Gu Jianshe raised his head and was stunned for a moment, not hiding his surprise.

This woman dressed like an old woman is Chu Qiao who He Jihong praised as a fairy?

Almost like a ghost, it can scare people to death in broad daylight.

Gu Jianshe's complexion quickly recovered. He has always done a good job of superficial skills, even if he is dissatisfied, he will not show it.

"Hi, I'm Gu Jianshe."

Gu Jianshe stood up, smiled at Chu Qiao, and put aside the Lucheng Daily on the table. The secret signal for the meeting was that both parties should take a copy of the current day's Lucheng Daily, so as not to identify the wrong person.

Chu Qiao sat down and grinned at him. The exposed white teeth made Gu Jianshe feel cold. He thought the fan in the teahouse was not cool enough, but now he felt that the wind was too cool.

This Chu Qiao is too handsome, no wonder she is still unable to get married at 21.

"What kind of tea do you want to drink? I ordered Longjing tea, and I've already finished a pot, and I went to the toilet twice."

Gu Jianshe also sat down, tactfully stating that he had waited for a long time, wanting to see how the woman would explain her lateness.

Chu Qiao pretended not to hear, took the list on the table, only looked at the most expensive ones, and waved to the waiter, who came over immediately.

"Come to the pot of Dahongpao, um, I need some snacks, Comrade Gu Jianshe, what kind of snacks do you want?"

Chu Qiao looked at Gu Jianshe on the opposite side, and grinned, making Gu Jianshe's heart shudder. Her opinion on her grew even bigger. When they met for the first time, they ordered a big red robe and some refreshments. This woman was too uneducated.

But the man's dignity made him unable to say no words of rejection, but his smile was forced a lot, "I just had breakfast, I'm not hungry, so I won't eat dessert."

The implication is to remind Chu Qiao that it's only less than nine o'clock, and I just had breakfast, what kind of snacks do I have?

"I didn't have much breakfast and I'm starving."

Chu Qiao bared her teeth again, and smiled at the waiter, "One Bazhen Cake, one Lunjiao Cake, one Rose Crisp Candy, um, and one more Five Spice Dried Tofu, let's do it first, I'll order more if it's not enough .”

"You two wait a moment."

The smile on the waiter's face is much more attentive, she likes generous and straightforward customers.

The smile on Gu Jianshe's face faded quite a bit. Chu Qiao calculated the price silently in his heart, and his heart sank little by little. Although he is now a deputy secretary, his salary is not bad, even the bonus plus Including full attendance, it is about 200 yuan, but he has to give his parents 80 yuan a month for living expenses. The two sons live with their parents, and they have to pay for food, drink and toilet.

For the remaining 120, he will save 50 per month, and he only spends 70, including human relations, clothes and shoes, and so on. A pot of the cheapest Longjing is two yuan, and then edamame and peanuts, ten yuan is not needed.

This Chu Qiao is good, one mouth is the most expensive Dahongpao, a pot of Dahongpao costs twelve yuan, and none of the other dim sums are cheap, this woman can't say enough to order more?

Where does she have a face?

"Would it be too much to eat?" Gu Jianshe gritted his teeth and forced a smile, hoping that the woman could understand what he meant.

"No, it doesn't cost much per piece."

Chu Qiao glanced at him, her mood became better, and she asked, "Did I order too much? Do you have enough money?"

Gu Jianshe squeezed the wallet in his trouser pocket, and there was only fifty yuan in it. Today is only the middle of the month, and at the end of the month, colleagues in the factory will get married, and there will be a full moon child in the compound, and they want money everywhere.

He was about to say that the money might not be enough, anyway, he didn't like this woman, and there was no need to spend too much money, when a familiar sneer sounded in his ear, "Remember, Dabao, you must bring enough money when you go on a blind date, otherwise you will lose your face." They're all thrown at grandma's house!"

Chu Qiao heard it too, looked up in surprise, and saw Gu Ye and the two children, sitting at the table next to her at some point, studying with a list in her hand,

Haven't ordered anything yet.

"You have to bring enough money for a blind date, and you can't lose face. I remember."

Zhou Dabao repeated it seriously, the voice was still very loud, the smile on Gu Jianshe's face froze, he glared at Gu Ye bitterly, opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything, he didn't bother to talk to this guy.

He smiled gently at Chu Qiao and said, "Since you haven't had breakfast, order some more. Don't worry, the money I brought will definitely be enough."

He purposely said the last sentence very loudly, and even glanced to the side, Chu Qiao laughed secretly, this Gu Ye came at just the right time, he is Gu Jianshe's deadly enemy, for the sake of a man's face, even if Gu Jianshe beat his face to pieces, It must not be said that she ordered too much.

"Then I'm not being polite. I was worried that you didn't have enough money."

Chu Qiao was not polite at all, and beckoned to the waiter again, "One more yam cake and red date cake, um, and some U-turn cake and Shuangniangtuan, let's do this first, and order later if we don't have enough."

"Okay, right away."

The waiter turned to Gu Ye's table again, smiling slightly.

Gu Jianshe snorted softly. He wanted to see what the goods were for. After researching for a long time, Gu Ye found that the things in this place were quite expensive. The cheapest thing was a pot of hot tea for two yuan.

He wanted to make a stand in front of Gu Jianshe, but the money in his pocket was not strong. The two children had gone to the hospital three times this month, and they didn't get paid in half a month, so they had to save some money.

"Have a pot of Longjing."

Gu Ye grinned at the waitress girl. He was handsome and handsome. Although he ordered the cheapest tea, the waitress girl had a good impression of him and smiled shyly. When she went to make tea, put The last Longjing was replaced with a medium one.

Gu Jianshe snorted again, with disdain in his eyes, one of them was poor, Xu Bilian told him that Gu Ye’s salary was not enough to go to the hospital, hmph, from childhood to adulthood, raising other people’s sons like treasures, what is not stupid?

Gu Ye didn't take it seriously, poured two cups of hot tea for the brothers, poured one for himself, and drank it slowly, but kept glancing at Chu Qiao from the corner of his eyes, seeing her with her bangs down, looking like a rustic aunt , but secretly happy in my heart.

This girl was tailor-made for him by God, Gu Jianshe didn't even think about it, and he guessed that Chu Qiao wanted to let go of her bangs, so she probably didn't want to, right?

This guess made him even happier, even the bitter tea made him taste sweet, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, his eyes were full of smiles, and when he got back, he would divorce that bitch Xu Bilian, and he wanted to pursue his wife innocently.

Zhou Dabao took a sip of tea, his mouth shriveled, it was so bitter, it didn't taste good at all, Zhou Xiaobao lay sleepily on the table, not daring to show his face, because he was naked, and the cool old man below, Gu Shuhao He took off his pants mercilessly and refused to go home, so he insisted on coming here for tea.

Dumbfounded when he saw the beautiful sister, he didn't even count how much money was in his pocket, Zhou Xiaobao snorted softly, looked at the sumptuous snacks on the table next to him, and his stomach growled.

I finished eating last night, and now my stomach is empty, Zhou Xiaobao swallowed, and tried to move his eyes away, not to embarrass Uncle Gu, that Gu Jianshe is not a good thing.

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