80s: Daughter-in-law Is Sweet and Sassy (My 80's Wife Is Sweet And Cool)

Chapter 926: Chu Peng’s extra story—My son is not a top student

Tian Tian is pregnant, and both she and Chu Peng are a little at a loss. Neither of them likes children. They really can't imagine what it will be like if there are multiple children in the family.

It must be a complete mess, like a world war.

Just thinking about it gave me a headache, but it was not possible to take away the child. After all, it was a small life. Tian Tian and Chu Peng discussed seriously all night and finally decided to give birth to the child.

"Hire a nanny, if one is not enough, hire two or three." Chu Peng thought of a good idea. He felt that 99% of the things in this world can be solved with money, and it is not a big problem.

The child was born, a very beautiful boy who combined the advantages of his parents. He was so beautiful that the doctor couldn't help but praise him, saying that this child was the most beautiful since she delivered him.

Chu Qiao specially went to the capital to see the child. The child was easy to take care of and was quiet. He would cry when he was hungry and sleep when he was full. Tian Tian and Chu Peng both breathed a sigh of relief and felt that the child was actually quite easy to take care of. It's not as exaggerated as others said.

"She's so beautiful. Her eyes are like mom's, and her mouth and nose are like dad's. Have you chosen a name yet?"

Chu Qiao hugged her nephew and refused to let go. He was so cute. The two children at home were older and not cute at all. He wanted to beat him when he saw her.

Chu Peng and Tian Tian shook their heads together and did not bother to take it.

"Take your time with your name, you have to choose a nickname, so hurry up." Chu Qiao said.

So, three minutes later, the child's nickname was announced. Tian Tian chose Curly Hair because the little guy's hair was a bit curly. The child had thick curly hair when he was born, just like his father.

Chu Peng modified it and said, "Call it Juanjuan, or Maomao?"

"Let's roll it up."

The couple reached an agreement and decided on the child's nickname, Juan Juan. It only took three minutes.

Chu Qiao twitched the corner of her mouth. These parents are too irresponsible, but Juan Juan sounds pretty good.

"Daimyo, you can't be so casual, you have to be careful!"

Chu Qiao told the couple, then teased Juanjuan, "My Juanjuan will definitely be good at studying in the future. Your parents are both good at studying. Even if you study casually, you can still get the first place in the exam."

Chu Qiao was fascinated by his nephew's learning ability. No matter who he resembled, he could never be bad at studying. He was definitely a fighter among academics.

Chu Peng and Tian Tian thought the same way. There was no guarantee that this child would have no problem with his IQ.

Ten years later, Juanjuan became a glorious third-grade primary school student. He also had a younger brother, Maomao, who was three years younger than him and was a first-grade student. The two brothers were in the same school.

When Tian Tian gave birth to her second child, she quit her job as a forensic doctor, concentrated on writing at home, and took care of the child with Chu Peng. The two originally thought it would be OK to leave the child to a nanny, but they could not give it back when the child went to school. The task of tutoring and tutoring two children with a nanny is no small matter, it is no easier than going to work.

So, for the sake of world peace, the couple decided to take turns tutoring their children, one person tutoring the other for a day, which can effectively avoid the risks of heart disease and high blood pressure.

Chu Peng received a message from the math teacher in the class group, which was today's homework.

"Parents please check your children's homework carefully, revise it and sign it!"

The teacher's messages are like a cold robot, sending messages routinely every day.

Chu Peng frowned and walked out of the study. He saw his eldest son Juan Juan doing his homework. He would bite the tip of the pen after writing a few words, and then he would write again. The child had bitten off the eraser on each pencil tip.

"Don't bite the end of the pencil. Have you done your math homework?" Chu Peng asked seriously.

"it is done."

Juanjuan didn't dare to look up at his father, his voice was very low, and he took out the math homework from the side. Chu Peng opened it and looked at it. The handwriting was very neat, and the homework was full.

"Yes, Not Bad."

Chu Peng's brows relaxed a little. The boss had never practiced calligraphy specifically, but his handwriting was very neat and his strokes were very good.

Juanjuan's eyes flashed, feeling a little guilty, and his head lowered.

Chu Peng signed his name in a flash and patted the boss's head gently, "Sit up straight and don't keep your head down!"


Juan Juan quickly raised his head and sat upright.

"When your Chinese and English homework is done, sign it for me." Chu Peng asked.

When checking homework, he only looks at whether the handwriting is neat, never whether it is right or wrong. This is the teacher's job, and he cannot take away the teacher's job.

Juan Juan agreed, and couldn't help biting the tip of the pen, but Chu Peng slapped it away. He mustered up the courage to ask, "Dad, I want to learn to draw."

"I'll find you a teacher later."

Chu Peng agreed. There are not many courses for primary school students now, and the subject of interest is still acceptable.

"Thank you dad."

Juanjuan was extremely happy, his big black eyes sparkled like gems, and his delicate little face was as beautiful as a doll. Chu Peng patted him on the head and went back to the study to continue working.

Tian Tian brought her youngest son Maomao home. Maomao was learning fencing, but Juanjuan didn't like it. Chu Peng and Tian Tian didn't force the child, and just followed the child's interests.

The next day, Chu Peng's phone vibrated. It was the math teacher who called him, "Dad Chu Kunlin, Chu Kunlin's math homework yesterday included twelve questions. Ten of them were wrong and only two were right."

Chu Peng frowned, feeling a little heavy in his heart. Juan Juan really didn't have any talent in mathematics. He was okay in Chinese and English. He could barely cope with mathematics in the first and second grade, but he couldn't keep up in the third grade. Both he and Tian Tian I don't understand how this child could be so bad.

Finally he thought of the reason. It must be his nephew Xiao Gu. Chu Qiao didn't understand it when he was in school.

Although they were a little disappointed, after all, they were their own children and couldn't be thrown away. Chu Peng and Tian Tian also thought about it. If they couldn't do math, they would study liberal arts. As long as they were not mentally retarded, they would definitely be able to learn it.

The math teacher was still beeping, "Dad Chu Kunlin, you have to pay close attention to your child's study and don't take it lightly. Chu Kunlin's math is not very good and he can't keep up with the curriculum. He gets many simple questions wrong. Every day I They all say that you should carefully check your children’s homework, Chu Kunlin’s father, you have to take responsibility for your children’s learning!”

In addition, the math teacher named several other parents who did not check their homework properly. The other parents kept saying good things and explained the reason, which was because they came home too late after working overtime and did not have time to check their homework. Will check carefully in the future.

"The child is yours, and the attitude of the parents is very important. If the parents treat the child casually, it will be difficult for the child's performance to improve. I hope the parents can cooperate with the teacher." The math teacher once again addressed all the parents.

Then I received replies from all the parents, saying that they would cooperate with the teacher, just like lining up in a queue, neatly.

Chu Peng's eyebrows were twisted into an inverted figure. From kindergarten to university, he had never been criticized by a teacher, and he didn't know what it felt like to be criticized by a teacher. Now that he is a father, he finally feels it.

This feeling of being whipped in public is so damn annoying.

Chu Peng, who had been holding back his anger for three years, couldn't bear it anymore and stopped working. He directly became an Aite mathematics teacher.


Continue tomorrow


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