80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 105: So is a handsome guy

Xiong Mumu looked at Wu Mei in surprise, this dead girl also lives in the first middle school?

"What's your name? Do you live in the old family building or the new family building?"

"Wu Mei, Wu Gong's Wu, Mei Mei Mei, lives on the second floor of the new family building." Wu Mei answered honestly.

Xiong Mumu raised her eyebrows, crossed her chest with both hands, and looked up and down her eyebrows. Seeing that she was furious, she couldn't help shouting, "What are you looking at? Hurry up and push the cart, I'll rush home for dinner."

"Hey, your appearance has changed, and your courage has grown. Why don't you wear your hair? Obviously you don't look sloppy. Wearing this yellow hair all day long, isn't your brain flooded?" Xiong Mumu gently pulled Wu Mei's hair, his eyes full of interest.

Wu Mei angrily slapped off Xiong Mumu's paw and looked at him suspiciously. It sounded like this guy with a male and female appearance seemed to know her? But she obviously doesn't know this guy!

"You know me? Who are you?"

Xiong Mumu hummed, "My name is Xiong Mumu, the bear of the panda, the one who bathes in the sun."

Xiong Mumu?

This name is very familiar, and this familiar appearance, Wu Mei stared at Xiong Mumu for a while, and after a long time she changed her face, it turned out to be him!

Wu Mei finally remembered why she thought Xiong Mumu was familiar. This guy lived in the same family building as her. Her house was on the second floor, Xiong's house was on the third floor, and Xiong Mumu's parents were both teachers in No. 1 Middle School.

Father Xiong is a chemistry teacher, and mother Xiong is a music teacher. Both husband and wife are very beautiful, handsome men and beautiful women. They are well-known loving couples. The reason why Xiong Mumu is so beautiful is that they are a combination of these two couples. The advantages.

Xiong Mumu is a gifted boy. Even though he is the same age as Wu Mei, he is already in the second year of junior high school. He is in the same school as Wu Yue, in different classes of the same grade, because he has been promoted all the way.

Moreover, this guy is not too gregarious, he likes to be alone, and he can't play with his peers in the family home of No. 1 Middle School. Although Wu Mei and him live in the same building, they have never met.

The reason why Wu Mei felt Xiong Mumu was familiar was because she had seen his photo, two months before her death in her previous life, in a newspaper, the headlines were all about Xiong Mumu.

Because Xiong Mumu committed suicide by cutting his veins, he inserted a hospital infusion tube into the artery on his wrist, and the tube was connected to a bucket at one end, and the blood slowly flowed into the bucket, and he was like falling asleep, and could never wake up again. .

The reason why Xiong Mumu was able to make the headlines was because Xiong Mumu was a very famous musician at that time and had countless fans, and the reasons for his suicide were different and confusing, but many people said that Xiong Mumu committed suicide because of depression.

Wu Mei glanced sympathetically at Xiong Mumu, who was still a young man. He seemed to be very happy now, but why did he have to like men later?

Depression is no wonder!

"Get in the car quickly, why are you so stupid? Do you think I look good?" Xiong Mumu smiled proudly.

Wu Mei got into the back seat of the car and glared at him angrily. For the sake of this guy's death, let him say a few words. Xiong Mumu was thirty-two years old when he died, and he still has twenty years left. lifespan.

His lifespan was shortened by several seconds in just one sentence, and the countdown was counting down every minute. What a pity!

Xiong Mumu didn't get Wu Mei's response, so he was a little unhappy, but after taking a look at Wu Mei's appearance, he was relieved. This dead girl was better looking than him, and he was willing to be defeated.

"What are you doing in the Children's Palace?" Xiong Mumu couldn't help asking.

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