leader in Yuecheng's pearl industry. The National Gemological Association also sent an invitation to join the company, hoping to develop their company into a membership.

Jun Haiyan and his wife couldn't understand this, so they called Chu Qiao and asked, "Do you want to join this gem association? You still have to pay membership fees every year, which is several hundred yuan!"

The couple was actually not interested in joining the association, and they didn't think the company's business would be better after joining the association. However, it was an association after all, and the couple thought it was a public entity and were embarrassed to refuse directly, so they came to Chu Qiao to discuss it.

"What does Bai Wei mean?" Chu Qiao asked.

"She said it's whatever." Jun Haiyan smiled bitterly, Lin Baiwei was only responsible for the design and didn't care about anything else.

Chu Qiao also laughed. These words were in line with Lin Baiwei's free and easy style, but she felt that she should still join the association. In the long run, joining would be beneficial to the development of the pearl industry.

"Now that the invitation letter has been sent, let's join. The membership fee is not a problem, it's only a few hundred yuan. We used to work alone, but after joining the association, we have an organization. The advantages definitely outweigh the disadvantages."

"Okay, then join the party and listen to you."

As soon as they heard that there was an organization, Jun Haiyan and his wife no longer hesitated. They were old-school thinkers and wanted to follow the organization. Chu Qiao was right. The Gemstone Association was their organization. If anything happened in the future, they would contact the association. Bottom.

There was a follow-up to this matter. A few days later, Chu Qiao received the appointment letter from the Gemstone Association, and she actually became the vice president.

"Haiyan, what's going on? Why did I become the vice president?"

Chu Qiao called and asked, even if the vice president was chosen, it would be between Jun Haiyan and his wife. How could she be qualified?

"That's what happened. Tie Jun called the other party and said he agreed to join the association, and then the other party said that Tie Jun would be appointed as the vice president. Tie Jun is uneducated and has no experience, so how can he be the vice president? He recommended you." Jun Haiyan said with a smile.

Chu Qiao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said angrily: "You guys are really good at kicking a ball. Okay, I'll just catch the duck and put it on the shelf."

"You can definitely do it. Tie Jun said that the vice-president has to go to the capital for a meeting and has to speak at the meeting. How can either of us do this? Chu Qiao, you have seen the world, it will be no problem." Jun Haiyan said with a smile.

In fact, Du Tiejun was a little tempted, "Vice President, it sounds quite gimmicky, and it's still a public entity. The couple still thought that the Gemstone Association was a public entity, but they didn't know that it was actually just a non-profit private organization."

But Du Tiejun chatted with the other party and learned that he was going to attend the meeting and was still speaking at the meeting. He felt weak and immediately recommended Chu Qiao. Du Tiejun and his wife were both down-to-earth people who worked hard. They can't do it, their legs become weak and their voices become hoarse as soon as they get on stage. It's better not to go to the capital and embarrass themselves.

Chu Qiao was almost laughing to death. It was such a reason. When Du Tiejun became the big boss, she would laugh at him about it.

A few days after receiving the invitation, Chu Qiao received a call from the capital, inviting her to attend the first Gemstone Association's Board of Directors. The meeting address was in the capital.

The association reimbursed the round trip expenses, but only the train tickets. It seemed that the association was not too wealthy. Chu Qiao bought her own plane tickets and did not want the association to reimburse her. There must be many peers at this meeting. She went to open her eyes. Develop connections by the way.


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