80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1019: Mr Duck Butt

Zhu Wei wanted to use the same trick in front of Meimei, exaggerating his English name, and looked at Meimei expectantly, hoping to see the same envious eyes on her as other girls. (..)

Meimei almost couldn't help laughing when she listened to this short gentleman's broken English.

Allen was pronounced "duck butt" by him. Was this Ying taught by the duck seller?

"Mr. Zhu's Ying is really special!" Mei Mei sarcastically said.

The look in this guy's eyes made her very unhappy, and his words naturally brought a bit of emotion.

Zhu Wei was stunned for a while, didn't understand what Meimei meant, thought she was complimenting her goodness, and couldn't help laughing complacently, he knew that the girls in the inland were all buns, and they were really deceiving.

"I graduated from the University of Cambridge in the UK, and I teach you authentic Oxford English. If Miss Zhao wants to learn, I can teach you!" Zhu Wei looked at Meimei fascinatedly.

"Cough cough..."

Meimei hurriedly stretched out her hand to cover her mouth and swallowed the laughter that came to her mouth. After all, she was Aunt Tu's guest, so she still wanted to give Aunt Tu face!

Xiao Se studied at Cambridge University. With a talented academic like her, she did not dare to be naughty when she entered Cambridge. She learned to write theories honestly, or she would not graduate.

Does this pig brother really know no one from the inland?

"No need, let's get down to business, what is the intention of Mr. Zhu?" he said seriously.

Zhu Wei is a little disappointed, the little beauty doesn't follow the routine!

Maybe he hasn't heard of Cambridge University, it doesn't matter, he has a way, this time he not only has to sign the book, but also hold the beauty back!

Although Brother Pig is wretched and annoying, he is still a good businessman. He proposed to buy Meimei's publishing rights in Southeast Asia for 15 years.

In fact, even if Zhu Wei scored four or six points, Meimei would not agree.

However, this pig brother can use it to put pressure on Lin Zhenguo, and she has bigger plans. Lin Zhenguo is an excellent partner.

Meimei put forward her three requirements as usual, exactly the same as what she said to Mr. Lin yesterday.

Zhu Wei's face darkened, this little beauty really dared to speak!

Five or five?

Only for three years?

And the publishing house has no right to speak to the work?

Even local writers in Hong Kong would not dare to be so arrogant, unless they are famous writers~www.readwn.com~ But this Zhao Mei is just a rookie, and she is from the inland side, where did she get the confidence?

Zhu Wei saw the unparalleled and beautiful face in the corner of his eyes, his mind changed, and he said with a dry smile: "Miss Zhao's requirements are really too harsh and unprecedented, the time limit can be changed to ten years by me, and the third point is absolutely impossible. As a famous writer like Mr. Gu Long, he will listen to the opinion of the publishing house with an open mind, but this five or five points can still be negotiated, as long as Miss Zhao..."

Having said this, Zhu Wei paused and looked at Meimei meaningfully.

"What kind of negotiation?"

Meimei saw the deep meaning in Zhu Wei's eyes, and instead of anger, he smiled. The flowery smile made Brother Pig's heart rippling, and his soul didn't know where it went.

"We have to discuss this matter carefully, or should I invite Miss Zhao to eat western food?"

Zhu Wei secretly rejoiced, the little beauty seems to be intentional!

"Okay, I haven't eaten Western food yet. Today, with Mr. Duck Rump's light, I have also seen a medium-rare steak. What does it taste like!" Meimei smiled even more happily.

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