80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1032: not afraid of conspiracy

Meimei was still in a dream and Yan Mingshun was kissing me and me, and the spring dream was boundless, but her face was itchy, and her nose was so itchy that she just wanted to sneeze.

"Qiuqiu, don't be noisy, let my sister sleep a little longer..."

Meimei was reluctant to wake up from the spring dream, it was the critical time, but waking up was empty.

Qiuqiu angrily put a paw on Meimei's nose, and Meimei woke up after a while, but she didn't catch up with the key point, so she rubbed **** Qiuqiu's body.

"What time is it, are you still in the mood to have a spring dream? Your second uncle and second aunt are going to sell you to perverts..."

Qiu Qiu slapped his paw in an angry manner, and when he saw the silvery smile on the corner of his master's mouth, he knew that his master must have had a dream.

Meimei was stunned, what happened to Heliance?

In the past three years, Heliance was quite stable, and he didn't go to the clubhouse. In the past, there were few policies for both men and women, but he suddenly changed his mind and returned to the right, which surprised the people of Kyoto.

It is rumored that Heliance has met 'true love'. In the past three years, he has hidden the 'true love' tightly, adding a bit of mystery.

Mei Mei is not sure if this 'true love' is Mei Shuhan, but Mei Shuhan has rarely shown up in recent years.

Of course she doesn't care about Heliance's true love and life, as long as she doesn't come to provoke her, but now her good second uncle and good aunt are coming to provoke her!

Meimei sneered, Zhao Yingying and Han Suqin had a good plan, but they didn't think about it, how could she be a puppet at the mercy of others?

Meimei is still very satisfied with the attitude of Zhao Yinghua and his wife. As for the rest of the Zhao family, she has no hope.

"Don't worry, there is brother Mingshun, besides I'm not dead, Han Suqin can't help me!"

Meimei was not too worried, she tied her hair and got out of bed neatly, ready to wash and eat.

Zhao Yinghua and Yan Xinya are still the same as before, but there are a few more worries between their eyebrows, and they just pretend they don't know it, and go to school after eating.

I met Wu Yue at the school gate, her face was pale, her eyes were blue and black, she looked listless, different from yesterday's high spirits.

Meimei quickly looked away, kicked a few times quickly, and threw Wu Yue who was walking far away.

Wu Yue looked at the beautiful and happy back of Meimei, bit her lip, and the morning light shone on her body, but she did not feel the warmth, the chill rushed to her limbs from the bottom of her heart, and the tips of her fingers were cold.

Last night, Song Baoliang demanded so much and asked her again and again. She fainted from the pain behind her, and let Song Baoliang do whatever she wanted. As for He Biyun, she didn't move all night.

Wu Yuezao couldn't even get out of bed~www.readwn.com~ The pain between her legs reminded her of the shame last night, and also reminded her that she had lost the most precious virginity of a woman.

She didn't tell He Biyun about it, it was useless to say it, and she had other plans...

Whoever hurts her is no better!

Why is she suffering while others live happily?

And Zhao Mei, a bitch, why is she so happy?

Wu Yue squinted, cold light shot out, and the sneer on his lips was creepy.

Yan Mingda came over on a bicycle. When he saw Wu Yue, he couldn't help but stop, but his toes were just a little bit on the ground, so he lifted it up again, thinking that it would be better to leave quickly. Yueyue has not been with him for three years. After speaking, he didn't dare to make Yueyue angry, so let's avoid it!

"Brother Mingda, I can't walk anymore, can you take me for a ride?"

Wu Yue stopped Yan Mingda, looked at him pitifully, and saw Yan Mingda's heart was full of joy, and Yueyue was willing to talk to him again, that's great!

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