"I'm going to the capital in a while. Xiaohao is holding an art exhibition. I'll go and have a look, and Wu Bing will go too."

"When will you come? Your brother-in-law, me, and Xinxin Nao Nao will all go to the capital. Xinxin is going to college here in the capital. We won't go back to Shanghai until school starts." Chu Qiao said happily.

"In another week, let's get together then."

"Okay, I'll wait for you to come over."

Chu Qiao hung up the phone happily. She hadn't seen Qiqi and Xiaohao for a long time. This summer vacation was really lively. They all got together in the capital.

Good news came one after another, and everyone had a good destination. Chu Qiao was very satisfied. This life was so wonderful that she did not come back in vain.

Duan Qiqi looked at the phone and smiled knowingly. She wanted to get rid of her work quickly and go to the capital to meet her eldest sister and her family as soon as possible.

It was late at night, and Duan Qiqi was still working overtime to deal with the case at hand. Wu Bing called and wanted to pick her up.

"What do you want to eat? I'll bring it to you when I come over." Wu Bing's voice was as gentle as ever.

"Let's have some sweet soup."

When Duan Qiqi answered the phone, her expression was very gentle and her smile was beautiful. The two talked for a while before hanging up. Duan Qiqi leaned on the chair, rubbed his sore shoulders, closed the document, and waited for Wu Get sick.

The eldest sister always asked her why it took so long. Even if Wu Bing's sincerity was verified, a few years would be enough, but she delayed it for ten years, and both of them were no longer young.

But she doesn't regret it, because she wants to have the confidence to marry into the Wu family, instead of being said to be a bad luck, Cinderella married into a wealthy family.

A few years ago, she was just an ordinary lawyer without any confidence. Marrying into the Wu family like this made her feel uneasy. She didn't want to fight an unprepared battle. Wu Bing loved her, but how long could a man's love last? What about the period?

Even if he was as gentle as Wu Bing, Duan Qiqi wouldn't dare to gamble.

A marriage in which the husband and wife are unequal will not last long, and problems will arise sooner or later.

Duan Qiqi believes that the best state of marriage is for husband and wife to make progress together, support each other, and help each other. Wu Bing can expand her network, and her rich industry experience can solve legal problems for the Wu family's huge business group. It’s about helping each other, and no one is taking advantage of anyone else.

This kind of marriage was what she wanted. Even if Wu Bing fell in love one day and fell in love with someone else, she could still fight for the maximum rights for herself and exit gracefully, and still live a good life.

Now that she is a gold medal lawyer in Hong Kong City, with wealth and status, she and Wu Bing are equal. Now that she is married, the media in Hong Kong City will only say that they are a powerful combination, but will not say that she has climbed up the Wu family. .

It was still more than half a month before the start of school in Cuxianxin. Chu Qiao decided to go to the capital for a family vacation. The houses were ready-made. Chu Peng bought a lot of houses in the capital. Chu Qiao also bought them. They simply decorated them and rented them out, keeping them for herself.

Chu Qiao packed her daughter's luggage. Unlike other girls who packed small bags, Xinxin's luggage was very simple. Apart from a few changes of clothes, there were only some toiletries, cosmetics and skin care products. Xinxin looked like a little fairy. , in fact, I live like a rough guy at heart. I only use Dabao in winter and save face towels in summer. I just rinse with cold water and it’s done. I don’t put on sunscreen when I go out. I also say that sunbathing is healthier. As soon as summer vacation comes, I will be as tanned as a loach. .

But it will turn white after covering it for a winter. Chu Qiao talks about this girl every year, but everyone turns a deaf ear to it. She also says that cosmetics and skin care products are IQ taxes. People who buy these are stupid and have too much money. With that money, it is better to buy delicious food. .

Even if she said it plausibly, even ten Chu Qiao could not describe it to this girl. She was still angry to death, so she didn't bother to say it anymore. She thought that she would realize that she loves beauty when she gets older, but she is still young now.

However, now that she is 18, this damn girl is still so rough. Chu Qiao has completely given up. Just be rough, as long as you are in good health. It is a military academy anyway, so there is no need to compare beauty.

"Don't follow your own temper when you're alone outside. You should get along more with your classmates in the dormitory. If it's not a conflict of principle, just tolerate it. Don't get into fights with others. You should also help classmates who have difficulties in life. I heard you. without?"

Chu Qiao babbled, saying that her son had traveled thousands of miles and her mother was worried. Although she was very independent, she had not left home for the past eighteen years and would have to live in the capital by herself in the future. She could not relax because she was afraid of this girl's temper. It's too stinky and I can't get along with my classmates.

"I know, I'm not a robber, and I get along well with my classmates."

Xin Xin listened impatiently. Her mother had said these words countless times. She was not a three-year-old child, so there was no need to nag her ears every day.

"Yes, you are not a robber, you are a bandit!"

Chu Qiao rolled her eyes angrily. She didn't know the bad temper of this damn girl. From elementary school to junior high school and high school, she had been the school's bully every year. Even her male classmates couldn't beat her. She was just a female bandit.

Xinxin flattened her mouth and stopped talking. She went in with one ear and out with the other. Anyway, when she went to the capital, the sky was high and the emperor was far away, so her mother would no longer be able to nag her.

"One more important thing is that you can't fall in love prematurely. You are going to school, so don't do this mess." Chu Qiao thought of something very important and her expression became serious.

Xinxin couldn't help but roll her eyes. She didn't want to have sex with men. None of the men she liked now were women who kept mumbling and were like chickens, but they couldn't beat her.

Chu Qiao changed the topic, "Of course, if you really have a boy you like, you must not hide it from your dad and me. You must tell your family that your dad and I need to check the boy's situation. Do you hear me?"

"Mom, please don't worry, I don't like men, and I have to live alone for the rest of my life."

"Your idea is too extreme. You will definitely get married when you reach the appropriate age. Not all men are bad. You can't beat them to death with a stick... Hey, where are you going? I haven't finished talking yet!"

"I'll just follow my dad's approach from now on. Okay, I'll go find my classmates to play with!"

Xinxin ran away, and if her mother continued to nag her, it would be dark, so she might as well go out and play.

"Come back early and don't eat at other people's homes."

Chu Qiao ran to the door and shouted, and Xinxin's voice came from the distance: "I know!"

There was no sound soon. Chu Qiao shook her head and continued to pack her luggage. She was not too worried that Xinxin would suffer a loss. This girl had a bad temper and was good at fighting. Ordinary men really couldn't bully her.

Two days later, the whole family left for the capital. The tickets were booked by Chu Qiao. She booked two flights, one for her and Xinxin, and one for Gu Ye and Nao Nao. The difference was an hour.

"Why are you going to all this trouble? It's great for the whole family to take a trip, and it's not like we have no tickets." Gu Ye complained.

Chu Qiao rolled her eyes, "You know what the heck, you can't put eggs in one basket, haven't you heard this? Anyway, you take Nao Nao and leave first, and wait for us at the airport. It will only take an hour, so it will be quick." "

Every time the family goes out, she books two flights. In this way, if something happens, at least the whole family will not be wiped out. There is nothing wrong with being careful.


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