80s: Daughter-in-law Is Sweet and Sassy (My 80's Wife Is Sweet And Cool)

Chapter 932: We have a way out, the lawsuit must be fought

Tian Tian simply parked the car on the side of the road and said seriously: "Juan Juan is very smart, but he's just not good at math. But Juan Juan draws beautifully, learns the piano quickly, and your handwriting is very beautiful." , these are things other children can’t do, Juan Juan, everyone’s talent is different, your talent is not in mathematics, but you are definitely a smart kid, mom doesn’t lie.”

Juan Juan's eyes lit up and he asked suspiciously: "Mom, are you coaxing me?"

Tian Tian smiled, "Of course not, let's take your dad as an example. He is very good at math, but he can't play the piano. Juan Juan can play it after listening to his mother a few times, but your dad can't play it after listening to it a hundred times. , do you think dad is stupid?”

"Dad is so smart." Juanjuan shook his head vigorously, and his aunt said that his father was very good at studying and was the top scorer in the college entrance examination.

"But dad can't play the piano, he can't draw, and he can't dance, but that doesn't affect his intelligence, right?" Tian Tian asked step by step.

Juan Juan nodded. His father must be very smart. Even if he can't play the piano, he is still a smart father. The little guy's belief in his father has never wavered.

Tian Tian patted his head gently, "Everyone is smart in different ways. Dad's smartness is different from Juan Juan's smartness. Juan Juan's smartness is also different from his younger brother's. But one thing is the same, you guys They are all smart children, very smart. Even if they fail in math, it will not affect Juan Juan’s intelligence. Remember?”

Juan Juan nodded vigorously, his eyes became brighter again, and the self-blame in his heart disappeared. It turned out that he was a smart child, his mother would not lie, and he was no longer a fool.

After comforting the child, Tian Tian restarted the car. She had to go back and discuss with Chu Peng how to teach the school a lesson. The math teacher looked confident, which showed that the school had this kind of atmosphere, and it would be useless to arrest just one math teacher.

Chu Peng was also idle at home. He went to the company's legal affairs department and consulted about the matter. The legal affairs department said that it would be fine to file a lawsuit, but if it really got serious, Juan Juan would have to transfer schools, and schools in the capital, even private schools, might Volumes will not be accepted.

After all, the education system is integrated. The prickly-tongued parents will definitely be blacklisted. If there is a lawsuit, the brothers Juanjuan and Maomao will definitely be blacklisted by the education system. The two children may have no choice but to study abroad.

"Mr. Chu, it is not difficult for you to go to school abroad, or go to Hong Kong City, but if you still want your children to go to school in the capital, I suggest you do it privately. I can come forward for you. Let the school fire that math teacher,” the lawyer suggested sincerely.

He is not optimistic about lawsuits. He is just trying to create a stalemate. Even if he wins the lawsuit, he will still lose.

"let me think again."

Chu Peng didn't look good. He didn't expect that the lawsuit would not be fought. It was not difficult to go to Hong Kong City to go to school. He could go at any time, but he always felt a bit pessimistic and aggrieved.

The door opened, and Tian Tian and the two children came back. Seeing Chu Peng sitting on the sofa and sulking, Tian Tian asked, "Did you lose your investment?"

The only thing that can make this iron cock angry is money.

"I've earned it. Go to the study and I'll tell you something."

Chu Peng got up and went to the study. He had to discuss with Tian Tian whether to fight the lawsuit and how to fight it.

Tian Tian asked the two children to do their homework, then went to the study room. Seeing Chu Peng's serious expression, he felt nervous.

"Look at this, this teacher is so outrageous. There are still four years left in elementary school. I can't stand it."

Chu Peng took the screenshots of today's conversation with the teacher and opened them one by one for Tian Tian to open.

After Tian Tian finished reading, he also took out his mobile phone and asked Chu Peng to listen to the recording.

After listening to the recording, the couple looked at me and I looked at you, and then asked in unison: "What do you think we should do?"

"Sue this teacher and ask him to apologize to Juan Juan!" Tian Tian said firmly.

In the past, this math teacher must have treated Juan Juan specially. Juan Juan was sensitive and delicate, and rarely spoke out what was on his mind. He kept it in his heart. If she didn't pick it up today, Juan Juan would definitely not talk about it. The child's heart was once in a while. If you get hurt every time, over time, you may develop mental illness.

Her son was coldly abused by the teacher, and she must seek justice for her son. The teacher must apologize if he does something wrong. There is nothing condescending about it.

Chu Peng paraphrased what the lawyer said, "He said it's best not to force him, otherwise Juan Juan will probably have to go to school in Hong Kong City."

Tian Tian frowned. What the lawyer said made sense. The education system was indeed unified.

Chu Peng added: "The lawyer said that he can let the school fire the math teacher, and he will not offend the education system without making a big fuss."

After saying that, he sighed, feeling heavy in his heart. He originally thought that as long as he had enough wealth, he could achieve freedom in life. As long as he didn't break the law, he could do whatever he wanted.

But now he realizes that he is still too young after all.

As powerful as he is, he can't even defeat a primary school teacher, and he feels so overwhelmed...

"Actually, it's not impossible to go to Hong Kong City to study. Don't you have a house there?" Tian Tian didn't want to compromise too much.

She wanted to declare war on this abnormal education model, and today she and Chu Peng met. They were strong enough, so they were not afraid of the teacher's threat.

But there are still many parents who don't dare to go against the teacher. The math teacher's words, saying that he can't teach his children and asking them to change classes, can control 90% of the parents, even though they are holding back in their hearts. I feel angry, but I still have to nod and bow in front of the teacher, put on a smile and say nice things, just so that my child will not be annoyed at school.

This is the current difficult situation for parents. The company is criticized by the boss. They work overtime to earn money to support the family. They don’t have any rest when they go home. They have to work hard to tutor homework. If they don’t tutor well, they will be criticized by the teacher. They are living a human life. days.

Tian Tian has long been dissatisfied with the current abnormal education model. Even if her personal power is very small, it is still useful. At least the teachers must see the parents' resistance.

At least her children have a way out and don't have to worry about not learning.

Tian Tian continued to persuade: "The quality of education in Hong Kong City is very good. I don't want to let this matter go."

"But if you go to Hong Kong City, you won't be able to see your grandparents very often." Chu Peng reminded.

The reason why the children were sent to school in the capital in the first place was to make it easier to visit the elderly. Tian Tian had a deep relationship with the two elderly people. The elderly are now older and seeing less each day makes him afraid that Tian Tian will regret it in the future.

Tian Tian frowned. She really couldn't bear to leave her grandparents. What should she do?

Do we really need to compromise?

Chu Peng checked on the computer, his eyes lit up, and he said: "You don't have to go to Hong Kong City. There are schools run by Hong Kong City here in the capital. They all adopt the teaching model there. It seems to be called Mingde School. Direct entry from primary school. In high school, you can also take the college entrance examination in Hong Kong City. I’ll go to the school to find out.”


The author wrote it so well. I have been holding in my anger for many years and finally said it. Haha, I really hope that one day, parents can be liberated. I hope it will come soon.


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