80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1039: eat and go

Han Boyuan changed his mind temporarily. He suddenly didn't want to talk about Han Suqin anymore. He was bleeding a lot today, and he had to get it back no matter what, and most women were cheap. As long as she slept on her body, no matter how strong her temperament was, she would become obedient. post. (..)

Hmph, when he asked Zhao Mei to go east, she would never dare to go west, if he had some more control in his hand——

Like **** photos or something!

The aunt's matter has also been resolved together, so why waste his words!

Her eyebrows held her hands for a while, her eyes were slightly surprised, Han Boyuan's words were a bit unexpected to her, shouldn't she be a lobbyist for Han Suqin?

She thought for a while, and said vaguely, "Let's see when the time comes, to see if I have time."

Han Boyuan was a little disappointed, but he didn't say any more, for fear of causing Zhao Mei's suspicion, he pretended to be aggrieved and said: "I really hope Meimei can participate, I have no relatives or friends here, if you don't come, Meimei, No one celebrates my birthday."

Meimei frowned slightly and rubbed the pimple on her arm lightly. She couldn't stand the big man acting like a woman and acting like a woman. She glanced at the dishes on the table.

"Look at what you said, isn't Ouyang Shanshan your good friend, and I heard that you have a lot of girlfriends in school, how could there be no one celebrating your birthday?"

The goal was achieved, Meimei didn't bother to pretend anymore, and after a few taunts, she dragged the little fat man who still wanted to eat away.

The little fat man smacked his mouth still, and said regretfully, "There are still more than half of the cuttlefish!"

Jiang Xinmei kicked him angrily, "You know what to eat, you'll pay the bill later!"

The little fat man shook his head vigorously. Although he is not bad at the money now, he will definitely not cook it if he takes advantage of it. Besides, for such good dishes, he has to pay for it himself, and the food is not delicious!

Of all the delicacies in the world, only white food is the best!

"Mei Mei, did you deliberately rectify him?" Wu Chao quickly figured it out, licking his big round face to ask.

"Nonsense, I've seen this guy a long time ago, and he's grown into such a jerk, and he pretends to be a handsome young man in front of me all day long. Humph, he doesn't even have a finger on Brother Ming Shun."

Meimei didn't tell the real reason for her rectification of Han Boyuan. Wu Chao and Jiang Xinmei were just outsiders.

Han Boyuan ate the leftovers depressedly~www.readwn.com~ Although he didn't like to eat seafood, he still ate it cleanly. He didn't want to eat such an expensive dish, and he would be sorry for his wallet.

When the waiter collected the bill, Han Boyuan's heart hurt even more. The price far exceeded his budget, and he exclaimed, "Why is it so expensive? We only ordered fifteen dishes!"

Fifteen dishes cost nearly 400 yuan, and Kyoto is still expensive. Are you stealing money?

"Sir, the fifteen dishes you ordered are all seafood that came back early. The taste is delicious and the price is of course higher. Our shop is innocent and genuine, and it is the same price even if the director of industry and commerce comes to eat."

The waiter is neither humble nor arrogant, upright, with mockery in his eyes, as if saying: You dare to come to me as an uncle if you have no money!

Han Boyuan gritted his teeth and handed over the next month's living expenses to the waiter. His heart was bleeding, and his hatred for Zhao Mei was even deeper. This woman must have been intentional.

Then don't blame him for being rude, since this woman is disobedient, he can only take extraordinary measures!

Han Boyuan sneered at the corner of his mouth, determined to win.

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