The lobby on the first floor was so packed that even flies couldn't fly in. It was summer, so many people were crowded together, exuding the smell of sweat. Chu Peng even smelled the smell of garlic and leeks. Do you know anyone who ate garlic and leeks so early in the morning? It was so irritating.

Chu Peng silently retreated outside, took a few deep breaths, and felt better. Then he stood under the tree and silently calculated the losses caused by the murder. He had three apartments in Building 10, and the other five apartments were in the other two buildings, which had less impact.

The biggest losses were in these three houses. This community is a high-end community with very good related facilities. The key is the school district. There are the best elementary schools and junior high schools in Beijing near the community. This is how housing prices are increased.

Chu Peng bought here just for investment. He bought eight units in one go. When he came to look at the houses, he found that the view on the top floor was very good, so he decorated the largest one by himself. He would come to live here occasionally, and when he got tired of living there, he would sell it and buy another one. Make a fortune.

But now that this murder has happened, housing prices will definitely be affected in a few years. There are more than just this community in this area. There are quite a few people to choose from. Chu Peng felt a pang in his heart and his face turned three shades darker. This time The loss was a bit big, it was all that damn murderer's fault, and even cutting him to pieces could not quell his anger.

"It's a pity. The girl who died was only in her twenties. She was quite beautiful. She seemed to work in a foreign company and is often seen in the community. The girl was quite polite. Oh, what a crime."

"I don't know which Thousand Sword Killer did it. He killed a person and then cut his body into pieces. It's so cruel. He's worse than an animal!"

"I just took a look. The smell of blood was too strong. I'm going to have nightmares tonight."

"Not only tonight, I will have nightmares every day from now on, and I will have a bad life." A man sneered.

"That's not a big deal. No matter how scary it is, it will be fine in a few days."

Everyone else nodded, feeling that what the man said before was too exaggerated. Although the murder was terrible, as time went by, the matter was forgotten. How could I have nightmares every day?

The man sneered again and said sarcastically: "It's not scary to kill someone. What's scary is that our house is going to depreciate. Just watch. In three days, the price of the houses in this community will definitely drop. Who dares to buy such a ghost?" It’s a place with several communities around it.”

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone's expressions changed drastically, and their hearts all stung, which hurt more than a knife.

"Ah, I just made a deal with the buyer. I'll pay the deposit tomorrow. I've packed up my things and am ready to move. There won't be any trouble."

Everyone's discussion became louder and louder, shifting from the murder case to housing prices. When they found out that their fixed assets had shrunk by hundreds of thousands, everyone's face turned as black as coal. They hated the murderer deeply and wished they could kill him with a thousand cuts. Cut into pieces, crush the bones and scatter the ashes.

Hearing these people's bitter and resentful comments, Chu Peng felt better. He was not the only one who was unlucky, but when he thought that he had eight houses and others only had one, he felt worse again.

A few police officers came down and the crowd gave way. Some people asked enthusiastically about the case, "Comrade, can the murderer be caught?"

"We will try our best to catch the murderer." The policeman answered accurately.

"Comrade, who is the murderer? What was the reason for the killing? Can you tell me something? We are all very panicked."

"It's not certain yet, so please actively provide any information that may be helpful to the case."

The police came down to find out about the deceased from the neighbors. The deceased was a single girl, graduated from a prestigious university, worked in a foreign-funded enterprise, and had a pretty good income, much higher than that of ordinary working-class people.

They went to the deceased's company to get to know the deceased. The deceased had a cheerful personality and was very popular. He got along well with his colleagues and had no serious conflicts with anyone. There were even very few verbal disputes. But there was something fishy about it. Although the deceased's income was not low, it was not high enough to live in such a luxurious flat. The rent of this house was not cheap, and the deceased could not afford to live there on his salary.

The police also learned that the deceased had been renting for a year, and there were many luxury brand bags, clothes and shoes in the room. It can be seen that the deceased's living standard was quite high during her lifetime, which was completely inconsistent with her income.

Chu Peng listened to the conversation between the police and the residents of the community, and he probably knew for sure. As expected, the murderer should be the boyfriend of the deceased. The residents of the community said that the deceased had a close boyfriend who often stayed over. The man was old. He is a bit big and unattractive, and does not match the appearance of a girl. However, the man should be in good condition, can afford to drive a small car, and does not dress like a poor man.

"I remembered that these two people were always quarreling some time ago. I live downstairs. The noise was quite loud. People below heard it. The man even smashed things, making them crackle."

"I also saw it at the gate. The man dragged the girl and said not to break up. I guess the girl wanted to break up, but the man didn't agree, so they started a quarrel. Oh, comrade police, could it be that this man was out of love? Killed out of hatred?"

Everyone was shocked. Their desire to gossip overcame their fear. They all turned into Sherlock Holmes and analyzed the case. The more they analyzed it, the more they felt that the murderer was that man. If a beautiful single girl like this was suddenly killed, it was most likely a love killing. .

Chu Peng was in a bad mood and was about to go home and lie down for a while. The elevator door opened. Just as he was about to enter, he almost bumped into someone. She was an icy woman. Even in the middle of summer, she could feel as cold as an iceberg.

"Please give way."

The woman's voice was also cold and somewhat familiar.

Standing at the door of the elevator, Chu Peng saw the other person's face clearly. She was an acquaintance, the sister of his good brother and partner Tian Guo, the trigeminal neurologist who worked as a forensic doctor and also wrote horror stories part-time.

He forgot what it was called, but he remembered that it was called Trigeminal Nerve. It was well written. What attracted him most was that he tortured his stupid brother violently in the book. He was very relieved to see it, especially when it was replaced by Tian Guo, which was extremely enjoyable.

"How long will it take to catch the murderer?" Chu Peng asked out of nowhere.

He couldn't wait to see this damn murderer brought to justice.

Tian Tian also recognized the person, who was her brother's partner. It was thanks to this guy's high IQ. Otherwise, how could her brother have managed the company well with his stupid IQ of zero?

Now her stupid brother can afford to buy a villa, drive a luxury car, embrace beautiful women, and live a happier life than the emperor. He should really be grateful to the guy in front of him.

"Catching the murderer is a matter for the Criminal Investigation Department. I am only responsible for the identification of the corpse." Tian Tian said in a businesslike tone.

She will not disclose the contents of the case to anyone until the case is solved.

Chu Peng was a little disappointed. He wanted to hear a more accurate answer, so he asked: "How long will it take for the Criminal Investigation Department to catch the murderer?"

Tian Tian glanced at him, a little surprised, why does this guy care so much about the murderer?


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