80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 101: disagree

Wu Mei's heart sank, but she didn't want to give up. In her previous life, she didn't learn how to draw for a long time, and her basic skills were not solid at all. Yan Mingshun and the others would think she was good at drawing only if they were laymen. .

"I like to draw, I want to learn." Wu Mei's voice increased, and he bravely looked at He Biyun.

He Biyun was stunned for a while. In her impression, it was the first time that the youngest daughter looked at her like this. She used to keep her head down. She looked at the delicate facial features of Wu Mei, and she was really good-looking. .

When it was just born, it was less than four pounds, not much bigger than a little mouse. Because it was held in the stomach for too long, the face was blue, and the sound of crying was like that of a kitten. This child can't be supported anymore. She was unable to protect herself at that time, and she was dizzy. She slept more and woke less often.

Wu Zhengsi was busy all the time. He specially invited an experienced aunt to take care of the child at home. In summer, he used a blanket to wrap the child tightly. After covering it for two months, it was considered stable. It was almost the same, so she took over the child with joy. How could she not love the child she gave birth to?


Two consecutive thunderbolts struck.

There was a dazzling cinnabar mole between Wu Mei's eyebrows. It was hard for her not to see it. He Biyun's heart was as disgusting as eating cow dung.

She has worked so hard to give birth to a daughter, but she has the same beauty mole as that fox spirit, and even her appearance looks a bit similar, how can He Biyun not get tired of it!

That's okay, a bigger thunderbolt is still to come. He Biyun overheard Wu Zhengsi's conversation with Mrs. Wu by chance, and it was her body that she was talking about. Because of postpartum hemorrhage, she could no longer have children in the future.

He Biyun fainted when this thunderbolt hit him. Although both her father-in-law and her mother-in-law are literate people, they still prefer sons to daughters. On the face of it, they are very good. The grandchildren are all the same, but Wei Qiuyue, sister-in-law, is not because she gave birth to two children. Son, can you eat in front of your in-laws?

She originally wanted to have another child every two years, but the birth of Wu Mei completely broke her thoughts. Since then, He Biyun had a grudge against Wu Mei, and she couldn't like it anymore.

Furthermore, she didn't know what was going on, she always felt that Tong Wu Mei was not as close to Wu Yue, as if there was a layer of veil, and with Wu Yue's later insidious provocation, He Biyun became more and more Not waiting to see Wu Mei, seeing her like an enemy, the mother-daughter relationship is getting weaker and weaker.

The disgust in He Biyun's eyes was obvious, and Wu Mei's heart was bitter, and he slightly moved his eyes away.

"I think you're just looking for an excuse not to study, right? What can you do if you learn painting? Could it be that you can still be a master in the future?"

He Biyun looked sarcastic.

Of course Wu Mei never thought of becoming a master, but He Biyun's contemptuous tone stabbed her, and she shouted in dissatisfaction, "You think I can't be a master anymore? When Mr. Zhang Daqian was a child, no one knew that he would become a master in the future. Master's."

"Oh yo, I'm going to die of laughter, there will be a master in our family in the future, Lao Wu, have you heard? You will be the father of the master in the future, tsk tsk tsk, your ambition is not small, and you can take all the exams. If you fail, what kind of master are you?

He Biyun smirked, exaggeratedly, and satirized Wu Mei.

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