80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1053: Wu Yue's thoughts

Back in the classroom, Meimei felt the strange eyes from her classmates, and shook her head with a smile.

But she didn't care too much. Anyway, she didn't get close to the classmates in her class, and she didn't even say a word.

Not long after, Yan Mingda returned to the classroom with a swollen face, dodged his eyes when he saw the eyebrows, but lowered his head.

Meimei laughed dumbly. At first glance, she knew that Yan Mingshun had taught him a lesson, but Mr. Yan didn't have such a lot of strength. This kind of feeling of being backed up and being pampered without limit made Meimei very sweet.

Give a late reward, hum!

Ouyang Shanshan also felt the same way. The brain-dead fans who were obsessed with her in the past suddenly became better, and there were always people whispering behind her, and their eyes were dodging.

"No wonder Ouyang Shanshan is able to publish a book. It turns out that her father is in charge of the publishing house, huh... I think she is really capable!"

"Yes, if my father had such a high official, I would definitely be able to publish a book!"

"But Senior Sister Ouyang's chapter is really well written!" True fans support their idols.

"There are so many people in the country, and there are many people who write well. Why is it Ouyang Shanshan's turn to publish a book? It's not because she has a good father!"

"That's right, a good father can save 30 years of struggle, alas... I'm so envious!"


Ouyang Shanshan came out of the toilet, her face blackened into carbon.

Damn Zhao Mei!

When she got home late, Ouyang Shanshan cried to Huang Yulian about the grievances she suffered during the day. Huang Yulian was naturally distressed and her eyes were cruel.

"Shanshan, don't be uncomfortable, Mom will definitely avenge you, just bear with it, the Zhao family will soon be unlucky!"

"How long will it take? I see Zhao Mei's fire now, Mom, you kick her out, I don't want to be in the same school as her..." Ouyang Shanshan cried and made trouble.

Huang Yulian had no choice but to comfort her, how could she have the ability to drive away Zhao Mei, and now Zhao Yinghua is still the number one in Tianjin City, she must not be confrontational, she is not that stupid.

"Shanshan is obedient. Mom has arranged a TV interview for you in two days. You cheer up. As long as you listen to mom, you will definitely live a hundred times better than Zhao Mei in the future!"

Huang Yulian coaxed her for a while~www.readwn.com~ Ouyang Shanshan broke into a smile, looking forward to Zhao Mei's unfortunate time.

She will definitely give Zhao Mei some color by then!

Wu Yue did not go to Wu Zhengsi until after school the next day. She was so embarrassed yesterday, and going there would definitely make Wu Zhengsi dislike it.

The company Wu Zhengsi works for is Jahwa Media Company, which has many popular stars. The boss is Mei Shuhan, but he usually manages it, and Mei Shuhan is very good to him, and he has divided 10% of his shares. , only the dividend is not a small amount.

In the early 1990s, there were very few media companies like this. Mei Shuhan decided to start a media company because of the memory fragments in his dreams. Facts have proved that his decision was very correct. The company made a lot of money.

Wu Yue was dressed very neatly and elegantly, with a white shirt and jeans, and her hair was draped. Because she was wearing a hearing aid, no matter how hot she was, she only had her hair loose.

"Hello, who are you looking for?"

Wu Yue just wanted to push the door of the general manager's office, but was stopped by a charming woman in business attire, smiling politely and estrangedly.

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