"It's not your fault. It's your blessing that Brother Cai has taken a liking to you. You've been raised at home honestly these days. Don't let me go crazy, or I'll break your feet!"

Sun Yinxiu's cursing voice filled the crowded small room. Duan Qiqi covered her brother's ears, not wanting Xiao Hao to hear these dirty words. She pursed her lips tightly and looked indifferent, making it difficult to tell what she was thinking.

She had seen that Brother Cai, who was a desperado and had committed many crimes in Hong Kong City. Such people would die sooner or later. She would definitely not end well if she followed this bandit. Whether she could survive or not was a question.

After scolding Sun Yinxiu for a while, she went out to have fun. She was not worried at all that Duan Qiqi would run away. This damn girl missed sick Yangzi the most. As long as sick Yangzi was at home, dead girl couldn't run far away. Brother Cai promised her that as long as sick Yangzi If he agrees, he will give her a large amount of money, which will be enough for her to live happily for a while.

After she left, Xiao Hao looked at his sister worriedly, his pale face becoming more and more pale. He knew that with his sister's ability, he would definitely be able to escape, and it was all because of him that he was dragging her down.

"It'll be okay, go to sleep."

Duan Qiqi smiled nonchalantly, filled a basin of water, and wiped her brother's body. She was very anxious inside. In fact, she was not sure at all. Brother Cai killed people without blinking an eye, so she couldn't resist at all.

But she was not willing to give in to Brother Cai. Duan Qiqi didn't want to give in easily. There must be other ways out.

"Sister, you go back to your hometown." Xiao Hao said.

As long as she returns to her hometown, her sister will be safe. A waste like him is not worth her sister's time here. Anyway, he won't live long and he can't drag her down anymore.

Duan Qiqi felt a pain in his heart and scolded: "What nonsense are you talking about? My hometown is not as good as here. Don't think nonsense, I will be fine."

Xiao Hao stopped trying to persuade him and closed his eyes to fall asleep. He knew very well that his sister would definitely not abandon him, but he really didn't want his sister to die because he had followed that brother Cai. That robber had no humanity and his sister would die.

Seeing that Xiao Hao was breathing steadily, Duan Qiqi also went out. She had to go find food. Sun Yinxiu never cared about the life and death of her and her brother. In these years, she had taken care of her brother, picking up garbage and stealing things. In order to survive, she would do anything. Did it.

As soon as the door closed, Xiao Hao opened his eyes. His weak body was panting even when he got out of bed. He had actually thought about what to do next for a long time, but he had never been able to make up his mind. He couldn't let go of his sister.

Now he is still reluctant to let go, but he must do it. He can't drag his sister down anymore.

Xiao Hao left a note and stuffed it under his sister's pillow. When he straightened up, he felt dizzy and almost fell down. He was so weak that it was difficult to even walk. Xiao Hao took a few steps. After resting for a few minutes, he slowly walked downstairs like a snail, and finally reached the road. Xiao Hao was already sweating profusely and almost collapsed, relying entirely on his thoughts to hold on.

Looking at the busy traffic on the street, Xiao Hao's head became even more dizzy. Since he became ill, he rarely goes out and spends most of his time lying in bed. When the sun is good, his sister will take him out to bask in the sun. He rarely goes out alone. Very pitiful.

Xiao Hao let out a long breath. It doesn't matter if he doesn't know the road. He's not going out for fun. As long as he has a car, it's fine. But he has to choose an expensive car. He can't die worthless. His sister has taken care of him for so many years. He had to do something for his sister.

Duan Qiqi came back, with wounds on her face and body. But she had a good harvest today. She snatched a rich lady's bag, which contained a lot of money. Unfortunately, someone robbed a lot of it and she was beaten. Fortunately, She hid some money in advance, which was enough for her and her brother to eat for half a month.

But Xiao Hao was not at home, and the bed was empty. Duan Qiqi ran downstairs in a panic, asked around, ran along the path Xiao Hao took, and came to the downtown area. He saw a large group of people and police cars in front of him. , her heart instantly sank to the bottom, and she frantically pushed through the crowd and squeezed in.

There was a pool of blood on the ground, and Duan Qiqi's eyes went dark. She forced herself to calm down. It must not be Xiaohao. She comforted herself, her eyes slowly moved to the side, and a man's voice came to her ears: "Sir, it's really not good. It’s none of my business, this kid ran out on his own, and many people saw it, I already stepped on the brakes, but still didn’t avoid it, it’s really unlucky!”

It's a child...

Duan Qiqi was even more panicked. She had never been so panicked before. Her mind stopped thinking and went blank. She didn't dare to look at the body next to the blood stains. She was afraid of seeing the truth that she was afraid of.

“I don’t know whose family this little boy belongs to, alas!”

"It's true that this child ran over by himself. He looked like he didn't want to live anymore. What a crime!"

"The driver is also unlucky to encounter such bad luck."

The crowd's comments reached Duan Qiqi's ears. Her face became paler and her heart became colder and colder. Could a boy who didn't want to live be Xiaohao?

Duan Qiqi bit her lower lip hard, the smell of blood was in her mouth, and she finally calmed down. She took a few steps closer and saw the body, lying face down, but the back was very familiar to her. She had taken care of it. My brother of twelve years!

"Xiao Hao..."

Duan Qiqi murmured, her body was cold and she was trembling involuntarily. A policeman noticed something was wrong with her and asked, "Do you know the deceased?"

"It's my brother!"

Duan Qiqi's expression was dull, and tears suddenly flowed out. The policeman sighed and said, "Go through the formalities with us."

The clothes of the two siblings looked like they were from the slums, and they were probably from black families. The police also understood why Xiao Hao wanted to die. The black families living in the slums could not see the sun, and even living was a luxury.

The police were quite enthusiastic and did not question Duan Qiqi's identity. They also helped her go through the procedures for identifying the body. They probably felt sorry for Duan Qiqi. The police were busy the whole time. Duan Qiqi was like a walking zombie, following behind the police. She did whatever the police asked her to do without saying a word and she shed all her tears.

"Is there no adult in your family?" A policewoman bought fast food and stuffed it for Duan Qiqi. Seeing her like this, she felt very sorry for her. She didn't know what the child's parents were doing, letting such a young child deal with his brother's death. It was too much. So cruel.

Duan Qiqi shook her head, her eyes as empty as an abyss. The policewoman sighed, "There are always so many unfortunate people, and she can't help them. At most, she can only buy a box lunch."

"Eat, be strong, and live well!"

The female police officer gave some advice and went to work.

Duan Qiqi had no appetite, but she still finished the lunch without a grain of rice left. The policewoman was right, she must live to avenge her brother.

It was Sun Yinxiu who forced her brother to death, and she would make this woman pay with her life.

Holding Xiao Hao's ashes, Duan Qiqi returned to the small house. Sun Yinxiu hadn't come back yet. It was already dark. She turned on the light. She was the only one in the house. The narrow space was filled with a bone-deep cold. Looking at the empty bed where Xiaohao usually slept, Duan Qiqi shed tears again. From now on, she would be alone.

She has no relatives in this world.

She has completely become a rootless duckweed.


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